Com ercal sealiowed iiBrock Ste building Town. approval ha been '.'rio td saeaWhbyJ given audiQ equipment consulting busi- cordrSuy' ttsaWib xrssed at a prevou publie those concerns are to be met in to a. rezoninig applicaton to aillow ness.,pann t ~o Th rh-meigoe the application, biit the site plan,. the southeast corner of Bock St.,prfeiona1fficeonthe ground i eidec h ohrde-ROSSLAND S. and OntarjoSt. for,, with an apartnient on the liIgs on the str t.» C HI1R 0PR AC TI1C Theapliant Mchel~inv-second story. byer the»»pae b law, commercial A o T Thçaplià ti, iéîiýftriv- "The proposai presentedbý h'fprpc cann t. exceed 350 sq. itisproposing that the t igapplica leý4tn .*.nts is -consistent witi the metres ... Ronald K. Yan 1.Sc., D.C buildingie 'used-fà r*a 'comjÂter/ pondces and 'uù.idelines of, thie, Som ocena be' aidC :AsilBSDC ng,., o-me ,..--i hdben Doctors of Chirpacc Plaexpan ion~ ae pleased to announcoe Za ' ssdOIPENING A Whitby resiclent Wants itJie,- the ,building adjacent to the' Dick Kuwahara. otercii Town to hire, an botside 'constLlý--eexisting K-9Mart., The Town decided not to hireofhercni tant to design'a retaining wall "Will the retaining wall hold the consultant and instead will at needed as part of the Kendal- the earth, cars and trucks?" require the developer, Devesc 701 Rosslanid Rd. E., Suite #204 wood laza expansion.,,. asked east ward councillor Den- Group Properties Inc., to provideS Wil i am .Lovelock asked for, the nis Fox. . engineering analysis s0 tiiat the Whitby, Ontario LUN 8Y9 consultant at last week's pouncil, wal will supp4rt'theearth and session. "There is' no final detailed vehicles. ."We need safety rcuin engineering design yetbut if it A building iÉermit will not beo nomtono ponmn for. the wall," said Lvelock, w%ýho can be done it will Ie done," issued until tlý analysis is com-, plea2etl~hn 3-77 has opposed expansion, of 'the replied public works director plete. plaza in the past. The wall is required to expand the'plaza by. 18,000 sq. ft,., The expansion would be at the' rear of A Home & Rural Ale forPepe h store openssae Grà do eincelebrations for'I Home and Rural Appliances aà t ovth iCun r the northeast corner of Dundas St.. E.ý and Thickson Rd. N.' wereov ,t e1r C oun held last week. «We carry strictly large house- hold appliances,» explains owner House of Brou'gham Lexington DougHarden. The..Whitby. store -is the first..Temple -Stuart. Jamestown Sterling franchise offered by Home and Rural Appliances. The second Clayton Ma.rcus Dixie, and more. store is opening in Richmond Hill later-this year. HIarden, who has been in the appliance bùsiness for 16 years, said he purchased the francliise because h e wanted te operate bis own business. The Whitby location was cho- sen because it is central to Dur- ham Region. "In fact, Dundas and Thickson here is the geographical centre of ê Durham',"said Hlarden. Homean Rural Appliances carnies 26 different brand names.. and also offers service and instal- lation, said Harden. The store bas eight employees. Laser therapy system that is built up through smoking. __ "It stimulates nerve points bit- tigthe digestive system 50 you P O N E ENNTRI R doin t eat as mucb.» There are 44 pressure pointsP I NE' T 1S situated in the feet legs, arms p Mw e gacy OU or past part of your fr. and ears. _____________________ "The laser can help you not«to eat when quitting smoking," says 1Hatherly wbo owns the busi- 507 Brock SteeNorthUT W ht U668-42 1 ness with Ãier buisband, took a ~e~ two-day train*ng course to under- (3 blocks north of Hwy. 2) stand e lazer and to focus it on Hus o.-Wd 06 hr.&F.1-,Stra 053 p ressur oints. or:Mn- e.16,Tus& r.19,Stda1053 Shesecs it as a new cà ncc-pt, Also in Missisauga but one that will catch on. ,,rd like to'keep our business sîzal1and personal,nshe says. *----~-