WHITY FIREE PRESS, WEDNESDAYDCE6, 19W, PAGE 29 Tree ýof 'Hope PROM PAGE 15 Chapter will be located at two stations in the downtown - Churcher's Gulf on Dundas St. W. and the Brewer's Retail on Dundas S. E. Bulbs will be sold i front of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (four corners) by Club Central. The insmen Club of Whitby, Inc. are actively involved in fundraising activities which they happly donate to their major project - cystic fibrosis, as well thy support mny local projecta sueh as the Big Brothers,- the Lung Association. CNIB, the Dernis Houseam the Whitby. Women of Diestinction FROM PAGE 14 Chidren's Choice Award anxd was distributed by Health and Welfare Canada to Canadian day care centres. She -finds time to act as secretar to the international Karate Association of Canada and holda a first degree black beli ini Shotokan karate - instructor. Tracey Welsh, nominated by Cathy Collacott, was selected as the 'YWCA Young Woman of Distinction. Welsh has made an aznazing contribution to her community. In 1987, she was an exchange student in France and bas served as a French tutor to students, acted as a volunteer at Ontario Street school in Bowmanvulle as well serving as bilingual tour guide at Parkwood Estate on Oshawa. She won French, music and draina awards and bas a grade 8 Royal Con--seiatoy of Music in an She erved at St. Paul's Jnited Chi ch on the board of stewards -as 'a Sunday school teacher and as secretary to the Hii-C youth group. She served in the Bowmanville' high school concert band for five years and in the Bowmanville woodwind ensemble in 1988-89. She acted as stage. manager for the Bowmanville high school draina club for four -years. Iii 1988, Welsh was a winner of the milk harvesting board trip to Ottawa and baUen a youth leader and 4H member for seven years, completing 23 projects. Along with 4H members, Welsh helped with special events for nursing home residents. She aloo found time to work as a Sevec monitor for the Northumberland Newcastle Board of Education and supply French teaching for the saine board. She acted as an enumerator for provincial election and as district returning officer Canerai Hospital First Clasa Fund.. The Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Whitby will be located on Brock St. S. for the Tree of Hope Day. Ksinettes will also be selling giant coloring books, the proceeds of which are also directed to community projects. The Head IiNury Assoiation of Durham Region's goa are to: 1. provide support for the iujured and their family; 2. provide information about resources available for help and rehabilitation; 3. stimulate bothi publie and professional response to the problemeinsdm needs of the head ixrjured. Their booth will be at Mr. Grocer, located at Brock St. S. The Durham Down Syndrome Assiciation will at the four corners, just north of the Golden Gate Restaurant on Brock St. S. The Epilepsy Assoiation of Ontario will seil their colored bulbs in front of Célebrations To .Go on Brock St. S. In an effort to raise fumds for a summer day camp for learning disabled cbildren, the Learning Disabilities Association Of OshawWbiutby will be stationed in front of the Canadian Home The% y tr on Brock St. N. juat befohre hlghts at Mary St. 1THE SU5thï anniversary of Red» Cross Oshawa. Conducting, cutting cere- service in the Oshawa area was monies are (from left) Etta Mounce, recently celebrated withathe open- Ruth Wigmore, Terry Kelly and past ing of a new office at 45 Bloor St. E., president Ted Craig. m-»pht Christmas lights show on Dec 17 The third annual CHOO "Crim as- LIght and Sound Show"' will be held Sunday, Dec. 17. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY UN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337 AND UN THE. MATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOILLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS UN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F PASSUNG OFEBY- LAW TAKE NOTICE THAT THE Council of the Corporation of the Town 0f Whtby has passed By-law No. 2739-89 to designate the following property as being 0f historic and architectural value or interest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c.337. The Donald Wilson House 519 Dundas Street East WHITBY, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 519 DUNDAS STREET EAST. WHITBY tUIQBLGI The Donald Wilson House was bullt in 1928 by Donald A. Wilson, a wealthy gentleman who took an active part in community Ite in Whitlby. He was a member 0f the Whitby Board of Education for more than 25 years and Mr., Wilson was a charter member of the Whitby Rotary Cl *ub when Rt was formed. He was also a founding member of the Chamber of Commerce in 1928. Mr. Wilson was named as the first recipient of the Peter Perry Award as Whitby's outstanding citizen in 1955. ARCHITECTURAL The Donald Wilson House combines aspects of romnantic and picturesque English revival styles wfth the utilitanian Amenican Craftsman style. The tudor Revival contnibuted to the picturesque arrangement of massing and many of' the details: the leaded glazing, the numerous gables, and bay windows, the interior nooks, the interior ceiling beams and in part the paneîling. The craftsmnan Interior featured Iavish use of natural wood in wainscotting, beamed ceilings, window seats and built-in fumnishings. DATED at the Town of December, 1989. Whitby this 6th day of Donald G. McKay Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East WHFFBY, Ontario LUN 2M8 PHONE: (416) 668-5803 AUl residents of Durham Region are invitedtojoin inthe lighting of 5,00Chiristmas tree lgts at the Durham Region hfe'« building, 605 Rosslnd E., in Whitby. The staff of CHOO Radio 1390 AM will be joined by Durham Region Chairman Gary Herrema, as he flicks the switeh ta brighten up the skcies over Durham Region. The public is mnvited ta juin in Christmas caroling performed by the Canerai Motors Choir and refreshments by Loe's ANax Marketplace. The* event will culminate th. radio, station's 1989cotributioe, to the Durham Regioei's 'Gift of Christmas Food & yc~ Drive in spport of Durhams'legs fortunate. The War Amputations rof Canada... Safety- Is CHAMP PLAYSAFE No Accident Program CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY IN THE MATT ER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1980,C. 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F PASSING OFEBY-LAW TAKE NOTICE THAT THE Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby has passed By-Iaw No. 2738-89 to designate. the following property as being of historie andi architectural value or interest under Part IV 0f the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.0. 1980,0c.337. The James Boreham House 400 King Street WHITBY, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 400 KING STREET, WHITBY This house was bulit between 1688 and 1892 for James Boreham, a market gardener who kept a large garden and orchard on his property. ARCHITECTURAL The James Borehamn House is an example of late nineteenth century two-storey T plan vemnacular farm house, of red stretcher bond brick with ornamerital white brick banding and an unusual Gothic arch window and front verandah. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 6th day of Decembemr, 1989. Donald G. -McKay Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East WHIT BY, Ontario LIN 2M8 PHONE: (416) 6683-5803