PAGE 6. WB1TBY FREE PRESS,ý WEDNESDAY, ýNOVEMBER 8P41989 VOICE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN The only Whitby newspaper independently owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents. Put J~j P, ilished every Wednesday 3y 677209 Ontario Imc. Phone: 668-6111, 668-6112 Doug Andersonl Publisher 131 Brock Street North, ý.0. Box,206, Whitby, Ont. LiN 551 Maurice Pifher Editor Peter Irvine Advertising Manager Alexandra Simon 2dCaPdotl n Mltraio 055 ~nd Class Postai Reglstratlon #05351 The Royal Canadian Leglon award-wlnnlrîg poemn (junior catsgory)', 'l Wonder Why?' by Shawn Sklehà r, of Yorkton, Saskatchewan: As 1 stand here and wonder why A tsar slowly'creeps from a soldiers oye >He stands quietly with his head slightly bent Thinking of the many times he spent. APoem for Rtemembranoe Day Fighting in a land ho hardly knew Fighting for freedom for me anid for you Ho thinks of his comrades with regret Seeing their faces he'II nover forget They lie in their graves in far away lands And 1 look again at his trembling hands W. do not know the'suffering and pain We hope they'Il nover have to fight again So on Remembrance Day we ail know About the crosses row on row About the old soldier standing by 1 just can't. help but wonder why? Lakes can be saved By r -em sSeen Ontario riding MP The Great Lakes hold 20 per oent of the world'à supply off fresh water. They provide drinkg water, recreation, and are the econonuc underpinning for 35 million Canadians and Americans. Over the years, the quality of the water in the Great Lakes has been steadily diminishing. Whether one talks about the localized pollution of Toronto beaches or the overail quality of the lakes, one thing is clear, the picture is bleak. However, the Great Lakes can be saved and returned to their once glorlous state. The Minister of Health and Welfare, on behaif of the Environment Canada, announced the funding for problems under the Great Lakes Action Plan. The Great Lakes Action Plan will commit $125-mil]ion in new funds over five years to help clean up, preserve and monitor the Great Lakes. The action plan bas three principal elements: helping clean up the mess of today, preserving the environment for the future, and cloeely examining the current state of the lakes for potential dangers to human health. The firat element, the $55-niillion Great Lakes dlean-up fund, will restore the health of the Great Lakes ecosystem. The fund will implement specific remedial measures in areas of federal jurisdictions. Around the Great Lakes there are 42 areas of conoern designated by the International Joint Commission, ail of wbich are targeted for remedial action. The second area, the preservation fund, with a budget of $50-million, will look at the changes we ail must make to preserve the Great Lakes. There is much work to ho done. We need to reduce the run-off from lands along the lakeshores, particularly water laden with agricultural chezmcals. We must also work to prevent pollution of ground water, ensure contaminated sediments do not spread before they can be removed or neutralized and examine how best to protect the lakes from toxic rainfali, which amount for about 30 per cent'of the pollution of the lakes. The third program, for which $20-million bas been allocated, examines the effect of Great Lakes pollution on human health. There are growing concemns that the cumulative effect of low-level toxic chemicals may indeed affect human health. The government takes these concerns seriously and will address them systematically. The different aspects of this scientiflc work include examiming the overal effect on human health of exposure to contaminants, ta enbancing the involvement of groups and individuals, ta improving the coordination of scientific research conducted in the Great Lakes basin. The residents of Ontario riding and surrounding areas know ail too well the effects of pollution on the Great Lakes. They need only drive ta the shores of Lake Ontario and look out over the vast waters ta witness it first-hand. I agree wholeheartedly with the growing number of Canadians who feel that the time for talk is over. We must ensure that the environment our children inherit from us is as dlean as, or cleaner, than the environment we inherited from our parents. LETTERS The Whitby Free Press welcomes letters to the Editor on any subject of concern to our readers. Letters should be brief and to the point - rarely more than 300 words. Ail letters must be accompaniedby the name, address and phone number of the writer; however, on request, your name may be withheld -from publication if we agree that there is a valid reason. The paper reserves the right to reject or edit ail letters. Send to: The Editor, Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby Ontario LiN 5S1 or drop through our mailslot at 131 Brock i. N. To the editor. Copy of letter ta the manager Of the new Cineplex Odeon Theatre in Whitby. Dear Sir: It was with interest that, as a longtime resident of Whitby, I learned that we were ta have our very own Odeon theatre and not just one but wix. We have wondered when this theatre would open and what type of films would be shown. Now we know! I find it difficit ta believe that what was listed in the newspaper really is the film fare that, your brand new complex thinks is suitable for our tawn. EverY day we are made aware of socal upset in our tawns and cities. schools and childrens' service groups are trying te solve problems in families, polie forces are overwhelmed with violence in the mails and streets plus many more community problems, and yet the following films with your designation attached are the only choioe for people ta see if they want ta, attend a movie in Whitby. I feel we were better off without a theatre. Wouid you really want ta take your wife/teenager/aunt/unclechild to see any of these? The Fabulous Baker Boys (coarse language) Immediate Family (mature theme) Shocker (brutal violence) Next of Kin (violence, not recommended for children) Worth Winning (coarse language) Sex, Lies and Videotapo (flot recommended for children, sexual content) Which of the above can we take our children tô? Hoping that these initiai films were ail a bad mistake bY someone and some positive, up-beat tap calibre films will soon be coming our way, I remain, Sincerely, Carol Koeelag >WhitIby Thanks To the editor: I would like ta thank Trudie Zavadovica for ber excellent coverage of the September meeting of THEOS. Everyone who bas seen it was very pleased with the way she publicized our organization and concerns. I sent a copy ta the head office of THIEOS in Pittsburgh and they also praised it highly. Thank you, Trudie, for using your Sunday afternoon ta be with Us. I watch for your articles each week now. Sincerely, Dorotby MaeNaughton Whitby "No need to ask the students how they feel!" -. tT.r9.ry.g #~J"YP5p$.py*,;~çjî E A mistakeO m -0