Whitby Free Press, 22 Nov 1989, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WHMTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1989g AUCTION An auction, will be held at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre 801 Brock St. S. Pre-bidding wilf be held 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mondaý, Nov. 28 to Friday, Dec. 1, wir the official auction on Saturday, Dec. 2, at 1:30 p.m. The auction will allow hids on unique items and talents such as: someone to paint a room; gas barbecue; ichelin tires, intalled to fit a car; newly upholstered rocker. Proceeds g o to the seniors'centre building fund. For more details call 668-1424. TURKEY SIOOTS The Pickering Rod & Gun Club and three other clubs will hold turkey shoots from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., on Nov. 25 and 26, Dec. 3, 9 and 16, at the club (on H wy 7, g o one mile west of Brock ]Rd. to Sideline 22, go 300 yards south. Twelve-gauge shotguns only (new ammo supplied). For more information caîl 683 -5481 (home), 427-8531 (home) or 581- 6755 (work). PRIDE PRIDE (Pople to* Reduce Drunk DrivingEfiverywhere) will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 19, 7 r .m. at the Durham District -Ieafrh Council office, 40 King St. W., suite 300 (third floor), Oshawa. Guests are welcome. For more information caîl 723- 1928. FIDDLE CLUB The Oshawa-Whitby Old-Time Fiddle Club will meet on Wed- nesday, Dec. 6, 7:30 p m.at Heydenshore Pavi lion. Fiddlers, guitar players, singers, square, round and stop dancers, and the public are welcome to attend. Admission is $2. The club meets on the first Wednesday of ech month. For more information cal 668-1609 or 436-9019. SOCIETY MEETING The annual meeting of the South Ontario Agricultural ;Society will be held at the Brook- lin community centre (upstairs), Cassels Rd. E., on Wednesday, Nov 22, 7:30 to 10:30 p.xn. CIIRISTMAS TREES Ist Whitby boy scouts will seel Christmas trees from Dec. 2 to 23 at Jerrys the Drug Warehouse and Franki~n Frozen Foods, 311 Brock St. N., Whitby. Cost of a scotch pine tree is $16. Hours are 6 to 9 p.m. weekdays, 9 a.m. to 6 pm . on Saturda ys and il a.m. to 5p.m. on Sundays. Tree sales are a major fun draiser for the scouts. For more information eal 666-3247. CHRISTMAS PARTY La Leche League will hold a Christmas party on Dec. 13, 6:30 to 9 p.m., at Northminister United Church, Rossland Rd. and Simcoe St. N. There will ha face-painting for chiýdren. Admission is a donation of can- ned goods, to be given to charity. For more information cali 723- 0542. PHOTO CLUB The Whitby Photo Club will meet at theéWitby Public Libr- ary on Monday, Nov. 27, 7 to 9 g.m. Guest speaker will be Ed Stevens, of the Canadian Asso- ciation of Nature and Outdoor Photography. Submissions will ho made for print clinic I. New members are welcome. CHRISTMAS BANQUET The Jamaican-Canadian Club invites residents to loin in the celebration of their ninth annual Christmas banquet on Saturday, Dec. 2. Cost is $30 per person. There will ha chances to win door prizes and a trip to Jamaica. Half of proceeds to be donated to Alexandra Hospital Nevis Hurri- cane Pund. For more informa- tion, eall 436-0960, 728-1114 or 668-9335.,BZA Westminster United Church will hold its annual Christmas bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 25 from, 1 - 4 p.m. There will be a plant and craft table with Christmas novelties, a white elephant table, tea room and bake table. Westminster is located at 25 Mahnmng rd. E., (at Carrard Rd.) in Wbitby.0 Devel-,oping a solid. repu tation-as.a builder of fine communities 'takes commit ment and ai deep-ropoted seffse of professionalism to bring home purchasers back' to.the same cornpany again and again. You can sec that kind of professional- ism, that commitment, in the faces of the hundreds of people aià Coscan Development Co rporation - people who've made us a leader in residential community development through their dedication to standards of quality construction and çustomner service. We'd like you to meet some of the people who make up the faces of Coscan. I'eople like .ctstomer service manager John Burreil, a long-timne Coscan crnployee, who recognizes the. Coming ev4 AIDS AWARENES An AIDS awareness forum, 'Looking for Answers,' will ha held at Ail Saints' United Church on Tuesday, Nov. 28, 7:30 p m. Guest panel members will bT e Rv. Richard Qidney, chaplain at Toronto General Hos- pital; Dr. Mary Howson, family doctor who has treated AIDS patients; Sherry Cauba, parent of an AIDS victim; an d Rita Galinauska of Durham House. Admission is goodwill:offering, with funds collected to support AIDS clinical research. for more information caîl Rev. Mark King- hami at 668-5101 or Jeannette Etter at 668-3478 (evenings). CIIRITMAS PART Y The Multiple Sclerosis Durham Regional Chapter will* hold its annual Christmas party on Sunday, Dec. 17, 2- 7 p.m., at the Trillium Vally Ski Area Banquet Hall. Go north on Simcoe St. N. just pàs Raglan (sign is on left). Tfickets are $10 per person. Multiple sclerosis members and their familles may contact the Durhan office during business hours Monda, Wednesday' and Friday for tickets from Donna at 579-7727, from Sam MeNair at 725-9815 or Frank Heath at 436-6411. Those wishing te, donate affle or door prizes contact Teresa Parker at 433-1270. 'The cut-af date for ticket sales is Dec. 6. Cheque must accompany order for tickets and ba made out te, the Multiple Scleros Society Durhamn Region Chapter.1 IMAGES0F SPEED 'The Outar Edge: Images of Speed' will beha lad at The Station Gallery until Nov. 26. importance of personal involvement by inspecting homes on site. Like architectural technologist Ruby Preusse, part of the drafting team that prepares the plans for our communities across Ontario. And like general superintendent Brian Couperthwaite, who believes that attention to detail and careful planning results in the very best homes. We're proud of Coscan employ ees like John, Ruby and Brian and-'their dedica- tion to the communities We build.. M £4 -~ -~ - ~ ".-,~_- -- -~. "--_.-~--~-~-~-- CHRISTMAS PARTY The Scandinavian-Canadian Club of Oshawa District will hold a Christmas party on Saturday, Dec. 9, 1:30 p.m. for kids and 6:30 p.m. for adults and teens, at Holy Family Catholie Church parish hall 91 Ribhlesdale Dr., Whitby.1rýxere will ha lunch, refreshments, games and a Scan- dinavian Christmas tree for the 'St. Lucia Festival.' AIl welcomne. For more information call 668- 3926 or 579-3636. CRAFT SH-OW 'The Craft Show at Christmas 189,' organized hy J.M.D. Crafts Co. ofWhi*th will ha held at'the Metro East ade Centre on Fi- day, Dec. 8 noon to 10 p.m., and Saturday, bec. 9, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.*c Mor 'e ,iÈtan 200 exhibitors Mil isplay handmade crafis, art work and country collectiblas. Funds from. a craft auction on Dec. 9. 2 p.m., will go to Apple House, a shelter for ahused women and their children. OLDE TYME CILRISTMAS The Station Galleys l7th annual Olde Tyme Christmas will ha held Saturday, Dec. 2, and Sunday, Dec. 3, noon to 5 p.m. There will hea a exhibition and sale of drawings, paintings, photographs, sculpture, stained glass, antique prints, hand-knit weaters, jewelry, pottery, quilt- îng, cor husk dolîs, hand pup- pets, hake table, special draws and;more. Admission is free. VOX POP FORUM Ontario riding MP Rene Soe- tens will hold the next Vox Pop Forum on Nov. 24 7:15 p.m., at the Whitby Public Library. MODEL RAIàltOADERS The North Oshwa chapter of the One Parent aiy Association will hold their social night on Saturday, Nov. 25 at the YWCA o n Center St. S., in Oshawa from 8 p.m. te 1 amn. Dress code no jeans. For more information call 668-5144 or 436-7640. CESARJEAN BRMT The Cesarean 'Birth Su p port and Education group wxil ha meeting.Mondéy, Nov. 27 at 8 pan. at 9 Brady Lane, Ajax. Topi for discussion will be 'Hea]ing the Emotional Scars of a Cesam'ean.' The group provides information and education te, parents and professonals anticipating cesarean birth or vaginal bith, and the ptons alailable lin the DumbkamR&, egion. .For more infimation contact LisaWIeston at 576-0562 (Oshawa), Anfie 11111l at 839-3366 (Pickering), Kelly Smith at 683-7175 (Ajax) or Penny Kobynovich at 571-0265 (Whitby). The Whitby Commumtzy Information Centre, 405 Dundas st. W., offers a legal aid clinic 7 to 9 p.m. on the second of the month from Septamber to June. There is no charge for the service, available to anyone. Cali 668'0552 for more information. CALI FOR LETTERS 0F INTEREST OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW AND (~M UPDATE STUDY TOWN 0F WHITBY The Town of Whitby is seeking letters of' interest from qualified consultants to undertake a, comprehensive review and update of Uts Officiai Plan. This Isthe first phase of a process to select a short list of consultants to submit proposais for this study.- Replies wiIl be macle on 'ly to those consultants selected to make further ýdet:ailed submissions. The study program will comprise ail phases of review,, including key backdround studies on.future urban Iland requirements, a municipal housingstatement upclate, and the assessmenit and formulation.of ail existing planning policies ultimatel lading to a revised Officiai Plan. Major policy assessment areas iniclude -housing, economic development, environment,,transportation'and rural development within the context of the Durham, Region Officiai Plan. Overai co-ordination o the -study. will also be aconsultant responsibility. We are seeking' multi-discipliriary firms -or consortia of specialists with relevant project.,experience, creativity, demonstrated problem-solving c apability, a proven record in the implementation and.çdefense; of planning, policy, and rio conflicts of interest. A copy of the Officia> Plan and lntroductory Discussion Paper on the need for a major review ls avallUMe at the Planning Department, -575 Rosslanci Road'East, WhItby, LIN 2M8. Submissions are to be macle to the Depailment no later than Wednesday, December 13, 989,t by 9:00 a.rn - The Fa'ces of, Coscan CHIRISTMAS CONCERT St. John the Evangejist Roman Catholic Choir will present 'Night of Miracles,' cantata by John W. Peterson, on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 8 p.m., at Pt. John's Church, 903 Giffard St. Whitby- Tickets are $6 ($3 stients and seniors),' and are availahie froni choir members, or caîl Anne al 668-5415, Molly at 668-8703 oi Sara at 668-075. FRENCH EVENING As part of. a province-wide tour, organized by the Assèmblee des centres culturels de! l'Ontario, three young Franc9-Ontarlan artists wîill perform on Wednes- day, Nov. 29, 8 p m., in Oshawa, at l'Amicale: 707l Simcoe St. S. Performing will be comedians DDT,(Luc Theriault and Daniel Chartrand from the' Ottawa region), new wave rocker France Gauthier from Toronto and singer Andre Lanthier of rNorth- ern Ontario. Tickets are avail- able'at l'Amicale. For nioreinfor- mation caîl 434-7676. Scarboropgh Model Railraoders will hold their annual spring opex, house, and modal train show on the last two Sundays in. November. The train show includes both "ho" and 'Y" scale operating' model railroads, authentic railroad sound systems, videos, snack bar and "hiow-to" clinics. The open house will h at 17 Jeavons Ave. in Scarbeoýg from il a.m. te 5pn. Admission is $4 per person, freete children under 4 feet 6 inches tail. Special ra for families and seniors. Follow the model train show signa from Birchmount Rd. where' it crosses éither Danforth Rd. or Danforth Ave. in Scarborough4 ONE PARENT FAMILY The North Oshawa chapter of the One Parent Fa Y. Association will meet on Wednesday, Nov. 22 at 8 p.m. at, Christ Memorial Chrch, the corner of Hlillcroft and Mayâs. in Oshawa. The guest speaker will be Dave Halse, 'Héalin¶ for Daxfiaged Emotion! Nw meqdpberae welcome. For more infotmation. cail 668-5144 or 4M67640. ONE PARENT FANMY

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