iËÈ e eOe wâ"âr Freeman:.elocation made at "ost advantageustime By Kim Llawley Lower taxes, lower bousing costs, a harborfront location and accessibility to public transpor- tation- were just a few of the factors in Mc Graw-Hill Ryerson's decision to relocate to Whitby, said company president Bob Freeman last week. The officiai announcement of the, publishing company's deci- -sion to relocate it facilities from .Scarborough to Whitby was ?made at a press conference last Tuesday afternoon,, Oct. 24. Freeman reported that the cmpany, a subsidiary of the McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. in New York, had been considering a move for the past year. Accordin g to Freeman, consul- tants hired by the company in- dicated this would be the "most advantageous" time to relocate, a nd that the best move would be east, along the -shore of Lake Ontario. "We chose Whitby because it's close to transportation, it's close to Toronto, and becasue it offers better tax avantages,", said Pree- man. The move je also being made with the company's 350 employees in mind. A majority of the employees live inth e area from Scarborough to Wbitby. A report show that about 24 per cent. of McGraw-Hull's employees use public transpor- tation. "It was that 24 per cent we were addressing, saying that tbey would stili have a job if tbey were willing to travel,» said Free- man, referring to the accessibi- lityof the GO Train station. Thýe new building will be on il acres of property off Water St., across from the water treatment plant. Although the architectural p la ns have yet to be finalized, Freeman says the 160,000-sq. ft. building will. be develope to include 80,000 sq. ft. eof office space and 80,000 sq., ft. of ware- bouse spaoce. Printing will continue to be done by several Toronto printing companies and Alger Press Ltd. of Oshawa. ,Affordable housing for the company's employees was also a factor in the move. '.In Wbitby, there's better opportunity for affordable bous- îng," he said, suggesting many of the employees are expected to take up residence in town. Howe- ver Freeman said it was too early to speculate bow many of the current employees will mbve east witb the company. Other employees will be recrui- ted to meet staff requirements. McGraw-Hill Ryersonis one of the largest book publishers in ÇCaiadali About 41 per cent of the com pany's revenue is generated by the publishing of college and university textbooks, while ele- mentary and'high sehool text- books acount for 17 per cent.' T'he printing of putblications for the business,, professional and. consumer sectors- accounts for.. approximately 17 ýper cent of the company's annual revenue. In 1990 the company will enter the legal ýubIishing field, deve- l9ping ani distributing informa- tion services* for the légal com- munity. A budget of $18- to $19.mWillion bas been allocated for the build- ing Ve ex ect to start construc- tion in.january of 1990," said F'reeman. Hie added, "We anticipate.occu- pancy of the building by June of 1991."y Ma yor Bob Attersley bas credi- ýd Whitby councillors and Town af for, working, hard to help to make the proposal a reality. .In bis address to Freeman, he, said, «We're ývery happy wè were able' te-twist your arm bard enaough and long enough to con- vince you, to bring your business teý Wýhîtby.» In an earlier interview, Atters- - ley said the move by McGraw- Hill, "is thé biggest since Dunlop bas'-been here," refierring to employment and the spin-off in- dustries, that will result locally. Freeman also expressed bis confidence about the "positive *ipace~' the move would have on thetown. Councillor Marcel 'Brunelle who cenfirmed the project had been in the works for the past twe monthe,' said,' "It's been like sitting on a volcano, trying te, keep tis a secret.» "TPhe staff of McGraw-Hill Ryerson are looking forward te, becoming active members of the commmun' ity," Freeman conclu- YRBUS iiIESS Good hirng requires good planning A Major concern for moot emal business -owners in Ontario ije that potential minefield known as human resources. Managing people je, one of the single Most important aspects of running any business successfully, and it's frequently one of the lest areas te get any attention. But in many cases, the entrepreneur may be the worst type of person te be in charge of hiiring, training and .managing people. Like bookkeeping and' accounting, hiring people may be one of those tasks that should be delegated if the owner feels that it is one of bis or ber weaknesses. He or she cen also attend one of the many conferences and workehops that are offered in this area. From a lO-pe.rson- logging operation in Northern Ontario to, a software company in Ottawa or a trendy delicatessen in Markham, the basic steps of defining a job, flnding the right person anfd then managing the staff properly are more or lees the saie. S"A well thought-out prograin for finding, recruiting, training and managing people will help a email business be more productive," says Rose Finlay, executive directer of the. Personnel Association of Ontario. "Competition for good employees is very fierce now, even for receptionista and secretaries, and it helps to plan i advance to bave a pay and benefits policy that will both attract and hold on to staff."e Personnel consultants identify the following key steps in developing a human resources system: 1. Deterniine your labor needs for the coming year as fer in advance as possible so you cen do some planning. 2. Next, recruit candidates for the position, usually by advertising. The advertising cen be aimed at a broad audience and placed in a local newspaper, or it cen be targeted more specillcally, by advertising in an industry newsletter or magazine if you need someone with very well-definedeidlîs. 3. Be sure you know exactly what you are 1ookin for. Be clear about the job te e oe n make sure you -are able te, deÉcribe it precisely. Then select the candidate that best fits this description. 4. Training and orientation should help new employees adapt to the norms of the company and learn its values. They should also be, told what their job performance will be measured agarnst. SEE PAGE 33 WHITBY TAX SERVICE LTD. # Bookkeeping # Income Tai 965 DUNDAS Sr. W., SUiTE202 WESr LYNDE PLAZA (DUNDAS & JEFFREY SIS.) 430-1166- JENNIE-LYNNE Meats recently held a sausage-on- a-bun sale with 50 cent of every sale going to the United Way. Above, Lynne Elliss, co-owner of Jennie- Lynne Meats, serves up a saugage on a bun to customer Paul Jensen. - Free Press photo A eut a-bove salaci. Jennie-Lynne Meats offers a variety of frozen foods, including all-beef patties (which are made on the premises), breaded sbrimps, vegetables and dessert pies. Heat and serve items for home, such as lasagna, Swedisb meat- balîs, cabbage rolis, perogies, sbishkabobs and kanisha are also served. Staff are also available to MuI freezer orders.* Another service offered are party food trays. The store, with tbe slogan "'cut above the rest," is Iocated at 1614 Dundas St. E. in Whitby. Jennie-Lynne Meats stands behind its products witb its slo- gan: a cut a bove the rest. The Whitby store, on Dundas St. E., openediits doors on July 4 of this year, and bas made "qua- lity, selection and service" the emphasis rigbt from tbe start. As well as stocking Canada grade A meats and poultries, Jennie-Lynne Meats ofl'ers a wide select ion of hams, kabossas, cold cuts and smoked European mneats. The store is also stocked with fresh cheese, eggs and an assort- mnent of salais, including col- eslaw, macaroni and potato I-iean experieflced credt& oetOf Hie ngexna euaroart tirne basis. Ila r C ftrorE WHO ARE YOU GUYS ANYWAY? The two most common questions asked of us are "Do you do cleaning?" and "Are you open to the public?" NO, we are flot contract cleaners. We are the people that the contract cleaners corne to for their supplies and advice on cleaning problems. If you are working anywhere in Eastern Ontario there is a -very good chance that your cleaner is using our products. Are we open to the public? YOU BET! The new Whitby "CLEA N-Il" Centre was designed specifically with the public in mmnd. You can get the high quality commercial products that the professionals use at extremely competitive prices. And remember the Swish guarantee. If anything that you purchase from us does flot perform to YOUR expectations, bring back the unused portion. We'll give you a 100% ref und. From detergents to garbage bags - window squeegees to vacuums - you can soîve aIl of your cleaningproblems at Swish. For over 40 years, customers have corne to depend on Swish for VALUE, QUALITY & SERVICE. MAINTENANCE LTD. 500 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY 666-1224