WIJITBY FREE PRESS, WÉÉ)DNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1990, PAGE 19 *iiki I4 - M £ M- - HiI~~1~ELU Middle- aged maies are real couch pot at oes 11y lutgli NWcstrîg> Ntidd(IC-aiged(l aigadialgilnet)iliecd more exercise.. 1liai's mnc coiiclîîsij ii a report (11 [lie cxcr-Cisc Ilaibjs uof'aîiadianls prepared f'or I lealit hand \\WIlfarc ('armadai. l'le rescarclicrs also say mnù.Idk- agcd ien siliotild be iiîadecli ore awaîre tulai aniv exercise, liowcvcr i iregular, is belier t han hmine. Anid C'înitaiîîs geiici- ali loil'oi ieazlii, Ill li sscliologiezI hiiÎ i so f exeicise, ilicy adcl. A total of' 10,00<) adulîs were intcrviewcd Uv phione foi Itle survev, anIlleuicrestlits show t bal As illness and infir-mity can strike a family member at any time and often, the expertise of a professional home care specialist is needed, even if only for a few hours a day. Para-Med Health Services in Oshawa offers just such help ini times of need, with- fully-trained home support workers ready to provide Whatver home care is required. .On Nov. 6, the provincial governinent awarded significant wage increases for home care services., The increase means home 'support workers will recieve a starting salary of $7.25, p lus vacation pay and a travel- ling alIownce for the time spent travelling betwencins Inadtion, the government has announced it wil set aside $2.2-million to provide training for home support workers. The governnxent's decision to increase wages and provide training was crucial in ensuring the survival of home care services. The services provided vary from client to client, but ini most cases home support workers pro- vide personal care, take care of, îîîeîî aged 45 in 54 arc tlle leau-st aictive people illiItlîe Co'1niiry, tullowed closely lly ien aîged 55 to 64. Special attentioni slould bc laid Io cduLcaihing tIiis gronp atîdutItlîe IUciilts ou exer-cise, silice tlicir risk of, geit lig sick is liiglier 1tl.a11for ilîos1 ot lier gronips, satys .1) r lTomiais St eplietîs, ahi li oh' illie reporti and a privaiîe consultanti in qocial epidciîîîology in ttamwai. Middlc- ie ci sioke more, anid Iliev aire ott n ait aipoil i in t lîeir lives 'wlerc tlicy are e.xpeiiicinig miore ies-w f'actors Iliait niake i lieni mîore housekeeping duties, meal pre- parations, errandé such as shop- ping and banking, and give the gpmary caregiver time to her or himself. The emotional rewards recie- ved in caring for people is the main attraction to the profession for most home support workers. They help people live as long and normal a life as possible, and in most cases help them remain at home when they might otherwise be institutionalized. With the government's wage increase, home support workers are finally given recognition of their importanoe to the com-- munity. says Para-Med. At Para-Med Health Services, home support workers provide care 24 hfours a day, seven days a week, to children, infants, con- valescents, the elderly, the hand- icapped and the terminally ill. 1?ara-Med would like to expand their Homemaker prora and increase the number of qualified home support workers available. Ayone wlxo bas a syinpathetic ear, likes to provide emotional support and waxits to be a mem- ber of tU health care team, cal Anne Vasko at 433-7600. susceptible lo discase," savs Stevenms. The ircport uiseci a scalc iii wilicil suieoiic wlio cengaîges iii "vigurous exci-cise"[itîrceHuiles ai weck, MIt Cadci excrcise pcriod last iîîg a leaist 1.5 minutes, is aiu 'active' pierson. 'Occaîsioniaîl'cxercisers arc illose wliu work out 1I b 2 tinies ai week 'Sedeîitaîry' adulis excrcise lcss tliaîî Olîce a wveek. "Vigorotns vercise'il iiicltidcs a mlin îiber uf activit ics raiiging [roi jnggtiig. racquet sports anîd (e.1111 sports to daînce classes, cîitî.îc anîd hrisk viking. B%,' tilis dct'iîit iioii, sliglitly over hiai'-54 per ceiii -oi*f ad it (.aîiadianîs cati Uc described as aictive exercisers. Abou(t nue- quairter are sedeîîtaî'y anîd tie balanice, 18 per cenit, are occasioniia exýercisers, says thîe report. C'a iadian îîmenî iiin ie age categories 45 to 54 and 55 wo 64 faîl Weil below thie national average-onily 46 per cenit and 47 per cent respIctlively are reguilair cxci cisers. Stelictis saîys public hîealtlî cdticaiiors sliîunld change thle mecssaige hciiîg giveli to imiiddle-aged mîenî. Il 15st ti(ly shows t hat it aiy iiiddlc-ager-s 'witcli back anîd forth belweciî uccasioîîah exercise anid totaîl iiiaicivity. "WCVesiold ci cîelliîîg tliese ii iliat voîî cati expeci sottie Uciief*its xviiliotît iiuviîig st raiglît intio bciîig ai regiilaîî exerviser. Yotm duîi't have mnh t ciîiî lie %veaîtliýiits and oui (il liîealli. lits(geltiig otff tlie cnîicli i ai good iiove. Eveli iiîdest aciivity eau d(o good iltiiigs lor voU i.i l'lti," lic Savs. In generail, younlg people exercise i ni e hi lno Ider People, sa ys Sîephleiis. I th c er. enuitihcr 'It senior citiiCis who liavc goticln olf lie colicli in t lie las( decade lias junilicd sgilcaol.Men ovcr 65 aire îîow ainogiig trliosi acid ve ileoilc iein [lie couîintuy. 59 pcr cclii ai e rcgtilar cxerciseî s. («Fie 'nlost active ( aliadianus aic e malcs agcd 15 lu 24, ot' whoii 69 per cmitarc icgillaur exerciscu s, and females aged 15 to 24, of whiom 63 pcr cent exercise rcgiilarly.) "Croups sudci as thie YMCA have put a setjous effort inito promnoting physical activity amtoîig senliors anîd ilie effort scemis tb c payiîig off," says Stephenis. Thie survey also îiîcovered Ca.iiad i ails' igniorance of the psyclmological bciicfits of exercise. "Ahotît 60) per ccent of us Ucliev-e t liait exercise is good for plîysical lîcalîli. Onlly 17 per cent bclicve t liai exercise proruiotes îmenital licalîli. It doesnl't occur to mosi of uis tlUai exercise i ail effective Way lu cope %witlîstress," says Stcplîciis. Fi,îallv, ithe survey r-evealed liat people ini thle Yuîkoni and the wveteriî provinces cxcrcisc more rcgrîlarly ilian peoplc in -ithe casi. "V'esteriîcrs live doser to ilie ot 1d oo.r s, so i hiere i s miore iiducemnet 10 Uc active. Also, niational trends like tdie lUcaît h aud tiîîiess- craze tend to coule froml ('ah torîiia by "ay of. IBritiskh ('oltiîîhtia," says Sieéplieiîs. (('a,,aiial? Science New.s) PAnew- body is- waiting for ou a Eu-ropean Women's Hea(tlbb I 10 Tanning Sessions $55.00 I GETl FREE ISensational Fiberglass Nails-o Nail lipse Nail Wraps Whty666-4540 Whibylocation only... 1121 Dundas Street E. e i4 f4 -1 1 1t f t ,3I i-f, t** e il fc 4e eI e * , 443 t #ff f e Need for home care specialists ~p DURHIAM %MSSAGE & HYDROTERAPY 0000CLINIC We are'pleased to anec the openilng of our ma sage therapy dlinie. Massage therapy is recoinmended for chronic stress, relief of pain, improved circulation and muscle & joint mobility along with treatment of .headaches, back pain and arthritis. COMPLETE CONSULTATIONS BY APPOENTMENT 213 BYRON ST. S., FIRST FLOOR, WIIITBY 666-0406 U mm SlImmer-Trimmer-U u701lRossland Rd. E., Unit 212 =Whitby, Ontario __ __LiN 8Y9 416-668-6558 TO ACCOMMODATE YOUR BUSY IFESTYLE WE OFFER W EEKLY AND MONTHLY ULIMITED SESONS!! PLUS *Group Rates e Senior Discounts *Special Discount Rates for Membership ]Renewals * TnnngPackages e Body Wrap Cambridge Diet Coming Saon - Waxing - Nails - Laser -Therapy cail Carol at 668-6558 FSrTnor ioni For Pickering Location Cail Kathy at 420-8911