Whitby Free Press, 22 Nov 1989, p. 34

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PAGE, 34,WITBYFREE PR ESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1989 Ani,,derson 2nd in Ln-OSSA The Anderson'.rnidget girls' basketball team 'tooDk the 'silver in'LOSSA last week at. Pickering,- Hig.Te were defeated by Ajax hinthe finals, 42-31. The top? four teains in the league adivanced to the semi- finals. First place Anderson beat fourth -place' Dunharton, 42-28. The other semi-final gaine was between second p lace Ajax and third place O'Neill. Ajax won the game t6 advance ta the firtals. Both Anderson and A4j4x will move onto DYSSA which will be held Saturday, Nov. 25. Ander- son will playat McLàughl in. Whitby reaches consolation final lit <Whitby's goal were scored by Crouch, unamsisted; Nicholas Owen, assisted by Jamie Giles and Mark Unwin; Bradley McNaughton, assisted by Jay Harrison and Richard Race; Owen, assisted by Danny Cohen. Whitby played against Wexford in the semi-finals. Crouch scored a goal for Whitby, itd by Owen. Wekford scored four goals defeatang Whitby 4-1. Whitby then continued on ta the consolation finals against Orillia. Whitby ,was defeated 5-2. The Whitby goalscorers were Owen,1 unassisted, followed by Harrison, assisted by McNaughton. WhiAtbyas next tournainent will be played Nov. 25 and 26 in London. Atomswn ore The Passport Whitby minor atom A teain àdded two more victories ta their Lakeshore division season, with a 5-0 shutout over Pickering and a 12-4 demolition of Markhamn. On Nov. 14, behind shutout goaltending from Adam Yule, Whitby easily handled Pickering. Ryan O'Leary 'and David Farquharson scored two each while Jason Irwin added a single in the winning cause. The Markham gaine, played on Nov. 18, saw a. pair -of goals came from Gina Ring, Jason Irwin and David Farquharson. Singles were scored by Grant Souter, Bilan Vinent, Scott Young, ý Matt Capson, Ryan OLeaiy and Todd Farquharson. Whitby played a disciplined, passing gaine in front of sound goaltending by Brent Johnson. Coach Dave Rijng and assistant coach Bruce Johnson announced the player of the month following the Pickering gaine, with defenceman Adamn MacCarl picking up the honors. Last month's award went ta, quick-skcating Jason Irwin. Team captain Ryan O'Leary is the first Passport player to pass the -pont mark this season. 0 eý ,hmas scored 35 goals and a ded,21\assists ta date. Whitby niinor novice A teain upansored by Kim Crouch Collar,' reached the consolation final, of the Orillia first annual hockey tournainent Nov. 11-12. Their first gaine was played against Orillia. Though Whitby played strongly in the first two perods, they lest te Orillia 4-2. Whitbys goals were scored. by Kyle 'Crouch, unassisted, and Nicholas Owen, assisted by Kyle Wailes and Danny Small. Their second gaine was against the Markham AA teain. It was necessary for Whitby ta win this gaine by three goasi order ta proceed t the sem-fnals on Sunday, as Markham and Glla had each won one gaine. Whitby defeated Markhain 4-1. WVhitbyhaving scored the most goals in its winning gaine, was first overall, Orillia was second, and Markhazn finished third. The first two placers continued on ta the semi-finals. OFSAA to'be played locally David Dobson and David Phil- lips of Anderson CVI are con- veners for the OFSAA ( Ontario high school) boys' AAA volleyball finals. ta be held Nov. 23-25 at Hemr Street High School, ONeil Collegiate and Durham College. Sixteen teams from across the province wil cnmpete for the OFSAA champiornshýip. Opening ceremonies will be held Thurs-. day , Nov. 23, 4p.m, at Durham~ Co îege, followed by *a banquet at General Sikorski Hall and coaches' meeting at the Holiday Inn. Pool play begins on Friday at the three schools, with quarter- finals, semi-finals and finals on Saturday. A day pass ta view the com- petition costs $2 ($3 for a two- day pass). After a disappointing 5-O boss ta the York -Taros last Wednesday, the bantain B team, sponsored by Precision Litho Inc. came back with a strong effort'on Saturday beating the Oshawa Blackhawks 4-2. Mike Brillinger scored a pair, with singles by Scott Jensen and Clayton Stillar. Whitby camne up snort against Cedar HIi, bosing 7-4. Whitby gaalscorers on Sunday in a bosing cause were StillarJensen, Mike Goode and Mike Maison. Softball SAssociation The W.G.S.A. would Ilke to T-hank the following 1989 sponsors N.R.S. REALTY ONE INO. HENRY'S DO-IT-CENTER MacMILLAN BATHURST INC. VAN HEMMEN TIRES & SALES BAILEY'S BIG V DRUG STORES PIONEER INTERIORS CENTURY 21 GOLD JACKET - ROSEMARY BROWN REMAX SUMM[U REALTY - DAVID R. HAYLOCK WHITBY OPTIMISTS MERCURY AUTO BODY KINSMEN CLUB WHITBV SUPERNOVA GYMNASTICS CLWB WHIVBY LEG ION BR. 112 SORICHElTI HOMES MIDAS MUFFLER SHOPS SCOTT'S KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN PEACOCK FAMILY SPORTS for their support... BROOKLIN OPTIMISTS RUDDY ELECTRIC ROTARY CLUB PRECISION LITHO CARDINAL CONTAINERS MA RIGOLO LINCOLN MERCURY SALES KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS (4895) LIONESS CLUB CHURCHER'S PETRO CANADA LOVELL DRUGS BROOIKLIN LEGION LADIES AUXILIARY WHEELIES NATIONAL TRUST LIONS CLUB ROYS ENTERPRISES CRANN REAt.TY CORP. - MICHAEL BAIRD KIWANIS CLUB PASSPORT INTERNATIONAL MIDWAY MOTORS .and also the followlng who provldedi door prizes for our successful banquet... REALTV WORLD HERITAGE WHITBV REALTY- HELEN BEVIS REALTV WORLD HERITAGE WHITBY REALTY MARY BROWN'S FRIED CHICKEN ROYS ENTERPRISES TORONTO BLUE JAYS OAIRY OUEEN PEACOCK FAMILY SPORTS CANADIAN TIRE CILLEN GARDENS ST. HUBERTS CHIOKEN KREBS RUDDY ELECTRIC SWISS CHALET KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN MOVIOLA CArE CASEWS MOTHERS PIZZA BELLAMYS MELANE PRINGLES HOLIDAYtIN (OSH-AWA) HOSTESS ...also a very specli Thank You to David R. Haylock - Romax Summit Rsafty and Dodd & Souter for our surpris. guest, B.J. Birdis! The Precision iàtho bantains were ta, play this week at Iroquois Park against Peterborough. Tlhis will be the bantains' last gaine before taking part in a Fart Erie taurnament this coming weekend. Shutout for soccer team On Nov. 19, Whitby Masterchef under-lO indoor socoer team bounced back from last' week's poor showing to a 6-O roxip over the lowly Oshawa Kicks. Cliff Coppolino did most of the damage with a hat trick. A pair Cliff Coppolinodid most of the damage, scaring a hat trick. A M o'goals were scored by Iichael 'Magic' Magee, withý Enjo Chiarello closing aut the socring. Defensive play and acrobatic saves earned Gardon Venner a shutout. Next game for ,-Mitby is against Pickering. Kunetsky 0lik in The John Runetsky rink wan the Whitby Fabrics mixed bons- piel on Nov. 11. With skip Kunetsky was vice Rita Denholm, second Jan Den- holin and lead AIyce Ru etsky Second prize went ta Ite rink of skip Steve Tooze, v ce Jane Tooze, second Stan Forshiaw and lead Elaine Farshaw. Winning the two-ganie high was the rink of ski p Richard Turner, vice Val Elmhurst, second Phil Elmhurst and lead Elaine Turner. Consolation went ta the rink of skip Dick Sandrelli, vice Aggie Sandrelli second Steve Mahoney and lead kîlen Mahoney. Winning the one-game high was the rink of skip Richard Turner, vice Val Elinhurst seond Phil Elmhurst and leaci Elaine Turner. Whitby. rep. hockey spensored by Pau Nov.?7 Whltby 1 Brian Vinent 4 Grant Souter S Ryan O'lmiy 2 Scott Yowng 2 Jason Irwln Matt Capeoc Gi na King Jua Te"~ lrgvil Evan Klamum Ada. iay Rune D1avidon - --me by Gursn Guitare Nov. 8 sport Whitby Whitby P. DIRe. 3 W. Primesu 2 D. Young 14 WarrePâxk 2 P. Brooks C. Stoe. NOV. 15 W. Prieu 2 D. Young C. Siens NOV. 9 Whltlhy 6a Tonto Grant Souter 2 D. Fsqar.oei matt Capson Rtyan O7ar Derk Van Egmond Mima' Atcea AA' - spenared by M & M Meat Stor Nov. 6 wNhy Nov. 8 Whithy Bryan Cruuch 2 Darryl Lewis. 0 Oahawa 3 Peterborough MinceNovice 'A - aponaord by Kim Crouch Coflars Orila NodiceTmdIo Hodkoy Towna NOV, il Whlthy Kyle Comuch Nicholas Own Whltby 4 Nichola, Owen 2 Brui McNaughton Kyle Crouch Nov. 12 Whity Kyle Crouch Whitby Nicholas Owen Jay Herrie 2 Odifia 8 Toronto 3 4 Ncrth York Nov. a Whlthy M&O BdWinaoe Nov. il Whltby Scott Jensen CGowyUn Stilar mSe&aln8e Whitby Barreti Church Mike Heffering Janle GOhb Whitby 4 Matt Jardin Caney Dupant Judd Steenuon 1 Whitby Souan Haynaa Jamie Gâb Judd Steveun Mike Hamiton Markham 1 Peiooorough 2 3 Peerorough 4 3 Ajax 3 Cobourg 6 4 Weford 7 0 Peterborough 2 mim'pee'X' - spomord by EaatwayPlymouth 2 OrlUa M*r Novice'Er' Vn&Sag - .pnaoed by Hglý a mg Pende. Faflh Tmwnaoaui Nov. Il Wbitby Jason Hunter 2 Sammy Scheepers Whltby 8 Sammy Seheepers 3 Jason uter Andrew Muelle Boliby &hlitt Paul Helnrich Michael Féea Whitby Paul Heinrich 3 Ryan McArthur 2 Michael Feret Sammy Scheepers Shane Nfl] Nov. 12 Whithy Michael Feret SaMMY sehepr Paul Henrich Nov. 6 Whitby Scot Whltlock Nov.?7 Wbltby TUBlY Malcel. NOV. 9 Whitby 2 S.Blsia2 B. Ledge L MacNtl M. SLAmnd NOV. il Whzfby - S. Biais 2- 7 LMac«Ned2 B. Scot 4 Markham 4 2 Plckering 6 6 O.hwa 4 5 Mb.aiaaauga 4 Ma~joe Hndaus AR - ponacred by JeniLym )Moatas Whltby a Ajax 8 JamleAlluon Brad Stla M*jr NoviceAA' . wSmpcod y ah Aluminum Whitby house, leýgule hockey PEM Nov. 12 Roy% Entreprue.4 Travor Harvey 2 Erie Kirkwccd Teray Minis 2 Oshaa 2 NOV. 9 whfhy 4 culdng Jet Lh.ton 2 Janole AflMon Geoffcifda NationalTrust 8 Mchl MadilI 2 IL Babertion MA4JOU NOVICE Nov. 10 HMoeBUrd Brai McRuy 4 Dsrroeflurley 3 Chas Ead 2 9 Whil. Optimieta 3 MichaRel Orr MarkThompeon Chais ocoy Brook. El..... 3 Ha"etPlastics 2 T1. Femn. 2 Paul Grahamn Luka Paver Mchael Mclver MIR NOVICE Blade'.Cusmi Dafriy Pigemu Dodd & Scuter 4 Whlt. Fireligit. 4 Brant Ciles 38, Brait OsIe Ada. Thoonpwd l Jeffci Denike Patrick Blckqy Coq Woodward Wbii. fptmiat 2 franldns Jochua 'ibompon Crig NdUie 2 Nul] Yenan Dennis canner Mim ah ebrda &. L. Auto B odyr 2 Chweeks Var. 4 Jason Spence Myie m edon 2 Andrew Aahbes Aa.M rre As. Kennae AIM Nov. 12 priMSg" Stevme Rce2 Matt Andrea The. Brick. Joël Johnacn 2 Kuni rurw John Anderso Siaile Contniot. Jo.h Quan. Ada. Shairiff MAUt Wion lTT Canna. A. Camnanul Mfichael Parrot CMrian Pète SoawnTwouer Jeta-nlu Nov. il WhIt. Kin.ea seou imoos Uoowase 6 Billy Jo. Nopple 3 Gey laflanc 2 mcaa Risc.- 2 NES Bmlty 5 CrUiÇ Canne Jeff Walnes 2 Ke. evia Inn Cuthbarteon 2 NoameWcod BANTAN H&BSigna 6 Clan Ehasco 2 Jâa Derke B. J. Prout -Geoffrey Boexgardi Camnera. Poland Secia Bank 2 EL Wethenlcn Chais Packer Wlt. Iinemen 5 Ihryl Pleahe 2 CreigMnaker Michael Banks David Campbell UMUMwmmBN Gua Brown O Wldt. Fiee Presa! Pao] Wataen f 4 i - spcnoe¶d by PecsinWWLi tholme. Whitby 8 Uzbrige Jamie Olaelk 2 3 Clayton SWlar XM1 NovSice AA' -sponscred by Vick lnwmrnce 1 Woxford 4 Whltby 3 East GwMùlibury4 Fenelanfflà 8 cd»cwg See ady filer4 Jam.y LeUen 2 !lyhr Dooka 2 Tyom dabrook DanuaPartdie Nov. 12 BéBsipa 6 JunsDans 8 GeoffmBblrd Bmd Whee B. J. Pt BrSok. Concre .1 Ensie Richarde 8 Whltby Audio Mark Burna 8 Brenan Uaitruan Ejyan Poocke 4 DufN sTowint 3 Martin Berna. !AflyUrt5gE Brian Nlen 3 WhLt.Kinmoua 1 Thomas Feneu.y Choce'. ver. o JI. Davidm n7 TOM Patte. 2 Hen" Kalota 2 Jel Coe a2 JI. cane. souteut- mâteNRehei BanytymA. steveWing2 Ndfllamke mie" Matimmr Danflad ý p Bs gain split e

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