stop sigi By Trudie Zavadovicig Whitby council bas approved a recommendation from operatiofis committee that a stop sign replace the southboun d yield sign at the intersection of Rdoak St. and White Ash Dr. The Town will monitor the situation for 90 days before deciding whether to lower the. speed limit.. "Most residents who live close Board té play large rote inýnext 12 months Whitby Psychiatric Hospital is a pioneer an rol e mo del to other communities in their health care practices and initiatives. "The common themes focus much more on individual well- ness and the integration of pro- fessionals in the community," said Jay Kaufman, Assistant Deputy Minister of Institutional Health, at the sixth annual meeting of the ho spital's com- munity advisory board. He talked of their commitment and the ministry's commitment to maintain high quOlality, to focus more on outreachý within the community, and to achiqve a greater harmonization of fund- inyou role as an advisory board is central in strategic plan- ning. You will have an important and influential role over t he next 12 months. Mental health is a priority. We are looking for bet- ter ways for ,psychiatric hospitals to reach out. SIMPROVING YOUR ODOS SAGAINST CANAD'S #1 KI ILR. WHFITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNEBDAr, OCOBER 4,1989, PAGE 17 ri approoved for Redoak/W h it e, Ash. to the intersection have seen near-misses," said Don Ander- son, who lives around the inter- section. He rýpresented residents of the area, ard asked that com- mittee conisi der ch anging the speed limit to 40 kilometres from t he current 50-km speed limit. He said that When the inter- section was monitored by the public works de artment, they were 'inokin aï "rather low- volume trafflo because 'of vace,- tions. That trafflic was in no way representative of the existinË traffic during the school year. "We are supportive of i thp change to the stop sign and wij monitor the ( tralflc)situation fdrl 90 days before we address the suggestion of a 40-kmn zone," said councillor Joe Bugelli at Iast week's operations committee meeting. «'ýe will further review the location early in the new year."p Space Age Shelving are the experts in maximizing your closet space~ And since every house and space is diffrent, we'lI corne right to your house and give you a free estimate. YoulIl gel THE YOUNG GIRL'S CLOSET the best solution at a competi- tive price. And speaking of solutions. we've got over 250 products to help you organize your lire. Just caîl the Space Age Shelving store nearest you. USPACE AGE SHIELVUNQ) WE MAli FREE HOUSE CALIS. RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL 80 THICKSON RD. SOUTH, WHITBY (416) 430-1636 store Nours: monday -* wrdncrsrlay l) arn in 6 pm -Tlhsrsuny & Fridiy 9 n Io9 pm -Salerday 9 atn Io 6 pm 'f .1 O f ATTENTION COMMUTERS Did you know that if you live in one community and work in another, that by instructing your employer, you may choose to have your United Way contribution directed back to your home comrnunity? Unit;ed Way Of OSHAWA - WHITBY - NEWCASTLE We. need your assistance in reaching our goal of $ 2,925,000 to help ail citizens in Oshawva, Whitby and Newcastle. .4 ~'&'4 -' - ie AGENCI ES .\s ition for Connunity Livin. Big Brothers Association Big sters Block Pdrents mec. Boy m Scomuts of Carnad., Cildan l entilr I I alrh Assoc ilrron CmiinNatijonal Inst iture for the Blinmd C.nrdranBRed Cross Society Cailholie Connitunity Services Conmmiunrîv Care lXs mvNInorTrit nient Centre Distress Centre of Durham Region Inc. Durhamn Flouse Child & Family Resource Centre Durhamn Save-A-1-leart Eastview Boys' and irls Club Girl Guides of Canada Grandview Rehahilitastion & Treatnient Centre Hlostel Services (Durharu Region) Inc. Information Oshawa John t loward Soc iety oif Durharn Region Naivv Leagure of Canada (Se;i Cadets) Os).ýhaiwa Deaf Centre. Registered Charitable Number 0359166-05,13 Oshawa r& District Credit Counisellîng Osaa& District Unemiployed ilelip Centre Pine Ridge Fainiily Couniselling Assistance Centre Salvation Armiy Conutnity Services Sinîcoe Ilial Settlctnienit flouse Social Planning Couincil South CsaaConmnitry DecIorme)nm F rojeci St. Jolhn Am ic Victorjîn Cirder ot' (Durhanm Brandi) Y. M.C.A. ( I'urhiarn Regioni) Young \Wont's Christ ian Associai ion You may neyer have to say "'Clean Up your room"l agamn. MAACO-the insurance dlaims profession als-of fers:' - Full collision services* Timely service ~ - Free estimates * Written guarantee Let us work with pur insurance company for youl CALL US TOUAY "YO UR C OL LISION EXPERTS IN OSHA WA & A REA"li KingSI, l 16 ~~in C aloorSt tg "1 isnRd. S. Hastin s X Oshawa MAACO@ 579-4000 Ë q - Vans, trucks and commercial vehicles by esimale. Rust repair and bodywarlr extra. MAACO Auto Painting and Dodyworks are lrdependent franchises of MAACO Enterprises, Inc. 1 ý - j i"ý'I A