Whitby Free Press, 29 Nov 1989, p. 6

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1D(-P PMRuV PR1~IM PRSS.WRDNESDAY: NOVMMER 29; 1989 VOICE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN eCNA Put Iy owned and operated by blished every Wednesday By 677209 Ontario Imc. Phone: 668-6111 668-6112 668-6369 Doug Anderson Publisher 131 Brock Street North, P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. LUN 5S1 Maurice Pither Editor' Peter Irvine Adverti sing Manager Alexandra Simon Production Manager 2nd Classa Postai Registration #05351 Houdini's most captivating and compelling escape stunt pales in comparison to the stunt the Province is pulling ln escaping responsibility with the introduction of "no-fault insurance." In its attempt to pacify the public with a lower increase ln insurance rates (about 8 per cent compared to a maximum of 33 per cent), it is victimizing each and every Citizen by stripping us of our right to sue in 95 per Absurd cent of accident cases. It also forces us to use up ail other benefit plans before the feeble Insurance benefits can begîn, leaving us totally helpless should we f ail sick or injured at any other time. The plan is absurd. What's even more absurd is how the Province Is trying ta push this through within weeks, sneaking it past the people and giving littie, if any chance, for public input or opposition. Ahi to live ln a democracy. If it weren't so frightening, àt would be funny. Or would PM puts lasso on Canadian business To the editur Thé anticipated 9 par cent goods and services tex is certeinly superfluous when Sir Bian blitbieIy grants a $1.5-million to the Phillipines. Cherity begins at home, Mr. Mulroney. Are you really a Canadien at heart or are you an egatistical enigma wanting thé adoration cf thé universe by your gratitutous complacency wben it comes to- "giving away" Canadien dollars? Oshawa General Motors limes have been closed down due to a decline of sales of 50 par cent, mainly becausé cf foreign imports, namely, Nissan, Toyota, Suzuki. Saberu,, etc., etc., and continue business Brian, and your pass to lasso Canadien and Canadien workers SEE PAGE 15 Are y ou happy about this? Déar Milr. Andersomu 1 amn a feirly réent addition ta, the readership of The Frée Presa, and I wish ta, take this opportunity ta say that your colurnn is excellent. Although I do net always agre witb everything you write, ail of it seems very well researched, informative and interésting. I would lik to suggest thatlI believe ail responsiblé newsapars should publish, page one centre, thé following-. Are you awere that' your fédéral government will spénd Citation for Citizenship OntarordigM The Citation for Citizensip was first proclaimed by the Govermnent of Canada in 1987 on the occasion of the 4th anniversery of the flrst Canadian Citizenship Act. Each year, 25 individuals and organizations are recognized for their outstanding contributions to Canadien citizenship during National Citizenship Week (NCW). Both the Citation for Citizensbip and National Citizen Week, which will take place neit year from Aprl 15 to 21, provide us with an opportunity to celébrate our citizenship and our pride in being Canadien. Next year will also mark the 25th anniversary of the Canadien flag which will be thé focus of NCW clebrations. As a proud symbol of Canada and its people, the flag embodies te Istinctive spirit and the fundamental values of freedom, equality, justice and respect fur diversity which are at the very heart of Canadien citizensi. If you would liké a copy of a brochure decrbmng the Citation for Citizenship program i mre dtail, drop by or contact my constituency office at 686-0432. I arn confident that there are many worthy recipiénts in Ontario riding. The finance conittee was to présent its official report on the proposed goodeaend services tax on Monday, Nov. 27. As a member cf thé committee, I believe that our report takés into account thé diverse input we received duaring our hearings over the lest two xnonths. if you would like a copy cf the report cf recommendations and arnendnients, or a copy of the surninry, contact my office. The report itself is approximately 350 pages long. I ask that unless you are an avid reader and CST enthusaet, request the surnrary. Over the Iast few weeks, many MPs have had thé chance to speak their nund on Bll C-43, An Act Respécting Abortion., Tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 28, Bill C-43 will be put to a vote afler its second reading. If thé bill passes thé vote, it will go to a legisiative comiittée for a détailed examination of its contents. My office lias copies of Bll C-43 if you are interested. LETTERS The Whitby Free Press welcomes letters to the Editor on any subjeet of concern to Our readers. Letters should be brief and to the point - rarely more than 300 words. Ail letters must be accompanied by the name, address and phone nuxnber of the writer; however, on request, your name may be withheld from publication if we agree that there is a valid reason. The paper reserves the right to rejeet or édit ail letters. Send to: The Editor, Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario LiN 55.1 or drop through our mailsiot at 131 Brock St. N. $36-billion more than they take i, this year? Are you awaré that most of that ovérspénding was ta, pay thé interest on our national débt? Are you aware that our national debt is now $321-billion or alrnost $13,000 par man, woman and child in Canada? Are you aware that unléss drestic changes are made by thé governmént, by 1999 thé interest on aur national debt will double? Are you aware that thé goverment proposes ta bring in a new tex, thé CST, which it says will have négative éffect on their incarne? Are you happy about this? If you are net, contact your NP and teliùm ne GST without drastic spénding cuts. Ne cuts, no GST, no voté next élection. My MP knews my viéws. Thank yau and keep the geod columns corning. Thanks for support To thé editor. On bebaîf af thé Arthritis Society and those who have arthritis, please accept aur sin- Fur belongts on animais To the editor: ]Re: Article about fur in Nov. 22 édition Fur belongs on animais, net on people who wish to satisfy their vanity.- Today there are excellent alternatives ta fur. Thé full page spread does net support current, ideas of presérving the environ- ment. W. J. Gaiger01« M&KIýLUU àYLXL% WhitbyWhitby céré appréciation for your sup- port during aur 1989 fundraising capai,;tao, ta aill thé volun- teérs wbo workéd so véry bard on aur bebalf -te rai .se .needed funds for continuedl research.** Spécial thanks to Mayor Bob Attersléy for proclAiming thé week of Sept. il as Arthritis week and for flying thé 'Arthritis Fiai at thé Whitby Town Hall. If your boe or business was net canvasséd and you would liké te support aur warthwbile cause, please send your contribu- tion to: Thé Artbritis Society, 58 Ressland Rd., -W., Suite 5, Osh- awa, Ontario, L1G 2V5. Iný closing, our sincère thanks te thé Whitby Free Press for belping us teli aur stery to your réadérs and te thé mernbers of thé cornmunity whe so gêner- ously gave ... t e vhope. lerie Hundért Campaign Chairmnan The on/y Whitby newspaper independenti Whitby residents for Whitby residents. 0, W ru 1 JL) 1 'r ELviri jrxwjkibý7, TV JLj&#AMý-.. LMMý i

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