Fitn ess Is Qu a1i t Da 8il Physical Educ alion7 Child' P olly put the kettie on OnQe, ttvo, three I cornes comipany and Out goes nme The fanîiiar rhyme- ran thr-ouglî my hiead in perfect rhîythm with the chiidren's skipping feet on my driveway. It broughit back mernories of crisp atiturnn days and my own childhood- experiences with active play. Much of that vigorous, spontaneouE play is lost to kids today--replaced by computer games, *videos and television (the average Canadian chiid watclîes 26 hours each*week>, and organized, aduit-dominated sport. Even in scho'oi, where over 2.5 million chiidren spend à large part of their day, physicai education remains the subject given* lowest priority in curriculum time in most Canadian schools. CAHPER, the Canadian Association fo r Health, Physicai Education and Recrea tion, is helping to bring physicai educatio n and play back to kids. Together with'Fitness Canada, CAHPER has recognized 69 *lementary and secondary schools from across the country that are offering their students a quality, daily, physical education (QDPE) program. The QDPE Award was officialiy iaunched at CAHPER's 1989 conference in Halifax. Presentations have been made to winning schoois across the country. "Physical education* is NOT athletics, school teams or elite sport Play for a few gifted students," ýxpiains Ian Craigon, director of theé QDPE programn at CAH-PER. "Femaies and males, able-bodied and physicaiiy challenged students alike-they al have the righit and need to be involved in quality, claily physicai education- progranms. .Research lias dernonstrated tlîat a 1)igh-quaiity, daiiy physicai education programn benefiýs Young people's fitniess, healtiî, self-esteerà , social skiiis and jacadenîic performance. But for the clîilclren and youth in the Award-winninc schools, physicai education is play. In a 1986 youth symposium hosted by Fitness.Canada, Young people made an eloquent plea for play. "Young chldren have aii intrinsic need for vigorous play, " said Rhonda Williams, a 17-year-old delegate. *My'parents encouraged me to explore, move and play outside. Now fitness is an important part of nîy if e." Dr. George Sheehan, cardiologist and running guru, echos young people's thoughts about physicaliy active play.- "Physicai education is being revived," says Sheehan, "by bri 'nging play back into its curriculum. " Do you rememnber capture-the-flag, run sheep run and that endless game of scrub baseball? Do you remnember the exhilaration of your first ski run, the freedom of fiying across the ice on your skates, the joy* of tumnbling down a pile of sand? Whether you are six or sixty, heaith and fitness corne orily to those who play hard and 'olten. So quickly, before the mernmory fades, lets go outs e and play with pur.children, Tai to your schoo~ board and priiî ipal about bingig play backi to -ýhysical ýeducatiuji. .Con tact CAHPER at 1600 James-Naismith Drive, Gloucester,, Ontario, M1B 5N4, (613) 748-5622 to find out mýre about the QDPE Award. 'pCORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F'WHITBY WHUTBY-TRANSIT NO0T 1C E I Existing regular service will bu cancelled on: - 19:30 (7:30 p.m.) 19:30 (7:30 p.m.) Effective Monday, February 26, 1990, a "Shuttie Express" service! will be provided from the Whitby GO Train Station. A bus wilI beu waiting after the 20:04 (8:0)4 p.m.), 21:04 (9:04 p.m.), 22,.04 (10.04 p.m.), 23:04 (11:04 p.m.), 00*04 (12:04 arn.), 0104 (1:04 -a.m.) train ýarrivais to take passengers to the transit stop nearest their destination. Drop ofts MiI be made in a clockwise direction starting'on the west side of town. This service will also make pick ups at the Whitby Hospitai at 20:00 (8-00 p.m.) and 21:00 (9:00 p.m.). This service wiII be provided Mond1ay to Saturday. If you have any questions regarding this service, please cali Wh itby Transit at 668-5803. R. A. KUWAHA RA, P. Eng. Director of Public Works Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, Friday 21:00 (9-00 23-.00 (11.00 I AsULSEVC CP E 1 43-30 1 e Se8-26 10 RUS AEUNT2 WErFEYFREEPMSS.WB NFMAYFEMUARY2 I Effective Monday, Fsbruary 26, .19909, EVENING SERVICE wiIl be revised as foliows: - EN T E 1-ý'Plý-ý'ISEL 1