PAGE 20, WHFBY FREE PRESS, WEDNEsDAy, OCTOBER 4,1989 GO to take over VIA. Une? rook e 'n Seniors meet Oct. 18 The Broodlin Senior Centennial Club and the Witby parks and recreation department noltily ail Brooklin seniors, 55 and over, that their first meeting for the fali will, be on Wednesday, Oct. 18, starting at 2 p.m. It will be held at the Brooklin community centre. New members GO TRANSIT apparently has plans to take over the VIA rail service between Toronto and Havelock, which travels through Dagmar. There are now about 140Opassengers each day ont e Via service which also includes a stop at Myrtle Station, .in Whitby and at Claremont in Pickering Via will' ei-, minate the service, according to a report,' and GO will buy the tracks and use its own train, accord- ing to Durham Region 'chairman Gaýry Herrema, also vice-chairmi4n of the ~j GO board. He says a mini- mum 500 riders would be needed daily to support nh GO service. Free Pros photo Phone 668-6111 7:7 are welcome. There will be mixed shuffleboard and light refreshinents offered, as weIl as a small presentation on the Living Well Prograin. For further information, cal the Whitby Senior's Actiity Centre at 668-1424. Pre-school progT'am to begin The Brooklin branch library pre-school prograin is starting up again Thursday, Oct. 12 from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. This session wiIl run till Nov. 30. Register by calling 655-3191. Children must be 3 years and Up. Kids' club meets Saturday The Brooklin Library Chil- dren's Club meets on Saturdays, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. The October schedule begins with 'Craft Day' on Oct. 7; 'Movie Day' on Oct. 14; 'Games Day'e on Oct. 21; 'Howling Halloween' party on Oct. 28. A PILGRIMAGE cross, camred to 275 'to Ail Saints in Whitby on Friday. churches to mark the Anglican On Oct. 15 the cross will return to Church of Toronto's 150 years, was Toronto, for the diocesan sesquicen- taken to St. Thomas church in tennial eucharist at the Skydome, Brooklin on Sunday, Oct. 1 and will expected to attract 30,000 clergy and be carried to St. John's in Port lay people. Whitby on Thursday this week and Free Proe photo Quilting dsplay at M Y Eileen Young The public relations meeting was held at Broollin community centre on Wednesday, Sept. 27. Valerie Garland from Brooklin Library had a display of craft books; aiso a filmn, 'Quilting Patterns I love.' This film gave the Women's Insitute credit for reviving an interest in quilting. Brooklin Women'!s Institute is continuing with the quilting project. The motto, 'Put your talent into Women's Institute work and watch it grow," was answered by ail present. Roloeil was, '2Iow have you been a good public relations officer since the lest meeting?" Current events were given. Hostesses Pat Jackson and Sylvia Hahin served a delicious lunch. One member will be attending the 87th - annuel Women's hIstitute convention at the Royal York Hotel Oct. 24-25. The theme for the convention is 'Mhembers in Progress.' Rev. Nancy Knox will be the guest speaker at the banquet on Oct. 24. Donations of $50 will be given to the Lung Association, $25 to the Brooldin 4-H Club, -$25,to the Developmental Handicappe $25 to the Broolin Spring ai'r.4, ~meeing Members of ]Broo-klin branch and aIl other branches are invited to the CIaremont Women's Institute anniversary at Claremont Hall on Oct. 31 at 1:30 p.m. Ann Cole of the Ià ving Weil program visited our meeting. A family and consumers affairs meeting will be held at Broodin community centre on Oct. 18 at 1:30 p.în. Convener Carnie Arksey>s motto will be 'Always be aware of the danger of tire in your home.' Roll eall will be 'What ie the first thing you would do in case of fire? Guest speaker will be David Bemis &f the Whitb, flire department and Ruth Agrisitors welcome.ý E CL1 T0 ~13HVI -UMVaEY