PAG1JK 30, WfIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPT'EMBER 20,1989 QUALITY PRINT SHOP requires experienced-*- cutter. Press experience an asset or witling te train. Good heatth and bne package. ýSalary commencing witif experionce. Cati Murry Bradie> 683-1968.' STUDENTS NEEDED to work' week days or weekends.. Pleaso appîy in person te Haugen's, Hwy. 12 at 7A, Manchester. MATURE; HELP needed te* work fuit-t ime .adfor- part-time until December,. Please apply in person to Haugen's, Hwy. 12 at 7A. Manchester. A CAREER IN DANCING! We are looking for energetic, enthusiastic people to toach dancing - w»iII train. Cati 430-0014. the Whitby FreePess requires a couple of to deliver papers in a few areas where we are unable to find carriers *Up to 8 cents per paper 1 Wednesday, ThursdaYs onlYe Vehiclerequirede eu 668-6112. BOOMING LUCRATIVE Burgiar Alarm lndustry. Earnings uniimited. We show you hew. Full detailed video informfation $7.95 te Estato Guard 102-5512 East Hastings Street, Burnaby, B.C. VSB 1R3. B RESTAURATEUR LTD. Full Part-Time Help Wanted For KITCHEN STAFF WAITRESSES'W4AITERS BUSPERSONS HOSTSII-OSTESSES A SST. HOSTSIHOSTESSES 1208 Dundas St. E, Whltby PART TIME SALES persan roquired - day and evoning shifts. lntorest in books an assot . App in persan, ploase. The Smoke Shop and Book Store, Woolco Depart- mont Store, Whtby. BRICK & BLOCK layers needed in Huntsville. Cali: Randy Nickinsan Masonry (705)789-5908. B WE HAVE THE JOB LIANDSCAPE LABOURERS Apply between 9 a.m. andJ 5 p.m. 655-3331 5515 Thickson Rd. N. START TODAYI Exciting Fashionsi Indopendencel Flexibil- itlExtra Monsyt A free sampie linel1 Cati us coîlect: 416-632- 9090/827-2660., MA CHERIE Home Fashion Shows, Est. 1975. B WANT MONEVI Want te have funi Ladies, our Designer Lingerie Home Party Company wants YOUI No dolivories. Earn $25-$30+ per heur. Seen on Phil Donahue Show. FuIi/part-time positions available. Cai lîý8O-265-854l or (519) 273-5308. B GROW FOR IT! $$$ Raise batwerms at home. Guaranteed, market., Odourless. Low investmont. We traini Representa- tives throughoùt Ontario. Earty Bird Ecology (1975) RR # 1, Smithviîie, Ont. LOR 2A0. B ATTENTION ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE GRADS: Recyciing Coordinators Internship Program (RC.I.P.) places unemployed professionaîs in municipalities te work on recycîing projocts. Candidates must be eligibte te collect or q uaîified recipients et U.1. benefits. R.C.I.P. increases benefts, te $363, per week. This is a six month term position. Caqididates shoutd pssess a degrea or diploma I n Environmental Studios, Chemist ry, Biology or reîated. chances1for permanent omploy- ment geod. For more infermationý; contact R.C.l.P. coîtect at (416>1, 690-7226. B OPPORTUNITYI Part-timo/ FuIt-timel Training t Traditional Rawleigh Productst New Golden Pride "Formula For Health". Cali Mr. Tobin 1-(514)342-4212. Write: W.T. Rawteigh Ce. Ltd., 348 Isabey, St. Lauront, Quebec H4T 1W1. B Aý_-Zi - l1 i. Hf yeu snjey workng with children or seniors Uf you can work part-time or fuli-time If you appreciate excellent working conditions If you sxpect proper wages, benefits and mileape if you have excellent references and preven abititiMes CaU Now For An Interviewu , 655w3351 "CARDINAL PEOPLE GARE" CARDINAL WESTBY NANNIES AND COMPANIONS INO. EXP RIENC reporijerreqi pubtish or for N..i .E dito $32,060 D.( $21,000 - $2 ckage and Resum os tc North rn Ne~ Box 2820, VY 2Rlor Fax (4 ED EDII OR and iired by inulti-paper Os salary t$26,000 - .E. Reporter salary- ,000. Geç'd benefits growthqpportunity Managinýg Editor, s Service:* Ltd., P.O. llowknife, N.W.T. XIA M3)873-8597. B SUNSHINE 'VILLAGE; is sseking outgoing pecns for lift; eperators, cooks cterks and otheriski season posftkýns. S<ild resume,: Sunshine ViItagé, Box f1510, Banff, AB TOI oco. B TODAY'S FIRST ipportunty' revohIes arc und oe absoiutely incredible Fkéoduct - BOTAN-- ICAL'S Km WI you have the courage te 4ail, it can« make you wealthy.ý For hors information, cail Mr. Bob nurt, 668-9047 between 3 a~ 4 p.m. daily. LIGHT MOu ING JOB, clean backyard, celi rs, etc. For the best service any ime, caI Joe at 723-2368. -HOUSE CI4EANING. Cieaning teams or single for your cenvenience.'1 Low weekty rates. Cati Sharon 430-0526. Aise Hair Cars and SeiOng Service. HONESTI LIABLE, experi- encsd peran1wiI do housework by the day de ~ending on size et house. Evý ry other Friday avaiîabîe. Phokie after 5 p.m. or any time on weekéind. 576-4367. HOUSECLE4LNING avaitable. Reasonable roteos. CalI 668-0934 or 668-7084.- GUITAR LEýSONS. Ail ages. Ail levels. $10 Mer1V2 heur. First tesson FREE IL ou at 666-1979. A CAREER IN TRUCKING. TRANSPORT DRIVERS RE- QUIRED. Freqclom, excellent pay, travel. t's ail yours. Get your Ciass "A" license atjOntario's otdest and iargost trainiing centre. Tax deductibie, prof essional training, job assistançe, ne experience necessary. *MERV 013R TRANSPORT, Pickering 1-800- 265-3559. CERAMIC CLASSES, Tues. 6 te 9 or Wed. 1230 te 3:30. 10 classes for $30. For moe information cati Val at 668-5485. GUITAR LESSONS. Aged 15 and up. Private. Own guitar, neciýssary. For appointmont, cati 668f-6963 ater 6 p.m. FREE: 1989 guide to study-at-home correspon ence Dipoma c'ourses for prest l9ous careors: Accounting, Atrconc$ition- ing, Bookkseplng,- Bus ness, Cosmetebogy, Electronios, Iegai/ Medical Sscrstary, Psych iogy, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Ad lai de W., Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. B YOUR FUTURE ST4 RTS with.-Tr-County Truck priver Training. Estabiished in 197 ,job search assistance avatable, daytime,. evening and we kond courses. Course Fee incom tax, deductiblo. 1-800-265-04,00, Cam- bridge. B TRANSPORT DRIVER Trfding for cîass *Au licence. No experience necessary. Provqn job placement assac. arke Irnstituts of Protessionai Tra sport Training, Gep--0-6-17. LEARN AUCTIONEERING tthe Sothwsstern Ontarlo c 1coIof Auctioneering. Next cîas:O4ober 20/28/89. For information co~1 act: Southwestern School of Au~ ions- ering, RR # 5, Woodstock, Ont. NM 7V9. (519) 537-2115. B BLUE SPRUCE, 2-3 test. $10, $15, $20 each., Phone eveninge, 655-8088. TEN FEET staIlîss steel stovs ,pipe insuîated, uninsulated eîbow, oe insuîated T-pipe and tirowood for sale. Cal 683-6619. 20" COLOURED TV, 1 ysar oîd, $275; oId violin, $95; Kenmors vacuum cleanor, $25; 8 track tape player wit h tapes, $10. 723-9269. SMALL KITCHEN TABLE, $10; toaster and radio, $5 each; oiectric heater, $10. 723-9269. HANDICAP -3 WHEEL battory driven scooter. Rotait value, $3,600. Used once. $1,500 tirm. Phone between 6 and 7 p.m. 430-8041. WOOD SPUTTER for sais; aise atuminum 8' cap for truck, and a set et running boards 4e long. Bsst offer. 668-8609. ,.%HESTERFIELD - SUITES, loveseats, sectionatis, Iess than hafl price. Large selection. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. (~~6s3? 8 DRAFTING TABLES, 36x48 and ~ LJc~5og's adjustable. Ideai for dratters, artist PRINTING1 AN ~ or studonts. Requires assembiy. OFFIC SUPLIES $120- ($130 assembled and - delivored). 723-2871. Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day et publication . The Whitby# Free Press wiit net be hiable fer failure te pubiish an ad, or,,for typegraphic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the errer Up te a maximum cest of thé firgt insertion. The Whitby Free Press resorves the right te classify or reject ail advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, ch ~que received betore deadiline) 1$5 for 20Gers 12o each additionaI word $1 for 15 words for articles for sale under $50 (see detaiIs in soparato panel) Blanket Ads -1o bianket a wider market (see separate panel for sample rates) BILLED $7-50 for 20 werds; 15c each additionat word -AUCTIONelANNOUNCEMENTS 73. per agate 1ln, (14 agate uines per inch) minimum char : $5 prepaîd, $7.50 biied DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borý1ers, pictures. or graphics) Repular dispiay rotes apply - 78*#per agate UIne minimum suse. I cotumn Inch -"$10.92> (14 agite lines per inch> DEADLINE Monday noon prier te Wednesday publication. 668-6111 --m "M H