WITBY FREE PRESS, W»ýDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1989, PAGE 35 "SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION" OCT. 28 PETHICK AUCTION BARN, HAYDON 10 mi. N.E. Oshawa, every Saturday night a 6:30 p.m. to include, pine flat to walI, pony cutter, old carousel horse, 8 collectible Royal Doulton figurines, round oak table, new brass fireplace doors, Manitolia day bed, pine bonnet chest, wicker sette. and rocker, mustache pull dresser, Judith Blimn limited edition prit. stamp collecion, hockey cards, old g ramaphone, rocking chairs, wood.dressers, smail tables, plus lots of glass, and collectibles. Terms are cashoqr cheque with I.D. To list your farm, estate or consignment, please cail Garry to discuss your preference for your place or ours. We have two phone numbers only for your convenience. 1-263-4252 1-985-0749 GARRY K. POWELL, AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONSu every Wednesday at 620 p.m. located on Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (exit # 399). Featuring every Wed.« an excellent selection of antiques-, fine furniture, glass, china, collectibles, primitives, and the unusuals. So join us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's "True" Auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. *Consignment & estate selling our specialty". Caîl us today. Previews from 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 DURHAM EAST Progressive Conservative Association annual meeting and election of officers. November 9 at 8 p.m. ad Railroad House Inn in Port Perrv. A PLACE CA LLED HOME Récent Painting of Durham Region MAUREEN REMING TON Oct ober 29th to Mvember l2th inclusive at The VÎsualArts Centre of Newscastle Crem 0of Barfey Mill Simpson Avenue, BawmanviIe~, Ontario 623-5831 Operating hours: Sunday lp.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday ta Saturday V2 pn. to 4 p.m. Thursday 12 p.m. to 8 pm. Maureen wil be present at the opening on Sunday, October 29th Refreshmen7ts. Music by Votce Deco Eveyqne Wekvome Z -iJ BLANKET F To Reach a Wider Market Advertise throughout the regional membership of Ithe Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations. Example: Central Ontario AIl Ontario AIl 1Canada 49 newspapers 185 newspapers 555 newspapers $135- $275' $843, for 25 words for 25 words for 25 words jFor further information please cal : I 668-6111 TRANSPORT DRIVER Training for class "A" licence. No experience necessar y. Proven job rlacement assistance. Markel nstitute of Professional Transport Training, Guelph.1-800-265-7173.B3 WORK WITH US! t's funl Exciting fashionsl Independencel Extra moneyl A free sample linel Caîl collect: 416-632-9090, 1-827-2660. MA CHERIE home fashions shows Est. 1975. B FUTURE STEEL buildings left over from International Plowing match. Different sizes. First come, f irst served. Quonsets & straight- wall. Caîl toîl f ree: 1-800- 668-8653. B BEST BUILDING buys -1/2 price sale - buy one building at regular price and get double length for 500/o more - 'imnited steel - PARAGON STEEL 1-800-263- 8499 (24. hrs.) B THE GREENHOUSE and SELL STAINLESS STEEL Hydroponics lnc., 63 Clarke' distillers for purest drinking water Sideroad, London Ont., N5W 5W7, and earn extra incomne. Act Nowl (519) 452-3919. complete Hydro- Contaci Water Purity Systemrs, ponic Systems. We do mail orders. 537 Brant St. Burlington, Orjt. 1.79 Sepd ýg.oo for catalogue. $2.00, ~G6. (416) 639-0503. 8 B teb»,*o your first purchase. Bf lJurham Regional Police Force DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE TENDER DBPI319 POLICE FORCE UNIFORMS Sealed Tenders wilI be received et fthe office of the Chief of Police, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, LIIG 4B7, up until 1000 hours, Wednesday, November 15, 1989, for the supply and delivery of Police Force Uniform clothing. Tender forms may be picked up or requested through the office of Superintendent R F. Jarvest, between 0800 and 1600 hours, Monday through Friday. Telephone 579-1520, extension 236. Lowest or any quotation flot necessarily accepted. D. J. Edwards, Chief of Police Durhia; Regional Police Force DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE TENDER DRE 419 POLICE FORCE SHIRTS AND TIES Sealed Tenders will be received at the office of the Chief of Police, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, LK3 4B7, up until 1000 hours, Wednesday, November 15, 1989, for the supply and delivery of Police Force Shirts. Tender forms may be pickçed up or requested through the off ice of Superintendent R F. Jarvest, between 0800 and 1600 hours, Monday through Fniday. Telephone 579-1520, extension 236. Lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. D. J. Edwards, Chief of Police Uurhiam Regional Police Force DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE TENDER DR25I90 POLICE FORCE FOOTWEAR Sealed Tenders will be received .t the office of the Chief of Police, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, L1G 4B7, up until 1000 hours, Wednesday, November 15, 1989, for the supply and delîvery of Police Footwear. Tender forms may be picked up or requested through the office of Superintendent R F. Jarvest, between 0800 and 1600 hours, Monday through Fniday. Telephone 579-1520, extension 236. Lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. ART IÇL-ES RTICLES FORTSALE IC FRSALE MANUFACTURER'S SPECTAC- ULAR FAIL SALE-Metal buildings - Quonset and Straightwall Models - Hardware and Caulking lncluded - High qualty Material - Super Savings on Preserut Stock - Order from the Factory - Limited Supply. PIONEER/EG ONGSPAN., '4ý800- 668-5422 (24hKoUr-). B J REVOLUTIONARY 3-D Camera. Unbelievable photo's. Network marketed only. Key distributors needed in ail areas of Canada. Opportunity knocks. Caîl your Succoss,.* Connection. -4(519 65i-Éà 21.: Coming events PROGRESSIVE AUCTION St. Mark's United Church Women, Whitby, will hold a pro- gressive auction on Friday, Oct. S27, at the church. Bids will be ,Iposted. There will be a chili ,Isupper from 5 to 7 p.m., lunch Jfrom il a.m. to 1:30 p.m. There will be a bake table, country kitchen with fresh jam and jel- lies, crafts Christmas deco- rations and 11alloween costumes. For more information caîl Linda Stratton at .668- 1382. LEADERSHIP> CONFERENCE The second annual Qptimist International Student Lader- ship Conference will be held at General Vanier Secondary School, 155 Gibb St., Oshawa, Nov. 1 to 3. The conference brin gs together students of basic lever programs and helps develop self-esteem, motivation for success, community awareness and involvemnent, and ability to establish new friendships. Schools choose grade 10 or il student delegates. For informa- tion cail coordinators Kelly Boehm and Joyce O'Oonnell at 723-5227. .vox POP Ontario riding MP Rene Soe- tens will hold thge next Vox Pop forum at the Aax municipal building on Fhriday, Oct. 27, starting at 7 p.m. Various issues, includin g the goods and ser-vice tax (GST), will bediscussed. Denis O 'Connor news FROM PAGE 30 This year seems to b. a year for new clubs. The new wrestling team, to be couched by Mr. Misner, is now being selected. Many students are surprised by this new team and will definitely take an active interest in it. Also new this year is the environmental club, headed by Mr. Workentin. It is a group of students who take patcular interest in preserving te earth's beauty. So far, they have organized a recycling program m an effort to clean up some of the mess that bas been dumped onto our world. If this is something youre interested ini, new members are welcome. On Oct. 19, a goup of English students travelleto Stratford to see the production of Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice.' Prom the reports Prv. heard, the play was excellent and all of the students and teachers that went only had positive things to say about the trip. This week is a very busy one for the music department. The choir, jazz band and concert band are touning different elementary schools this week. Today, 112 students and eight teachers are going to the performance of ' Aida' at the Sky Dome. It should be a very enriching expenienoe for al of them as the music is sbsolutely incredible. Also tonight, a busload of OACs wiil b. attending the p roduction of 'Les Miserables.' Imsure ail of these students will have a great time. Finally, this Fniday, Oct. 27, there wi be a Halloween dance at DCYC. So put on your best costume and l'i se. you there. LESS ENERG YISI CONSUMED jMA NUFAC TURING *NEW PA PER FROM WASTE PAPER THAN' IFROM TREES, I