WHITBWFME PRESS, WEDNýESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1M8, PAGE 5 Soe thinga in 1f forever dafy understanding. Take politics. Or abortion. Or Meech Lake. Talc. them ail. Please. To hear anyone, Canada is about to fail off the. face of the planet, te, break asunder, to divorce the French from the English to who knows what resaIt.. If -the Meech Lake Accord is not ratified -- whatever that means - by next June, politicians cannot b. held acceuntable for what will happen next;. Even bland old David Peterson, Premier of Ontarie, whoee vision of leadership consista cf letting the world unfold in its own sweet way, bas ugested that he worries about the survival of Canada. One canonly wonder if he now is worrying enough te feel he must offer bis services te lead the fedaral iâberals eut of the powerless land tbey find themSelves in. Sort cf te get the Meech Lake thing off their backs, the Progressive- Conservative» govern'ment (led by Brian the chin Mulroney) bas tabled the answer te the abortion problem. You neyer likely thought you'd ever hear fr-om me, but this time Mulroney just may have gotten things right. I mean, look- hels got everybody on ail sida. of the abortion issue mad as heul at i. He MUST bave don. sometbing right. What puzzles me about peeple on both extrema. of the abortion issue is their need te impose their views on other people. Tain't right. Least, it ain't Canadian. Se., Canadians got this need te b. bland and boring and conciliatery as bell. Where is MacKenzie King.now that we reay nedim Everybody knows tbat the resulting abortion law cannot satisfy lunatics from either sida. Banning. al Labortions will simple force the issue back ite bacc alleys and disease and quacks and a whole hoat cf other thinge. Hey, for many people, abortion would net be the choice te solve a personal prcklern. You can use tbe decide not to lay chlarges Atter a follow-up investigation, police have opted not.to charge a youth for possession of a .357 replica pellet. . pi Last week, a viceprnia from Anderson CVI had seized a replica gun from a 15-year-old r' student. Police were then called iu to inviestigate the incident. The youth was arrested, but Durham '1egional Police say because the youth was con- sidered to be a "clean" indivi- dual, and one who had neyer before been in trouble with the police, charges would not be laid. The youth was issued a warn- ing by police, however. Initial police reports suggested the youth, who cannot be identi- fied because of his age, would be charged with "weapons danger- ous". and would answer to the charge in youth court. Lotto winner Ruthven Murray of Whitby was one of a group of nine who shared a $75,533 second prize in the Lotto 6/49 draw on Oct. 25. A total of 23 tickets claimed second prize in the draw. 3CEN«rRE PRINTING, OFFICE SUPPLIES & FURNITURE HEAD OFFCF 513 WESTNEY POAD SOUTH AJAX ONT PETAIt 57109f 218 HARWOOD AVE SOUTH AJAX ONT lEt 1965 fAx !V611,183 ~; ________________ WITHOUR FEET UP by Bill Swan Issueis that will forge new leaders causes se much human mxsery, it should b. banned. That cure didn't work -- and brougbt with it bootleggers and gangsters and defience for tbe law. Everybody seems te, forget that any law, bowever moral, won't b. worth a pinch of racoon fur if it isn't enforceable. So the debate rages. Pro-Lifers want barsber rules. Pre.Choicers want it left a medicel matter. The curious point lies in tbe observation that those invovled in either aide aren7t eut waving placards for their own rigbt te bave or net bave an abortien. TI fact, ask anyone with decided views on either sside, if they plan te bave or net bave an abortien. Ever. Once you get a feeling for how volatile that ebortion SOFA SALE With Pre-Chri*stmas Delivery* Discover our storewide upholstery sale (with over 1000 gorgeous fabrics to choose from) * instock produets only 507 Brock Street North, Whitby 686-1.123 (3 blocks north of Hwy. 2) Mon. - Wed. 10-6, Thurs. & Fni. 10-9, Saturday 10-5:30 eI .'i Mssssug saine argument for alcobol, and 'say tbat since i-t issue is, you might then appreciate how sensitivîe -the governiment has become over Meecb Lake. The. abortion matter was served up as a diversion over Meech Lake. That says a lot. Meecb Lake, refers, cf course, te the agreement drawn up, by provincial premiers and the Prime- Minister. This ment wiil determirie the sbape cf this country in te future. Paae of this agreement is necessrtbe say, te tbe survival of this country. In i a pigs sty,say I. What lies at stake bere, more tbiin Canada, will b. the future cf a number cf poliicians, provincial and federal. Quebec dees bave grievances -- bas bad since before tbe battie of the Plains of Abrabamn. And we squareheaded Eng]ish can't seem te understand that. (That's what they* cail us, incidentally. Square beads. Like, we get one littie idea in our square littie ernpty heads and it just keeps banging around 11k. a bullet in a barrai.). Will Quebec, *jilted at Meech Lake, run home te miotber? WeIl, they tlireatened tbat before. You can only play the same tune so many times before everycrie ignores it. Will Engish Canada, ful ef xenophobia, rejoice at casting off tbe burden efthe cbild-bride? ChIdren learri early in 1f. tbat you always should b. careful wbat yeu wish -- wishes cen come trua. It bas been said tbat it is the times tbat forge real leaders, and if se, abortion, Meech Lake, Free Trade, you name it are forging some new leaders te carry us inte the next century. t Rligbt now we have, federafly, twe opposition parties in seerch of a leader and a government with a brench-plent veiw of Canad as future. Sort cf makes Macarizie King and Pierre Trudeau look pretty good. ______ ER Making the legacy of. INT RIORS our past part of your future.