Acciden daIms lie A single vehicle accident ¶ook the life of a Brooklin man e4irly Saturday niorning. According to Durham Regional Police, Ian Robert Boyes, 29, of Princess St., was travellin'g so1th, on Anderson St. in Whitby! at about 6 a.m. H pareetly lost controj of the vehic.ýe he was driving. Police saLy evidence indicates the vehi- cie entered the east ditch, south of Winchester Rd, and rolled several times before -coming to rest.- Boyes was taken, unconscious, to Oshawa General- Hospital where he later died. There were no witnesse s to the accident. The cause of the. acci- dent bas not yet» been deter- mined. Hold- up at bank ITHE DOORS were closed for a short Brock St. S. in Whitby to allow police timo Thursday at the Royal Bank on to investigate a hold-up. Free Pros. photo Durham Regional Police con- tinue to investigate Iast Thurs- .day's robobery of the Royal Bank Havelock lime users fe-ëel 'etraed By Trudie Zavaciovioes Mcfre than, half of Via Rail's se.vice, including the Toronto- Contract dispute at recycling centre SSepage 2 Lynde Shores plan approved See page 8 Havelock line that has a stop in north Whitby will reach the end of the line Jan. 15, 1990,' and some users are reaching the end of thei.r rope with the federal goverrnneÃnt. 'First we were politicaly sedu- ced, now this is politica rape,» says Paul Pagnuelo, presidenit of the -Toronto-Peterborough-Have- lock Passenger Association. We were betrayed by the Con- servative gevernment,' s'ays Pag- nuelo in response to the announ- ced cuts of Via Rail services by Transport Minister Benoit Bou- chard last Wednesday. «Via runs through five federal ridings, ail *are Tory. We put them back in power on the cam- paign promise to restore and assure rail service.» Devastated ever the Via cuts, which take effect Jan 15, 1990, Pagnuelo is also angry with the arrogant tone the federal govern- ment bas taken over the issue and others. During the summer, the pas- senger association came up with a proposaI, which was submitted to, Bon Léawless, president of Via Rail, with 16 su etion on how to, make the Toronto-Havelock run operate economically. "Our proposaI was totally ignored," says Pagnuele. "(Federal Transport Minister Benoit) Bouchard refused to lis- ten to anyone, the people, muni- cipalities or even ministers." He also finds it ironic that al but one of the terminations of service are on CP lines and'says that it appears to, be a conflhct of interest, with Bon Lawless as presdent of both Via Rail and Durham regional chairman G iry Herrema stated that GO Transit can take over the Toronto-Havelock run, although it weuld go east as far as Peter- borough., "As regional chairman Fim going to be pushing GO" says Hierrema. "It may not Le the Toronto-Havelock line, it may have to be the Northern CP line, but I'm fully aware GO can take one of them.» Herrema, who was- to meet with the mayor of Peterborough vesterday (Tuesday), says, 'It has to be expanded if we are to continue growth in Durham cdOcont feel they (federal government) care what happons to the real person who works,» says Herrema. ."People can't believe they are really doing it. It's like a guillotine coming down overnight. We will no long~er be able te see Canada by rail.' Pagnuelo feels there should be a two-year trensition poriod se that GO Transit can take over the line. This would niean that Via would extend its service by two years. "It is our objective to ensure operation of service for cern- mnuters,» says Pagnuelo. «There is ne question that GO had an interest in taking the lineoever. SER PAGE 2 in Whitby. -aln At 'about 11:30 arn a on banditentered the banks branch at 307 Brock St. S., and deman- ded cash from a teller. According to the police report, zhe suspect indicated to the teller that he had a weapon. The teller filled a bag provided by the thief, as instructed. Police say the bandit fled the soene with a. substantial amount of cash. Police are seeking a suspect described as a white maie, agaed 23 to 27, 5S6 to 5'8" with a slirn build. His hair is sandy-blonde collar-length' and was combeci straight back and over the ears. He was wearing f aded blue jeani and a bomber-type jacket bearinE red stripes down the sleaves, a crest on the front and another rock'n'rolI type crest with red lettering on the back.