PAGE 34, WHITY FREE PRESSP WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13,71989 Twouyearm'olds could -be in JK by 1992M' There has been contint pressure for junior kindergar wlthin the. region because of p imity ta, prograins for four-ye olds in neigiiboring jurisdictii and on. already in Durhamn, c iled out by tii. Duriiam Reg Roman Catholic Separate Sch. Board. A special task force has be set up ta define, review a monitor tiie needs and imp mentation of programming four- and five-year-olds. The juhilosophy of early ci] hoode ucation in Durham, alti native ýorganizations, accomir dation needs, financial implic tionss, prograxn and personi- requirements, staff developmer spelai education links and ir plcations for theii. yar meig examned.eayyera Because of its past experieni witii junior kindergarten, ti Trafalgar Castie Tiffany Bradley Tuesclay Dec. 12 s the last day of school - well, the last dayoc formai classes at least, we still have exams comingt The. mornina chapel practices for the. carol service are flnished for now, but we will run tbrough it once again next Friday. The h ms and songs are sounding betr each da, and should b. r or Our friens farnilies on Dec.,17. Cas e and Signatures produc.d their Christma&s supplement, in Hmted' editiion, this week, and the reviews were positive. The. sernors battled the teachers in a gaine of basketball on Wednesday afternoon. Tii. decisive basket, scored just as the whistle blew, put *the seniors ahead with a final score of 37-36. AUl inial), the sciiool bas been quiet, even after the winning basketball riota because of bard study and submission of final essays and projects. rd 1k. to coegratulate Stephanie Nickson and Alana Assad or receiving the. lead parts ithe. shool musical, 'Hello Dolly!' Trafagar is baving a Christmas food drive to help those familles, who can't afford it, have a nice Christmas dinner. Bring in those noeisthefscoë~lesfi the. aunciry room to the. graceful main staircase, the. grade 10 writing classs are performing their own short plays, mucii to tii. enjoyment of olooking students and staff. On F'riday morning, Maija Mécahery frantically investigated a screazn. She iiead.d down to tii. study hall, only to find a class involved in a ghoulish chas. tbrougi the. dungeons. Neyer a duil moment, thanks to tii. imaginative likes of Casey Pritchard and Ià sa Johnson. Denis 'Connor H.S. Tanya Trinkaus The. weeks before Christmas mean a lot ta, Denis O'C<frmor students this year. After an eye-opening speech made by on. of DiO'Cs history teaciiers, Mr. Vendrieg, a couple Of weeks ago at on. of our assemblies, eacii on. of our homnerooms decided to do a Christmnas project. E.acii class is more or less ' adopting' one or more of the less fortunate familles of Durhamn Region and makçing it their special duty ta make sure that th.y get a very special Christmas as they deserve. For almoet 50 faniilies, our school is providing Christmas dinners and Christmas gifta. This is the. last week that donations can b. accepted and it is unhelievable ta see how much people want ta share when tiiey are given the. chance. I amn not alone i wantingta thank Mr. Vendrieg for tii. inspiration. And ta ail of tiiose famil*es that DU'C bas taken a special interest in, we hope you have a great Christnas. Continuing in tii. Christmas spirit, tiie Denis O'Comior music department is holding its annual Christmas concert tonight. It promises ta b. a very good show so corne and enjoy it. On. Dec. 6, junior classes attended award ceremomies during which students who excelled ini their academic studies last year were iionored. Congratulations toalal those who won an award. Also on Dec. 6, the. ridget, junior, and senior boys' basketball teame contnued their success by defeating the. Courtice teains. Finally, I would like ta congratulate tiie members of our curling teM, Andr.w Carroll, Sliawn Keogan, Carey MacRury and Sean Slpîaand their coach Mrs. Snow. List we.k they competed i e»zone playdowns for the. high sciiool boys taurnaxnent wlth 14 other t4,WMa. Our team d.f.ated OYNefil in the. finals ta, capture the. tit.. th.m.m wnt undof.ated and should deflnitely be saluted for their ied ,ro- Lar- bns ion ool een ind ta BY Trudie Zavadovlcs Parents of two-year-olds may look forward ta having their tata attend junior kindergarten i 1992. That la tiie estimated date that the. Durhamn Board of Education will inplement junior kindergar- ten in their achool system. Junior kindergarten has been slow in coming ta Durham ReRon due ta growth factors lac of accommodation in al areas of the. region, and varylng ratepayer support for the. pro- grain. Tii. mandate of the Ministry of Education has foroed the issue in Durhamn. The imon. Speech in- dicated that boards of education in Ontario must provide junior kindergarten by 1994. board feels that extensive plan- ning must b. don, before impIe- menting junior kindergartens in the region. Tii. task force was developed ta, effectively meet those needs. Henry Street Hligh Sehool Awards Night DAVID SAVOIE, a grade 8 student, had the winmng entry in a Pringle Creek Public Sehool poster logo contest for the school's Proteet Our Planet ( POP) program. He is shown with teacher Jacky Bramma. School boards find flaws inproposed S Hc» eu Lettes. Awd - Awarded o a er- stuen who hum e.rned each of the a three certificat. awurdsm d ham met an other criterla cet out ln the suadent a- awards poliey. - Jennifer Tram,. iel Whtfidd TraaMfNdmcm ' Ijjad nt wwdte outt igsuetwho m- Jem« enL Lre Art Awe.m* Grade 9 (Fine Aria) - Jmxdce Murphy Gade 10 (PracticalAria)- Francs ice Johnston i rad 10 (ine Aria) - Jennifer Richard he GadeIl (actcal Arta) - Andrew Hull Grade il1(Fin Aria) - Car*ln Bowarth * Grade il1(Faahon Deaign - Sùmoy Knlght Grade 12 (Fine Aria)- Stephanle Roebottom Grade e amaim ybdaangau cnumr tdle- Jennifer Murphy Typewmthng - Or. 9 - Brandon Nase3, Or. 10 - Lee Bigelow Computer Aw.rue-.Gr. 10.- Joei Robinson Aocmautlg- Or. Il - Tricla Morton, Or.. 18.-Jenni.fer Bell Da"a I4ocfng.- Gr. il - Heather Glikar Nicthan - Grade Il- Carolynala&konl. Cooeainoetoe & £ raeue - Gr. il *ery tyle, Gr. 12.-5uide Robert Law - Or. Il Advanced - Krlta Kervin, G r. Il General - Matthew Varvick OAC Law - &Wje Robert-j f Grade il udm EnouIah -Mran amintain- rmH ERBISé Awamde Grade 9 Ornerai - Mark Bcbichaud Grade 9 Advaced - Judea Wenthead Grade 10 General]- Heldi Piocher Grade 10 Advanced - Lee Blgelow, Jeffay Taylor Grade 10 Enriched - U French Grade il General - Kaylq Moore Grade 11Advnce -Caroln Howarth. Shannon Fichai Fandly molles Aw"u Grade 9 - Gayle votman, Grade 10 -Jw 1Pittera Grade il - Krita Kervin, Grade 12 Laur Peilcan, Grade 138- Suie Roert Paumé Awamde Grade 9 General - Anna Vandewal Grade 9 Advanced - Leah Hull, Kara LiMgh Harm Grade 10 General -Umica Druar Grade 10 Advanced - Julie Sot. Grade 11 Generai.- 5ruy Petiit Grade Il Advanced - Jennifer Murphy Grade 12 Advanced - Jennifer Bell Geaugauiv Awa Junior Advanced Prime - Trina Joyce Junior General Prise - Chria Fawcett Inteamediate Advanced Praise -. ef Robinon Saenior Prime.- Jim Stubbe Grade 10 Advanced - Michie Irvine, Jan Piller. Grade 10 Generai - Shuon Humphrey Grade 12 Advanced -Jay Lee Univealty IWateloo Methommtlm onentue Pacal (Grade 9) - James Olenick Cayly (Grade 10) - Nathan carrier Fermat (Grade 11) -. drewHall Eadlid (Grade 12) - Andrew Hall Cà nadiana Inméatoe math Caav Plaque . Andrew Hall Auicm R igh sci m thtloe ExanatlmAn. dgre ull. Canadian National MatismiS Lefaga.- Andrew Hall ficha muanMathmnu mcnen Grade 9 - James Olenlck, Grade 10 - Jeff Tunham, Grade il - Andxew Hall Fred W. Buwne MmaI Prime (Gr. Il advanced math,) .-fDavidBurchmore 4>mputer Prgmmming - Grade Il - Jennifer Smih, Undu Welcher, Grade 12.- Jamie (111cm Manie Awarde - Grade 9 - Julie EcBoetora, Grade 10 - Steve Hewim, Kim Faulkner, Grade il - Pâtricia Drury Band Parmta' Amadaion- Grahama Martin Out"nading M"t laEnMiaue.-Jenifer Bell. MYa Puâlknen Scence Awmur Grade 9 & 10 General - David Trotter Grade 9 & 10 Advanced. - ee eIow Grade 11& 12 Advanced - JennlfrBell Phym CetUimai. (Gr. 11) - Andrew Hall, Victoria Murray, Azagela Yang T«aimli Ama .umc TIR II I aiiew stojk TIR M Mar BoUhau TIR 201 - Lacinde 'flimpuen TIE 2G2.- Weny bcmpom Tic 2as - amn iL Mechanical Drafting- Trry Schetema Ted,.ha Awmada.- senor'- comptr Elexctnac-.Jamie Giles, Welding.- LaEn.y AwmE. Tracy Win odum Guaj AMaer AéeeccantAumwd - Craug Doe.KM7 egoBr n launches new newspaper By Trudie Zavadovics Tii. Durham Board of Educa- tion la sayig 'Look at Us' in tiie foi-m Of-a fnewspaper that, on Monday was sent ta every iiousehold in Durhamn Region.. The community newspaper is a firat for theDu. a board and was put togetiier by a group of teachers, secretaries custadians, maintenance and ofjflce person- nel superintendents, trustees ant parents wiio calthemselves 'The Total Tean.-' The Total Teani was fornied close ta two years ago to evaluate tiie board s communications witiiin the. workplace and the. communities it serves. It ha as yet unknown iiow often the. newspaper will be published aîltiiough the. idea of two or tire. issues a year has been discused. "W. have ta, evaluate'the un- p ac t on the community,» satys Mr Wylie, board communica- tions manager. 8h. says that marketing stu- dnswillb. surveyhig houa.- holds getting public opinion on tiie newspaper. "LJntil the, evaluation is com- pleted, w, won't b. committing ta, doing another newsipaper.» C orrect ion A story inlest week's edition about tiie contract reached by Durhami Board of Education .1.- mentary teachers included an incorrect quote from Joan Teague,president of the. Ontario Public 'School Teaciiers' Fede- ration (Durham District). mum salai-y goes only ta teaciiers wiio have the %hghest quality of work and afte 1ll ar experience. yar She actually sitated "qualifica- tions' not "quality of woik.p I% rePe wse oao By Truclie Zavadovics Even sciiool boards whicii are apparentl unaffected by tiie gSds and service tax (GST) are fiding fundamental flaws in the. e ipact of tii. proposed GST on school boards is as yet unknown. Altbough it is su- posed that tiie boards will not L. adversley affected by the tai, neither of tiie two achool boards i Durhamn have s3een documen- tation outlining tiie proposed tax, so tii. effect is yet ta b. seen. Tby do expect, however, that the. tex will prove ta be an administrative burden. Tiie newest. development, brougt to light at a meeting of thieDurham7lBoard of Edutation 1 Monday nightý, j the. Province's intention ta tai adulte returnlng tosciiool in an effort to get their iihschool diplomas. Ai other nigiit sciool adult courses would remain untaxed.. "If they rnust start charging for adult education courses, wiiy are tiiey only charghtose that lead ta creditar satdAjax trus. tee Duncan ]Read. "It seems so fundamentally flawed ta b. tex- ing people who are trying to get their high sciiool diplomnas.» Boards members expressed their exasperation over the ongo- inurnfux of taxes. On. t uste.said, "Ail levels have got to get9 their acts toizether and cuit fighi ve who pasfor what. in ve Publie school board