TRE AQUA STAR, which sailed from Whitby harbor -in May to begin a yachting journey to Leningrad, was damaged off the cost of Greenland in Àugust and, is now in Denmark under- going repair before rýsuming the voyage in the spring. Free Pro.. file photo 'ToRussia, with ove Couple sailng to USSR A Toronto couple - Lije and Carolann Sike, left Whiby har- bor in May last year for their 'To Russia With Love' journey to Leningrad in the U.S.S.R. On Aug. 4 the yacht vas rescued from tle Arctic pack ice off the coast of Greenland. Pol- lowing are excerpts from the log of Leslie Sike: UApproxmately 54 miles from the. entrance to Julianhaab I noticed some loose pack ice. I turned on the radar and to my horror it did flot work..I tried everything. It just would flot respond. if ever one needed a radar this was it - icebergs, pack ice, fog and a rocky shore. «The Greenland Ice Reconnai- sance was contacted and reques- ted Aqua Star's position. r several minutes the radio opera- tor returned with a course thst we should steer - te a -place called, Arsuk, about 90 miles north, indicating we would not have any problemns withioe.. "The weather deteriorated and climbed the Beaufort scale towards a full gale, touching on storm from the southeast. Our main sail ripped away from the mast and we were running.8 knots under bare poles. Aftr seven day s at sea we were exhausted. As time wenp by ! noticed more and mor4 ce ana around 4 p.m. we had a difficuit turne finding open water. I star- ted te doubt the information given us by the Ice Reconnai- sance. Then the horror began. Aqua Star hit the edge of the ice and began te be battered by the tumblingÈ pans and growlers ...sFhe feli off a wave ojite a rock hard slab of glÉcial ice and the B&G depth sounder was punched up through the floor board and a geyser of water started flooding inte, the boat.» "I had te, make a crucial deci- sion te calJulianhaab radio and let then know our situation. They indicated that the weather was only going te et worse and so, theyp ut out a 1eIY-AY cal for us. I was able te give them our position before the stub mast went with the Sat-Nav antenna atep. This massacre went on until m'idnighit, wen finally a Danish trawrier: the Polar Nanoq, found us and teok Aqua Star under tew te the Port of Fr&- derikshaab ( Paamiut). "For many reasons it was im- possible te, make the neccessary repaira te Mqua Star in Green- land. It wasnecessary te, get te, Gothab (Nuuk) the capital city in order te find a crane big enough te lift Aqua Star out. After a month i Paamiut and many disappointments, we were for- tunate in finding a vessel -which towed Aqua Star te Nuuk (200 miles further north). But, the difficulties experienced in Paa- mint were two--fold in Nuuk. «We felt like yoyos - up one day with anticipation, and down the next, as our hopes were squashed. We thought we would, have te salvage what we could of Aqua Star and forget our dreain. But finally, after a nerve-wrack- ing two mnonths, with help from the gvernment of Greenland, friends and sup porters ( people who.believe in us); and because of Our own p erserverance, Aqua Star departèd Greenland on board the Nuka Ittuk for Den- mark. "We must continue this expedi- tion. We can't give up. ..there are so0 many people depending on us...we can t let them down. We are determined and dedicated te our purpose and the goal that we have set for ourselves. Leslie and Caroline are now living aboard Mqua Star in the quaint and lovely tewn of Midde- Denmark, working des- perately t restere Aqua Star. Aqua Star wil1 be ready in the spring of 1990 te set sail for Leningrad - on schedule. Mussels mystery solved off [lie market. Working round the dlock, the team l'le intensive few days' work inii ook 104 hours to isolate and wliich a smiall arny of' scientisýis identil'y the toxic coimpound. dleterninied %vlat wvas catising tuie Most of* the 106 roisonintg poisom:îngs is' now considered one vici ilms avle 110% completely of' Iie greatest detective stories recovered. But about 22 of' thcmi in the lhistory of* (anadian scienice. Nverc scrious1% ,iii, and a fcs% have j Mnistry crackdown FROU PAGE 32 Both buyers and sellersà were charged in the operation. Charges have been laid by the ministry under the ýGame and Fish Act the federal Fisheries Act and l~e Trespass te, Property Act. Under the Gaine and Fish Act, 286 charges have been laid For hunting in a closed season, hunt- mng from a vehicle, hunting at night, using inadequate and ille- gai firearma, wounding and fail- ing te retrieve animaIs, violating fisingr,.egulations, discharging firearmis across or on roada9, and driving with a loaded gun'in a vehicle. lIn addition, 21 people have been charged with selling or buyinig venison. One retail butcher shop is included in the charges. The four charges under the Grimin 1 Code involve carelesa use of fii-earns.~ The 22 charges under the Trespass te Property Ast involve enteringp remises when entry is prohibite. Two charges under the federal Fisheries Act relate te illegal snagging of fiali and taldng lake trout durinig t'he closed season. been left with soine Ios o e nîemory. FROM PA CE 2 0 Ontario's submission called upon the CRTC te, establish a public process for the development of custemer service standards. S"An open consultative process involving die CRTC, the public and other interested parties would help ensure cable service of hifh quality at reasonable and affordale rates," said Hart. The broadcasting and cable branch of the Ministry of Culture and Commuinications represents the interests df Ontario in mat- ters related 1 te broadcasting cable television and other distri- bution technologies. Although CRTC public hear- ings are part of an ongoing pro- cess, this is the first opportunity since 1986 for the ministry te make recommendations on cable rate ýregulation. W ITBY FRE MESS, WSDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1990, PAGE 33 ~ WHITBY GIRLS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATIfON, 500 Victoria St. W., Whitby Dates: Sat., February 24, 1990 Sat., March 3, 1990 Time: 9:OOam - 1:OOpm Pre-registration Forms Are Available Any girls 18 & under interested in Midget Rep Bail, please cail Rosemary, Theriault. President: Roseniary Theriault 666-3636 Vice Pres.: Joanne Johnston 666-4055 Secretary: Sandra Koisteren 668-8425 Registrar: Rob Olenick 666-2858 WHITBY IROQUOIS SOCCER CLUB REP TEAM TRYO UTS If you are interested in trying out for one of the 1990 Outdoor Rep Teamns,cai the contact for y'oùr age group. Team Year Born Contact Phone Boys U-1 0 1980 G. Rainey 666-0701 Boys U-1 1 1979 P. Lambert 430-2157 Boys U-1 2 1978 i. Burns 668-7159 Boys U-13 1977 D. Whyte 666-7483 Boys U-ý1 4 1976 D. Gardiner 668-3702 Boys U-1 5 1975. D. Whyte 666-7483 Boys U-1 6 1974 M. Sookdeo 666-2821 Girls U-1O 1980 J. Roy 668-6613 Girls U-,12 1978/79. Coach wanted 668-9549 Girls U 14 1976/77 Coach wanted 668-9549 Girls U-i 6 1974/75 J. Neiliy 668-5655 M'MINO Day Friday Saturday Friday Saturday Friday Saturday Friday Saturday R EGISTRATION Date Time! Location Feb. 16 Feb. 17 Feb. 23 Feb. 24 Mar. 2 Mar. 3 Mar. 9 Mar. 10 6:OOp.m. to 7:0Op.m. 9:30a.m. to 2:OOp.m. 6:0Op.m. to 9:30a.m. to 2:OOp.m. 6:OOp.m. to 9:0Op.m. 9:30a.m. to 2:OOp.m. 6:OOp.m. to 9:0Op.m. 9:30a.m. to 2:OOp.m. Iroquois Park Iroquois Park Children's Arena Children's Arena BrookIin Arena Brooklin Arena Iroquois Park Iroquois Park NO MAIL-IN REGISTRATIONS WILL BE DONE THIS YEAR JUST A REMINDER THAT AGE DIVISIONS IN LACROSSE ARE AS FOLLOWS FOR BIRTHDAYS IN 1990: Paperwelght Tyke Novice Pee Wee Bantam Midget Juveniie/ Intermediate 4-6 7&8 9&M 0 11&12 13&14 i5&1 6 Years Oid Vears Oid Years Oid Years Old Years Oid Vears Oid 17 Years And'Over REGISTRATION FEES FOR 1990 HAVE BEEN SET AS FOLLOWS: PAPERWEIGHTS - $20.00 OTHER PLAYERS - $60.00 FAMILY RATE .$1 50.00 LATE REGISTRATION FEE - $1 0.00o PLA LCR0SSE-YOU' :VE CA UGH T THE -,FUN, PASS ITON! ges: 5yrs. to 20 yrs. Loctin:Iroquois Park Complex Location: Ag