WIIIIYFME P¶PESS, WVEDNEdDAY, FEBRUARY 14,19w0, PAGE 33 RecyClingcotest wnespicked TO SAMANTHA, Our seventh year has corne. and gone and our Iove's stili going strong. Happy Valentine's'Day. Love Steve TO MY BABY: Don't look too f ar into the future or our mistakes in the past, j ust. cherish, the times we have now then our love will last. Love Always, Tesa XOX HAPPY VALENTINES DAY Momn and Dadil Love Adam. TO JOANNE: We have beei together for only a short time. Jus long enouigh-to ask you to be mine 1 can flot talk of love and fonc memories, only hope of what mal be. Stili we are learning about onE another, ail new and exciting stil more to discover. I can adm -it yoL have opened my eyes and madE me see, how good things car happen between you and me. Bill NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Ail claims against the estate of MARGARET HEPBURN HART, late of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional 'Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 8th day of September, 1989, must be* filed with the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of March, 1990, thereafter the undersigned wil distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims f iled. Dated at Whitby, this 23rd day of January, 1990. HUGH T. NICHOI., Q.C. Barrister & Solicitor, 101 Dundas Street West, Suite 206, Whitby, Ontario, LIN 2M2. Solicitor for the Executors. WZNNING Be a sure winner 1everytime! Use the Classifleds 668-6111I Ist d ly e Two youngsters from eastern Ontario Who exhibited "extraor piary insight into waste reductioýi have been selected as the winners of- the Recycling Council of Ontario's first annual poster/essay competition, *John Hanson, executive director The, Recycling, Council 'of Ontarlo (RCO), in cooper ation with the Ontario Community Newspaper Association, held the province-wide, .poster/essay competition to celebrate the Couneil's fifth annual Recycling Week (Nov. 20-26/89). Al entrants were required to use this year's theme of "Changing Attitudes: Reduce-Reuse-Recycle" as the message in their submissions. .Over 85 newspapers &cross the province participated by writing eçitorials, advertising competition guidelines and selecting the win ning poster and essay in their communities. Winners' received local recognition and a "Changing Attitudes: Reduce-Reuse-Recycle" Alatchmtak ing PROM PAGE il are a number of innovative services such as COIN available to independent entrepreneurs. These services can provide valuable financialand marketing expertise. "Successful deals have been îl scruck in three weeks," adds )U Carnegie. Investers pay $250 te le use the network's. services, while tn entrepreneurs are charged $150. ýThe Federal Business Development Bank also, has a similar -matchmaking service linking entrepreneurs, with those with cash to inveit. To this end, late last Year ' the Crown corporation launched two >publications called 'Introduction$', and 'Introduction$, Plus.' Introduction$ appears in the FBOB's niewspaper 'Profits,'- published quarterly and distributed to 840;O Canadian businesses, while 1Introduction$ Plus,- a monthly newsletter, is distributed to more than 1,500 private and public organizations active in locating business opportunites or ;investers. A ',package" of listings in both publications is available for $250. As well, there are numerous marketing directories that can also pay off, especially in identifying potential suppliers. Many are free or are available at minimal cost. One source is 'Made in Ontario,' a directery producted by the Ontario Ministry of Industry, Trade and Technology (MITT). It gives information on over 11,000 manufacturers and 40,000 products in Ontarjo. The same database is used by MITTs'scSourcing Centre,' a computerized search facility that matches Ontario manufacturers with buyers looking for specific products. As Grant Macoh, senior sourcing consultant, says, "If it's made in Ontario, we can find out who makes it." The centre receives over 5,000 phone calls a year. The service is free and the information required is usually provided within 24 hours. Call the Sourcing Hotlines at (416) 963-3510 (Toronto) or 1-800-387-1436 (Canada-wide tohl-free). BOSS, an acronym for 'Business 01 portunities Solufr ing System,' is offered- by the fedzral department )f Industry, Scinc* & Technolog y. It is!!a on-une database that !conýns information from- a' registri of more than 22,000 manufac trrs, trading hoùses and service companies. More tbian 70,bÃ"00 different products and services -are listed. I . . .. j'-. j T-shirt. Wînnning posters and essays were $ubmitted to the RCO for provincial judging. *Hanson says, "I- thing the poster/essay competition has done a lot té involve young people in identifying solutions te environmental problems. We are certainly grateful ,te the, newspap er, sponsors and participants for making itsuch a sucdess.1" The provincial poster winner is Jodfie Fletcher, 13, of Smith Fails. Her poster, "The Future is R's,' suggests -ways in which we can reduce, reuse and recycle waste. Her, poster will receive province-Wide *acclaiin when it is- used- te promote Recycle Week .89 CARVNILE ESdmrpg,7 :svV cus 1990. She collects cans, glass bottles and fine. paper for recycing at a local depot. Sarah-Jane Maitland, 10, of Cumberland, was selected as the provincial essay winner. She has been recycling fine paper in her home for, years. She practices waste reduction by donating used clothing for church sales. mwF SPIRIT tgw. éub, PN. ph. #ft. CnÂm. AM#W camoM. à k cond.. loor maX InW gJaioý mw dd. budW mlg rnom M- 0452-1. M£ PFMR $13,713** D50 ICK UP ti.b aatý 4x4, q»M Okgý Aà tffl M s gg. PK.ph. hvi bee buý mu c»P b,- pu. 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