Whitby Free Press, 3 Jan 1990, p. 26

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-i AGE 26i Wurrnt' 1'1WF.ppRl,,KS.WV.fNESýT)AY. .TANUARy 3. 199() PA POWDERED LAUNDRY, SCENTED, UNSCENTED OR MIT BLEACH Tidle, Detergent 8-10 LITRE »OX WITH COUPON BELOW WHITE ONLV Cottonelle Bathroom Tissue PACKAGE 0F 12 ROLLS WITH COUPON BELOW39. SELECTED VARIETES I4CLUDING PASTA HeinzÉ Beans. 1SEDILS A TO 7 SELECTEDJ VARIETIES INCLUDING e ALIVE Minute Maid Drinks &Juices PACKAGE 0F 3-250 mL TETRA PAKS LIMIT: 3 PKGS PER FAMILY PURCHASE PROCESS CHEESE F00D, SINGLE THINS, LIE SKIM MILJ< B lack Diamnondl Cheese ,Suces. 500 g PACKAGE 2.69 WITH COUPON BELOW SELECTED VARIETIES Primo Pastas or Spaghetti Sauce, When The, Stars. Corne Up, Prices CorneDown!l Reach For The-Stars And Save! 368 mi. TIN .PASTA: 900g PACKAGE -SAUCE 796 mL TIN 1; ot a osan i.hikoi Y0riel 15 "no the orest pay But «W. need more affordable youeier ~,ovie r fotPmVdêhousing. But we need the pro- th srice. Bugel]l ie the vince to tell us how to do it.n LMM6TINS PER FAMILY PURCHASE ______________ to the. cont of renovations azi' Counei;' 1989 decison.flot to because the buildin'. structure pOceed With market* value REGULAR OR DEadannaltel='mntw Ohgt o DIE*ia CHNK LIGHTwas no usidoetejyassessmeit Was a highih o Pepsi-Coa Adm.rai He says the Twn «can't feel centre wrd councilor L da ashamed" about losing Cobi, and Buffett, who, 1k. o mied or 7UP Tuna h. credited the mayor, council her firat full yearo ncipal Caseof 4 -260 L tns Unh ost830per 00 L) 8 1 g'I'Nand- Town staff for attracting office. 'Tm gladl it didn't » Cas cf~1.90 L tns Uni cot 5. pr 10 m> 14gTMcGraw-IlI Ryerson. said Buffett, who ontmuaî>y He savs residenits have rspon- opposed a change i assessment ded wefl to recycling programa becaise of the effect it would but that it is too, soon to me»sur have on many older properties in NEW ZEALAND SPRING LAMB,'FROZEN PRODUOT 0F RE.I., CANADA NO. 1 tai so we can't yet goUl-scale.».on'f e.relctn Short Cut White L chairman of the Cnrldvlomn fte onont 1 1Lake'Onai Conservation make it more attractive -and yet L m Le sPotatoes Authority Bugelli defends the identifiable as a heritagears 10 lb BAG authoritys proposed develop- was furtiier realizedi 89 with 5A9/kg m ent of a 26-acre Oshawa pro- what she described as «improv- perty which he says has «ho0 ing architecture» in the. construc- purpose- environmentally.» He tion of certain projects approved 9 4 9says CLOCA, as a developer, by council. In particular, she ___________________much as it would by simply She also points- te the rec F~T THS AVEi.~ rH TISselling the property. complex as a facility much wan- COUPON *COUPON .0 oney reaulid fo th ie deve- ted by residents, aithougli she, SCENTEOS UNSCENTHO OR WITH BLEACH I iWHITE ONLY IIpen oldg e qrî ekoi to ishopeful that entrg Tide Detergent IICottonelle Bathroom Tissue t uein CLOCmaha e men ~ itbeoeg.tenofna 10 LITRE BOX PACKAGE 0F 12 ROLLS program ni, inga i 0-acre Cobis eicue*x<t shutdown 'just hap- 39 3 19Marsh in Whitby, and a Ifor eedec s, bult acGrw- i e- the middle o f th e Heber Down sond se axpect moid r MP 1 box per coupon Offer volid thru January IUM1' i rcoupon 1Offor volld thnî January Oh .ê Conservation Area. péewtotcoupon 70 MI E 8 Futur. cupon 4M) Publicden eingsxraionre he i n will bea bost»teWhtb Publc metins wIl b hedrn She says recycling may be an THTSSAEREGULAR OR DIET 19 bu plan te dai Can expensive program at the'start, - UO e'iCoato la in ng effortin des- but is nevertiielesa worth it as a PRCES HESEFOODe PsN-LC troy agaLIkElling 11f. p the future cst-effective method of Black Diamond Cheese Slices or 7U P migîisae eoment w asî mangmnt, asa 50 g PACKAGE I7W50 BOTTLE (UNIT COST &.28 PER 100 mL) continue to e a big issue in the issue in 1990, and she feels there nineties for Whitby. wiIl b. more condominium deve- «W. will have té address the lopment -in WVhitby. She regards 39 ~needs . generated by develop- the Coscan- Plan as "outstanding" LIn MM p r cuo Ofrvalld thru January tht. 1. E OTL EO (F«,uwl=thou copon 29 ..#5 LSA E BTL EO IT 7mu on . hs rposutetes levs possi&ly lanit FAMCOMM ITTEE OR he real issue is Faires. JOE DRTMM probeni than'a waterffront walk- AnRdHOPIGyour Right to Choose.1 einlcuelo o I ~ orns ~ Sunay hopingDrumm considered the. MeGraw- - e would like te se. a modest PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU Hill Ryerson announcement and increase in the Town budget SATURDAYÂ the rec coniplex as among the sinoe "People are gettmng tired of JAUR T 9 .highlights of 1989. more taxes." 'monta. SavI , n In this ad bmasd on currerit 'a iIMvDh rfttaImt attlat nra fml approve a deal with Metro for a doing, we'Il be o ay for the. __________________________Malle._______FOOD __STORES temporary Iandfill site in Picker- budget," says Buffett, describing ng ner Whitevale, was a bigh- '89 as a successful year. 70 THICKSON RD*)se, /HFI'Y Ight, in a negative sense, for «Overail, Whitby'i doing vr V A. C43I 89 RVIE 89REVIEW Councillors look ahead SUPER* SPECIALS PROM PAGE 15 site, h. expecta, wil be r.com- mended in the.rgion. The. officiai plari -eview wiIl b. on. of the. most important issues for the. tewn, ho says, addinig "I don't know if anyone realizes how important that is.7 .Ho sugests a"«staggered fra- mework -or oevelopment,» con- sidering that Whitb~y has, in recent years, had «enormous» growth. «We've controlled it (growtii) only insofar as we've able te control it. And h. points out that thé, Town was unable te, control growth. -iat Ieast two cases, when gas bars, oposed by council, were approved by tii. Ontario Municipal Board. at Brock snd 401.» Brunelle says h. will remem- ber .1989 as a "lIearning experienc ebcaus. of hus Town and Region committe. involve- ment, hospital board involve- ment, and term as deputy-mayor. And* he says regional council, witii 16 new faces after the 1988 election -has.'acted in a «goal-. oriented»manner as it deals wvith such issues as waste manage- ment. JOE BUGELLI West ward councillor Jo. Bglliays coud ilwill doter- mine priorntes in 19 n beyond as it considers the capital projecta ahead, sucii as- the seniors' activities centre, Centen- niaiý Building and fire hall. Bugelli aujpprts the. reccom- piex projectb ut feels that deben- He oppos:d the decision becuse h satii. site wiîîR0 b. 'ùsd for tust five. years, but "for 15 years, b4y MetÏo. "~I don't tiiink Toronto is going tolook elpéwhere. «ýWeséhould b. on our own, not with Metro..» says DËùmnm, who blames the Rlegion- foir " not look- ingseiuly at gotin a dump Ho relstiiat the Issue has, howevor, made people more awýar about wàste management "People used te, put their gar- bage out and forget, about ItL Now they're more ,aware of where it'à going.' l990?will probably sSe a report on the. extent of well contamina- tion in Brooklin, Drumm says, yet it could aise s e i.tart of services te tthe community that will shlow development. "I see us developing Brooklin quite differently than any other ares,» h.esays. H.e describes 1989 as generally a good year» for Witby, exoep or thi Cobi ht down and Lasco 8aof. sht "Itls mc. te get companies, but iras alço nice te hold on te what you have.»1 Drummn wants te se. more affordable bousi«projects pr- pos.d for Whitby in 1l990O, yethe teels Whitby «coàmpares reason- ably well»-with other miunicipali- ties' in the. provision* of -such housing. W. hiave largo hom es but alo we -hav7e -Ontarlo Housing Corp. proecs,~h.says, referrng te

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