WHITLBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DCMPR6, 1989, PAG3E 31 United Way extenidscampagnto yar endl By Kim Hawley-Smith Oshawa-Wh tiby-Newcastle United Way has extended this year's carnpaign to Dec. 31, hop- inlthat there is stili a chance it wiIrealize its goal of $2,925,000. On Monday, Dc. 4,'the United Way general campaign chair- man, Walter Beath, called an emergeny press conférence to inform t hie community of the status of the fail campaign. "CAs of this moriiing," said Beath, "we. are $70,000 short of our goal of'$2,925,000.» To date the United Way has raised $2,855,000 through contri- bution and pledges. The figure represents approximately 97 per cent of the goal. "In this figure are also some- projections ofas contributions which we are hopeful will be 'in the house' by t e end of the year," said Beath. He added, "If we're successful in raising $i7,500 in each of the remaining weeks, the goal' will be reached." The campaign, which commen- ced Sept. 18, was "off»icially" sup- posed to end Nov. 3. While presiden t of the United Way,. Mike Ambler, tried to remain optimistic about raisin~ the additional $70,000, he saic "We're going to be hard pressecf to corne up with it. "There will, certainly be a shortfall," said Ambler. "We've tapped into our traditional sources.- We have to corne dp with sources other than those wvho have given in the p ast.» The United Way of Oshawa- Whitbyv-Newcastle supports 42 agencies in the three communi-' ties. The people served by the agen- cies wil be the real losers if the carnpaign goal is' not realized, Ambler said. "We're going to be a lot better community, if we can corne up that $70,000,. : some way or Durham,, Metro close to landfill site deal FROM PAGE 1 reality, unléss you give. the pub- lic an opportunity for input, al this is' just empty words and promises. It is a tragic mockery of the democratic process. "If you don't intend to involve the public meanngfully, then dotn'tm fooia.of us and don't make fools of yourselves.» Parish then asked that ,any decision on a final deal with Metro bo deferred, that aIl mem- bers of the public be given until Jan. 30 1990 to have input on the deai, and that public meet- ingsbe held. "Let what is fair be don and ho done now.» This and other speeches broughflt cheers from the public. isob1 Thompsnpited out that the Brock North site took prbage for six months and that is still being drained of leachate. "W. have the right te dlean, fresh water. I feel my rights are ben eied. Ita that asan aboute insult' (Most of these resident have wells and expect that the landfill site will con- taininate their water.) Marion Thomas, a Whitevale PAINTING & DECORATING Guaranteed Work Free Estimates 1668-9605 PATRICK'S GENERAL SERVICESI Quailt Renovaons/Improvementsl REC ROOMS, BATHROOMS *&I ROOFS, DECKS & FENCES INTERLOCKING STONE WALKWAYS & PATIOS 430-1422, 430-41167 C FITZGERALD CARPENTRY WHITBYLTD. i General Carpent,'y Additions Home Improvements i Ceramic Tiing Rec Rooms Drywall and Paint ing i16YEARS IN I DURHAM REGION y> Cali: 8-12554V resident called the agreement "cloudedmrnsecérecy. "What's been rublished has been very cursory. se. tlus sazue shioud of secrecy in re onal government. I feel rm' Jin tho mddle of Tianamen Square fi hting for the rights I though t I a d. " Be fore councillors spoke for or against the proposaI, committee co-chairman John Aker defended the proposaI and outlined its strengths. "The regional chairman, myself and Art Leitch have spent several hours on this. I don't think anyone expected that we negotate through the media. Ho assured that any dump site owned and !perated.by Durham Region would ho "owned and operated on a first class basis. W. have 32 staff te tell us if they're not.» He said he felt it was impor- tant the Region have the oppor- tunit-y te buy back the Brock North and South sites. Amid jeers from the audience, he emphasized, "W. usually say what we mean and our deeds speak for themselves.» Pîckering Ma oDr Wayne Arth- urs called the deal "a far better arrangement than we were faced with in April of this year. We have not had time as a municipa- lit te consult with our financial or egal advisors ... I believe that the document itself may be flawed as a negotiateci settie- ment." Further discussion brought out that although the Region will own the dumps, the actual land is owned by the -Province which is not 'willing, at this time, te soul, but may enter mnto a bease agreement. Ajax councillor Pat Clark attacked the procesa, not the proposai. Whitby councillor Marcel Brunelle defended the agreement and the process, The report was carried. The fight goes on teday (Wed- nesday) -as the matter. appears bore cuncil at a special meet- ing called te decide the issue. another." Althoughthe shortfall doesn't appear to be a great amount in comparison the'amount raised so far, United Way officials point out that the remainder is needed "if the agencies are to operate at the degree of efficiency they h ave in the past." It is eà timated that one in four families will use at least one of the agencies 'funded* by the United Way within the year. Ambler believes that statistic is probably higher. Beath said, "If we are to con- tinue to have these human care services such as'Eastview Boys' and Girls' Club, Distress Centre, Block -Parents, Destiny Manor VON (Victorian Order ot Nurses) Boy Scouts, Credit Counseliing, YWCA, etc., etc., available to ail citizens in our communities, then we need the support of everyone to ensure their availability. In a final plea to realize the outstanding sum of $70,000, Beath said,' "We would ask that you, please, make your donation. Show you really care about your community and your neighbors." .Over 2,000 volunteers have been planning and implementing .the campaign activities since last Januarary. In the last 49 years, there have only been six times the Osh awa-Whitby-Newcastle United Way has fallen short of *tal'its target. Lospita' oprt camipaign to begin A "who s who" -Of representatives from Whitby area corporations and financial institutions will attend a breakfast for the Whitby General Hospital FIrst Clas Fund CALL A PRO! FOR WHIEN LUFE BRINGS YOU ASHOCK OR TWO! * ~ Just check the CALL A PRO section ou and let the pros do the job! Yuéan compare and choose froin the serices you'II find there! D Dand S j General Contractng I Rec-Rooms o Bathroom Renovation I Genemlral ctù . 430-6364 DANNY'S GENERAL I -- Contractors-- FRENCH DOORS - KITCHENS jBASEMEENTS - BATHROOMS FIREPLACES - SPAS WATER-PROOFING SERVING DURHAM REGION FOR OVER 20 VEARS DAN O'LEARY -- 666-2827 campaign,, on Friday, Dec. 8. Hosted by Lew Hutchinsoi president of Lake Ontarjo Stee the breakfast is the officii 'launch' of the campaign, corporate p hase. It will be held a the Explorer Restaurant a AL'S DRYWALL e Ornamental design e Plaster work e Painting & decorating e General contracting 668-8958 666-1657~ Scotty Vdéf-AI1 FOR FREEQUOTATION CALL HERB TRAN 725-6564 1 M. Ft S STAR APPLIANCES -xWe buy, soul, and service. ic We specialize in recon- Sditioned appliances. Fridges, SStoves, Washers, Dryers, . .~and Air Conditioners. 1202 WECKER DRIVE ' .~OSHAWA, ONTARIO 432-7257 x Seniors Discounts. n1 Hojpkins St., starting at 7:30 a.m. The breakfast is intended te [ai inform the corporate and i's financial community located in at WVhitby of the hospital's Dn $5.5-million redevelopment campaign and te, enlist corporate support. A number of those attending, including Hutchinson, will announice, for the flrst time publicly, their company's contribution te the FIrst Glass Fund. It is expected that the. total announced during breakfast will range in the hundreds of thousands. Ini addition, those making donations will s3hare with the group their reasons for supporting Whitby General Hospital. Terry Bainbridge, a member off the First Glass Fund campaign team, will ho master of ceremonies at the breakfast. The campaign is divided inte a number Of committees corresponding te ail of the groups in the community te ho approached. Bainbridge is the chairman of the corporate and financial institutions committee. It is their task: te reach nearîy 40 per cent of the $5.5-rnillion campaign total. Approximately 400 prospects have been identified. Mayor Bob Attersley will speak te the group about the hospitalls importance te, the corporâte community. Explosive population growth is the mAjor reason behind the redevelopment project. Wbitby General Hospital has outgrown its existing facility. Redevelopment will include: » Updating and replacement of much of the hospital' s equipment. « Renovation of such vital departments as emergency and outpatient services. . Development of a birthing centre on the second floor. - Construction of a long-term care wing te the west of the eisting facility. Corporate conunittee members will be available for interviews or mustions imxnediately folowixig ebreakfast. Bill Wcdkwe FROM PAGE 1 extend our hand out to invite people to Whitby Saying that Wýallace has given much of his time.to make Whitby a better p lace to live, Attersley said, "ýBilI Wallace is a person who holds his hand out to invite people to this community. "To me, a better p erson you couldn't have picked (for this award).» Wallace, who was the town clerk before hein g promoted to administrator in November 1988 said hie was "overwhelmed" anci surpised to be the recipient of this year's award. "I neyer would have expected this," said Wallace, asserting that he feit there were many people more deserving of the award. cThanking the Chambci. for "even considering" his nomr'.*cia- tion among the nominees and previous Peter Perry Award win- ners, he said, "This is a dis- tinguished honor you have bes- towed on me and my family." Wallace also thanked his wife and family for allowing him the time to be invoived in the com- munity over the years, as welI as for their love, patience and sup- port. Reflecting on the years as resi- dent of Whitby and the sense of being welcomed into the com- munity from day one, Wallace said: «Whitby is the host p lace in the worid for my family and me." NEW LOCATION BRIAN DEEGANI DENTURE THERAPISI 134 HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTHI, AMAX 683-6074 Residential & Commercial Specializing in home renovations Kitchen, Bat h, Rec Roor Reasonable rates - Free estimate (416)-571-4065 i. 1 -=:ý* - 1