WIffl~Y14~F~sS..wEflN~ijÀy, fi J.'A~R à , ioéà ; PAGE as PLAYPEN FOR SALE. In very good condition. $43. 430-6801., BULK SALE. Silk ties and linon, laundry/children's room bags - assorted colours, reasonablo pricos. CaiI Mosul Canada, 430-8096. WASHER'AND DRYER for sale. GE modela, asking $500. Phono 579-3099 aller 6 p.m. 5 H.P.. M.T.D. duai stage snowblower. Excellent. Serviced. Whon new, $900. Soul for $475. Calil ater 6 ý.ni.,-430-3962. WEIGHTS. 180 Ibs. of weights and a woight bench. $75. Cali 668-4430. ONE 30"0 BY 4 FT. chromo ktchen table, $35. 2 steel jacking posts, $19 each. Cali 668-2798. NEW GRETZKY HOCKEY skates, size 9, $30. Girls figure skates, size 4 1/2, $10 o.b.o. 668-2800. NEWI SURE &, SIMPLE Cookbook. Homoe-style recippe hints, introductory -winemaking. Regular $10.5Q value for $8.50. To order write Kaye Publications, Box 4362, Regina, Sask. S4P 3W6. B ONE DOLLAR buys you an ad for anything which sella for Iess than $5000. See separate rate panel. Phono 668-6111., QUALITY CHRISTMAS Catering prepared in the convenionco, of your own home. For more information, cali Yvonne. 668-2135. CRAFT SALE, December 9 and 10, 10 a.m. ta 4 p.m. 54 Guthrio Crescent. Whitby. Doar prizes ta b. won. ENJOY A CHRISTMAs Tradition. Cut your own Iroe. Open an time, any size $10 and up. Myrtle Station, Hughway 12 N. Townine Rd. East. Hot chocolate, weokends rCHRISTMAS TREES CUT YOUR OWN ID or pre-cut apruce or pine . One mile east of Thickson Rd. on Conlins Rd. OR 2 miles *weat of Durham Coloege IOpen Daily 9-9 *Clyour awn I$20-any siz. *Wilson Tre Parmi TeL 1-263-8858 I FREE pins boughs iCandycnns for th kld. NEW TECHNOLOGY to Canada eliminates RUSTY, SMELLY, BAD TASTING WATER. Purifies your Entiro wator suply for only "pennies a'ý day". Eliminatos the need for chemnical ran filters and shock chiorination. NO-SALT requirod. For further information, write "The RUST BUSTER", #5-6380 Tomkon Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5T 1K2. Cal Toll-free 1-800-387-3423. Sales and Service reprosented throughout Ontario. B PORTABLE BAND SAWMILLS; Canada's leading manufacturer allers four modela ta choose from. Save Monoy, Make Monoy. Free brochure, caîl or wrte: ENERCRAFT, 474 Welham Road, Barrie, Ontario, L4M 6E7. Phone <705) 734-1211. B VITAMIN DISCOUNTS. Sinco 1973, offering high quality - lowest prices on Vitamina, Minorais, Hierbs, Body Building and Weight Loas Supploments, Hair Treat- ment, Skin Gare and More. FREE CATALOGUE. Write: Vitamin Discounts, (Dopt. Ont. 16), 260 S.W. MarinoeDnive, BC, V5X 2R5. 1-800-663-0747. B THE GREENHOUSE and Hydroponics lnc. 63 Clarke Sideroad, London, Ont. N5W 5W7, (519) 452-3919. Complets hydroponic systems. We do mail orders, send $2 for catalogue. $2 rebate on your first purchase. B SEVEN NEW TONîNG tables. $22,000 includes freight and training. 5/yr. guarantee. Futrex 5000 fitness computer $1,500. Complete body wrap kit $1250. Tone"O"Matic Canada btd. 1-800-667-5825. B BONAIR R.V'S Campera, trailers, hardtop, lent, fifthwheel, travel, park-modela, accessories. New & used. End af season prices. Largo seloction. Fibreline Fiber- glass & Aîuminumn Truck Caps. Royal Trailer & R.V. Centre in Tevioldalo, Ont. (519) 343-2122. B PAYMASTER CHEQUEWRI- TER, minI condition. $100. Cal 668-5040. FRIDGE, STOVE, washer& dryer, also apartmont size washer & dryor. Delivery and installation arranged. Phono 432-7257. ATARI 520ST computer, color monitor, 2 joy sticks, support software and disks. Excellent Christmas present. Asking $750. or best offer. Phone alter 6:00 661 C458.re Sewing Machine Riepairs A/Y Makes Complète Tune-Up $39-95 rRecondtioned SewingMachines tram $59.0 ne TOPUNESEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400 King St. W. Oshawa QUEEN SIZE full-motion waterbod - solid pine with heïadboard, $750; bench press barbell - 50 Ibs., and dumnbbeIls, $100; 4 N.S.A. water filters - counter modela - whoîesale $180 oach. Phone Tony at 579-5254. NEW RIDES aLOWPRICS ePARTS DEPI. IeUSEO FRIOGES, STO VES, WASHERS & DRYERSI OURPRICES AEUNOEUEVABLEI"1 QqF STAR APPLIANCES .W. buy, soul, and service. -We specialize in recon- ditioned appliances. Frldgos, Stovs, ashors, Dryers, .« and Air Condîtioners. 1202 WECKER DRIVE .~OSHAWA, ONTARIO 432-7257 Seniors Discounts. LOOKING TO TRADE almond fridge and stove. 3 V2 years aid for white pair. Westinghouse, excellent condition. 430-7320. WOODY'S FIREWOOD alilhardwood $215 per cord CUT, SPLIT & DELIVERED 1-476-2203 TOP DOLLAR PAID for old gald and diamands. Trade mns wolcome. Estate jowolry sold on consign- ment. Shiras af Whitby, 436-9070. Whitby Mail, 1615 Dundas SI. E., LUN 2L4. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE gotting auto insurance because of age, poor driving record, or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phono 666-2090. ONE DOLLAR buys you an ad for anything which sella for bass than $50.00. Soe separate rate panel. Phono 668-6111. 1979 BLAZER 4X4, P.S., P.B., 350 Corvette engine, BF Goodrich 35" tires on 1988 Chev. Alum, rally rima, 3" body lift. Many new parts. $5000. Phone 668-5040. 82 CHEVETTE, standard, AM/FM cassette, good condition. $1200 or beat off or. Phono, 430-6367. 1981 DODGE '024. Good transportation. As la. $950. 725-2243. 1979 PLYMOUTH VOLARE wagon. As is. For parts. $300. or best offer. Cail 668-7283. 1981 MAUIBU,, as is. Body damage only. Excellent- running condition. $700. 668-9780 aller 6 p.m. 1981 CITATION, AM/FM cassette. Runs good, needa body work. $500, as is or best offer. 668-0877. 87 CHEVY VAN 20205 fuel injoctod. Navy blue with power steering, power brakos, tilt steering, rally wheels. Like new. $10,500. 655-8626.. 1979 CUTLASS Suprem e, good running condition, many now parts. $1200, as is. Caîl 668-4430. ILONA'S DRESSMAKING salon. 40 years establishod business for sale (retiring). Cal Monday to Friday, 10-3, 728-0042. Aftor 3.00, call 579-4593. *lst, 2nd's & 3rd's at prime rate e Up ta 90% financing -@ Consolidation and problem mortgages refinanced Cail Glenda Thorpe 668j-68S05 Commurnty Financlal Scvices Corp.. 965 Dundas St., W., Ste. 205, Whitby PRIVATE MORTGAGES- The place to go whon your bank says wNO". Sorving* Whitby sinco 1973. 668-7200 ANUBIS INVESTMVENTS. DETACHED HOUSE for rent. Available now. Westnoy Raad area, Ajax. 3 bedrooma, 1 V/2 baths, sile garage, ail repainted. First'and lasI. $950 plus ulilities. Aller 5:30 p.m., 1-840-1113. SOUTlHERN CAUIFORNIAI 4 bedroom, 3 bath Spanish Villa. Eîogantly furnished and completely stocked. Spectacular viowl Write ta lslay lnvestmnents at 800 Gardon Street, Suite K, Santa Barbara, California USA, 93101 for brochure and rate schodule. B RIVERMILL VILLAGE - luxury condominiums on banks of Scugog River, Lindsay. Severn Suite -873 sq. t. One bod, dramatic pio-shapod design, expansivo liing area and balcony. Al the luxuries in ensuite bathroom - extra large storage/laundry room. From $174.900. Sports and rocreational amenities at restorod Carew Miii. Undor construction for 1990 occupancies. Cal Upper Canada lakes, 1-800-461-6521. B ONE LARGE BEDROOM shared house. Victorian Village, Port Perry. Non-amokers only. $350 per month. 985-4322. WHITBY. Large renovated 2 bedroom apartinont ln duplex, quiet, privato and ~parking, for 2 cars. $695 monthly. 576-2500. FOR RENT In Oshawa. Fineiy furnished spaciaus apartment for client, non-smoking mature person in privato home. Separato entranco, hydro included, f irst and bat. RoI erencos. $525. Cali 728-8994. MATURE PERSON, quet place, no druga, kitchen and laundry facilitios. First and last. 430-0404. ROOM FOR RENT in Central Whitby. Close la shopping and laundramat, on bus route. Use of cammon room and sharod bathroom with two other mon. $60 woekly or $240 monthly. First and last req uirod. Warking persan proferredi. Cali 666-2109. beave messae. BUILDING SPECIALS Galarol Quonset 40x50 $5,699; model "S" 25x30 $3,359. Straightwall woodstool 30x45 $5,949 with end- mills. Take dolivory bofore March 3V190. Certain areas may require hoavier gauge at higher coat. Factory prices. Pioneor- Econo- span, 1-800- 668- 5422 (24 hrs.).B BEST BUILDING BUYS. Save thousands - Wintor Works Spocial. Holp keep factory' busy during wintor montha. Avoid upcoming prico incroase. Limitod Steel. Paragon. 24 haurs. 1-800- 263- 8499. B $$$ FALI CLEARANCE$$ Immediate availability aIf steel buildings. 13EST PRICES, for example; Quonsets 28x30 $2,965; 28x40 $3,593; 4OX60 $5,658. Slraightwaii; 20x3O $4,750; 28x30 $5,695; 24x40 $5,995. Cai (416) 731-1636. B