j FIDDLE CLUB Thre Oshawa-Whitby Old-Time Fiddle Club will meet on Wed- nesday, Dec. 6, 7:30 pm., at Heydenshore Pavilion .Fiddlers, guIitar players, singers, square, round and stop dancers, and thre public are welcome te attend. Admission is $2. The club meets on thre first Wednesday of each mentIr. For more infornîation cal] 668-1609 or 436-9019. CHIRISTMAS PARTY La Leche'League will hold a Christmas party on Dec. 13, 6:30 te 9 p.m., at Northminister United Church,. Rossland Rd. and Simncoe St. N. There will be face-painting for children. Admission is a donation of can- ned goods, te be given te charity. Fer more information caîl 723- 0542. FUTURE 0F AIRPORT TIre Canadian Club of Durham Region, will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 5 at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa, conimencing with dinner at 6:30 p.m. Guest speaker wiil be Robin L. Mllkn, who will speak on a subject of keen interest to residenta of tins area - Lester B. Pearson Internatioal Mrport Milliken is retired fr-om the position of manager of the control tower at Pearson International Airport and currently employed as an, aviation consultant. There will aie be Christmas wassail, carol ingingg and special entertainment. For reservations and any further information, contact Ruth Brooking at 655-4530 or Nancy McKnight at 668-4522. CERAMCS DISPLAY Dorothy Winn's ceramics are on display at the Whitby Public Library during December. In three different scenes, will be included such figures as unicorns, dragons, wizards, Santa Claus, cherubs, deer, rab- bits and elves. FA319LY FOCUS The Durham Chapter cf the Pull Gospel Business Men's Fellowship will held a special Famiy Focus Christmas Dinner Monday, Dec. il at 7 p.m. at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa. Speciai gueste for the evening will be the children's ministry team cf Gary and Brenda Kean, creators and producers cf 'Thre Whimblies," a puppet ministry for children cf al ages. Gary and Brenda are now taping children's shows for 100 Huntley St. They have travelled extensively ai over North America with their "special frienda" and produced several albums. Men, women and children are invited to attend. Ickete are $14 for adulte, $25 for couples, $7.50 for children under 12 years cf age, and may be ordered by phoning 723-5570 or 655-4087. Reserve early. NICKIN'SESSION CHIRSTMAS PARTY The Scandinavian-Canadian Club of Oshawa District will hold a Christmas party on Saturday Dec. 9, 1:30 p.m. for kids and1 6:30 p.m. for adults and teens, at Holy Family Catholic Church parish hall, 91 Ribblesdale Dr., Whitby. There will bo lunch, nefreshmonts, games and a Scan- dinavian Christmas tnee for the 'St. Lucia Festival.'AIl welcome. For more information cali 668- 3926 or 579-3636. CHRISTMAS BANQUET The Jamaican-Canadian Club invites residents to join in the celebration of their ninth annual Christmas banquet on Saturday, Dec. 2. Cost is $30 per person. There will be chances to win door prizes and a trip to Jamaica. Hal of roceeda te- be donated to Alexandra Hospital Nevis Hurri- cane Fund. For more informa- tien, caîl 436-0960, 728-1114 or 668-9335. CHRISTMAS CONCERT St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Choir will present 'Night of Miracles,'. cantata by John W. Peterson, on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 8 p.m., at St. John'.s Church, 903 Giffard St., Whitby Tickets are $6 ($3 students and1 seniors), and are available froniý choir menibers, or caîl Anne ai 668-5415, Molly at 668-8703 or Sara at 668-0745. CHLRISTMAS CONCERT The Whitby Brass Band will present its annual Christmas concert on Thursday, Dec. 14, 8 .., tHey'denshore Pavili:n. peformers will be the Panther Jazz Band from Pringle Creek Sublic school and Anderson CVI's rass Quintet. Admission is free. For more information caîl 668- 4715. GIFT DRIVE The Volunteer Association of Whitby Psychiatric Hospital will hold a gift donation drive from Dec. 1 to 15. Groups or indivi- duals donating gifts can drop unwrapped itemstbtween 9 a.m. and 5 pm. at the volunteer office, buildi ng 27. Caîl 668-5881, extension 5292, for more infor- mation. COUNTY TOWN SINGERS The County Town Singers will present their annual Christmas concert, 'Splendor and Majesty,' on Tuesday, Dec. 12, 8:15 p.m., at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Cochrane St. Tickets are $6 (seniors $5), available at Saywll's and Rousseau and at thre door. For more information caîl 668-5909. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY The Whi*tby-Oshawa branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society will hold a 'Christmas Social' on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 7:15 to 10 p.m., in the Whitby Public Library auditorium. There will be a short film. Meetings are free and open to the -public. Ail welcome.F or more information caîl Bessie Gannon at 723-7460 or Joyce Hilton at 668-8177. ONE PARENT FAM[LY TIhe North Oshawa chapter of the One Patrent Famly Association will meet on Wednesday, Nov. 29 at Christ Memorial Church, the corner of Hillcroft and Mary Ste. in Oshawa, for carda and conservation. New members welcome. For more information ca 668-5144 or 436-7640. CHRISTMAS PARTY Durhamr Down Syndrome Association will hold their annual Christmas party on Sun- day, Dec. 3, 2 to 5 p.m., at thre Shriners' Hall, 1626 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. The party will in- clude Jeif the Magcian, with Santa arriving at 3:30 p.m. Bring a wrapped gift for your child or children. fiIRISTMAS TREES Ist Whitby boy scoute will seli11 Christmas trees from Dec. 2 to 23 at Jerys The Drug Ware- house and Franklin Frozen Foods 3 11 Brock St. N., Whitby. Cost o1f a scotch pine tree is $16. Hours are 6 to 9 p.m. weekdays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays anc1 il a.m. to 5 p.mn. Sundays. Tree sales are a major fundraiser for the scouts. For more information caîl 666-3247. CHRTSTMASÎDANCE The Malta Social Club of Dur- ham Region (Whitby) will hold a Christmas dance on Saturday, Dec. 2, 8 p.ni. to 1 a.m., at thre Knights of Columbus Hall on Brock St. N., Whitby. Hot and cold buffet, door prizes and spotý dance prizes. Tickets, $15 per person or $30 per couple, avail- able at the door or by calling 668-3060, 668-7683, 430-1266, 576-8411 or 433-4665. Raz aars, craft sales TEA, CRAFT SALE Parkwood will hold Chistmas Tea & Crafi Sale, Monday, Dec. 11, 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. See Parkwood decorated for Christmas, and purchase special gifla. Afternoon tea with home-baked treats. Admission is $10. Phono 579-1311 for tickets. BAZAAR Whitby Psychiatric Hospit a1 Gordon St. Children's Day Cane will hold their annual Christmas bazaar on Wednesday, Dec. 6, 12:30 te, 4 p.m. There will be baked gooda, crafts, children's art supplies, books, apple cider, munchies and a big 50150 draw. For more information caîl 430- 4038. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR The annual Christmas bazaar will be held- at Fairview Lodgo, 632 Dundas St. W., from 1:30 te, 4 p.m. and 7 te, 9 p.xn. on Wodnesday, Dec. 6. There will be a wide- variety of handmade cnafte, folk art, ceramics, wood- working, pillows, knitted items, toys, decorations, bake table (1:30 te 4 p.m.), refroshnronts and tea room. Cost for tea rooni is $1.50. Ail welcome. CRAFT SHOW 'The Craft Show at Christmas 989,P organized by J.M.D. Crafts CO. of Whitby will be held at the Metro East Trde Centre on Fni- day, Dec. 8, noon to 10 p.m., and Saturday,, Dec. 9, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. More than 200 exhibitors will display handmade crafts, art work and country coflectibles. Funds from a craft auction on Dec. 9, 2 p.ni., willgo to Apple Flouse, a shelter for abused women and their children. CHIIRISTMAS BAZAAR The Oshawa Senior Talent Bank Christmras bazaar will be held at the Michael Starr build- ing, corner of Kingr and Centre streets, on Thurs ay,Nov. 30, noon to 4 pa.n. The bazaar will include such items as sweaters, mittens and scarves, ail hand- mde. ELDORADO CHEESE GIFT BASKETS CLAXTON k FRUIT CAKES 433-IL7095 WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1989, P'AGE 35 The War__ Amiputationis of Canada... D Sacy s CHAMP Fo Safety Is PLAYSAFE *o eieLtlr No Accident ProgramL THE CAMPAION COMMITTEE FOR THE Whitby Generadl Hospital FIRST CLASS FUND wishes to express its thanks to [THE WHITBY ROTARY ýClLUB for their generous donation of $1255OOO towards the expansion and modernization 0f the hospital. (uffCaS IP'EUNr) CORPORATION 0F THE' I~L\MiTOWN OF WHITBY ...~ PLANNING DEPARTMVENT NTICE 0F PUBLIC-MEETING Monday, December 4. 1989 at 8 Z0 p.m. MeetIng Hall, Whltby MunIcIpal Bulldlng Whitby, Ontarlo A Public Meeting wilI be heki by the Planning and Development Committee of Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby to consider an amendiment ta the Whitby Officiai Plan and Zoning By-Iaw 2585, as submitted by the Sorichetti Corporation. The subject property is located immediately north of Trafalgar Castie School, bounded by Reynolds Street, Blair Street, Coîbome Street extended and Dunlop- Street extended as shawn on the map below. là r 1 1 L i iiITTT i The purpose of the Off iciai Plan amendment application is to amend the Dawntawn SecorKiary Plan tram Low and Medium Densîty Residential wth respective building heights of 3 and 4 storeys to High Density Residential with a maximum of 8 storeys, ta permit the develapment of il block townhause units and 354 apartment units. Thie Institutionai zaning would also be amended to implement the prapased develapment. The purpase of this meeting is ta pravide adequate information ta the public and ta permit interested persans the opportunity ta make representatian in respect af the subject application. If you are unable ta attend the meeting, yaur representation can be filed in writing by mail or personal delivery ta reach the Planning Department rat later than regular working hours on December 11, 1989. lnterested persans'may inspect additional information relaing ta the abave application in the Planning Depariment, Level 7, 575 Rassiand Road East during regular working haurs, Monday ta Friday or may contact the Planning Deparment by telephaning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT Dîrector of Planning Corporation of the Town of Whitby Coming events