WInI" RE ~SWE»NEiS DAY.-E -E~BR6,1989, PAGE 27 BrdsOf ail cokmwl beatshw By Jacquië Blackburn With the arrivai of fail and the fading of garden flowers, there is no need to be deprived of color. The Durham Avicultural Society annually hosta the.'Bird Show,' this year at the Pickering recreation complex. A three-day evenit, this show and.competition is open te, the public on Sunday, Sept. 24, for an entry fee of $2 for aduits, $1 for seniors and those under 12. Canaries, budgerigars, finches, cockatiels, lovebirds, parakeets, parrots and- more will be represented amnong the nearly 1,000 cages expected. No birds native to Canada will' be included. If, ta you, a canary is yellow, sleek, feathered and smnaflish ini size, you are in for a surprise. 1'rue, many are yellow but ethers range from white through the deepest of mahogany. As to sleek, surely flot descriptive of those class.-ifed as 'Frifis!' One niight think a dernented hair (or feather) dresser has gone berserk with a curling iron. Yet others appear to have a cap drawn down over their eyes. The sizes range froim short and stocky ta, tali and slim. The ' Type' canaries include Border, Gloster, Norwich, Yorkshire, fe, Lizard and the previously mentioned, Frili. Al of these must; conform ta, a standard of shape, size and stance. The colorbred canaries are bred, and fed, to justify the names of Red/Orange, Rose/Ivoy, Bronze,, Silver and Blue, while maintaining feather quality and overall condition. FInches will be popular subjects for viewing. They are shown in two of the five divisions, domestic and foreign. The amali Zebra finch, a native of Australia, is classified as domnestic and shown in pairs. The mcst colorful finch of ail is the Gouldian. Adorned in combinations ' of purpie, white, black, orange, green, red and yellow, so sharply and beautifully defined, it could be painted by a child cautioned not ta go over the limes cf a paint-by-numbers picture. Plan ta take timne te Iook at al of' the foreign birds. The Cordon Bleu, a small blue finch with red ear patches and the Bicheno or Owl with its dignified coloring, will be sure ta capture your fancy. Others have naines which only vaguely describe them: Green Singing, Lavender, Violet Ear, Orange Cheek, FIre and more. Some bear Iess descriptive naines such as Java Rice, Nuns, Silberbills, Pekin Robin, Grassfinch and Cardinals. Ail of the hookbill types of 1,irds will be pre sent. the cockatiel classes provide for Normal, Pied, Lutino, Pearl, Cinnamon and other mutations. They will be shown in a box type cages painted black on the outside and white or paie blue on the interior. A wide range of colors, Green, Blue, Cream and Lutino as well as masked and rarer varieties of lovebirds, will be displayed. This section of the show will most certainly captivate the viewing public, who may be faxiliar with only the peachfaced. A budgie, the ever popular 'first' bird for many, is correctly called a Budgerigar. The show quality birds are considerably larger than the pet variety available in shops and will be worth a second look. Parrot type birds are categorized as being smail, medium or large. Bourkes parakeets, redruxnped parakeets and Kakarikis will be shown in the section devote toa sial parrots. Ail of the Amazons, Cockatoos, Macaws and African Greys are comsidered' ta be 'large.' Most of the birds will be exhibited in standard show cages designed ta show them off te their best advantage and ta allow the judge ta concentrate on the birds rather than their housing. Some are wooden box types with wire fronts, painted black on the outside and an appropriate color on the interior. Others are wire throughout, in various styles. The standardization of the cages adds ta the overall attractiveness of the exhibition. The Durham Avicultural Society was founded in 1977 ta serve bird breeders in Durham and surrounding areas. By education and example their aims are: ta bring tagether interested persons in membership ta ]Rideathon Sept. 16 The Durhanm Region Herse- back Ridling for the Handicapped Association will hold their llth annual Rideathon on Sept. 16 in Blackstock. Horseback riders are wanted te take part, with trophies te, go to those with highest earmimgs. Caîl Hoskin Stables at 986- 5558 or Terry goulet at 571-3122 for more information, regist- ration or pledge sheets. promote and pro t te 4ualit' and standards of the fac; t improvà fellowship aon breedrà and between clubs;, tà exchange ideas, and, educate members for the betterment of the fancy tlirough breedng and exhibiting; to encourage mnembers ta deal fairly with fellow memnbers; and ta, keep their birds in good condition and net ta, over extend the breeding. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month (except July and August) at Pickering Hligh School. The DAS is affiliated with the Avicultural Advancement Council of Canada, the Zebra Finch Societ of Canada, the Eastern C;anadian Bird Fanciers and the National Cockatiel Society (U.S.), each of which is making a significant contribution -ta aviculture. Club members are drawn net only from the Durhami Region and Metro Torento but frein across Ontario and even fron other provinces. Members are diverse in their involvement with birds from the keeping of one or two as pets, through the serious hobbyist to the near professienal aviculturalists. This is an opportunity fer al breederW/keepers, not only club members, to ex.hibit their birds and have them subjected ta keen competition and the critical eyes, net only of the judges, but fellow bird fanciers. F'riday evening and early Saturday morning will be the busy times for the show manager, Vince Mease, and his staff. Each cage must be registered, tagged and staged. The seven judges frein British Columbia, Michigan, Massachu- setts, Ontario and Quebec will take the botter part ef Saturday ta decide the winners in maýny classes. Cempetition is keen, with even the runners-up being worthy cf admiration. Fromn 10 a.m. ta 4 pm. on Sunday, the public will hLave an opportunity net only ta view the birds but ta, speak ta some cf the owmer/breeders. the tag afixed te, each cage carrnes a description cf the cage occupant and provides the naine cf the ewner. The class number on this tag can be matched ta the Show Catalogue, which will be available in the hall. Bocks, tays, feed and other bird p araphernalia will be in evidence. Viewers whe take a moment fromn looking at the birds ta, listen te, thern will get an extra treat - songs frein the canaries, melodicus soumds from some ef the snxall finch, and chirps, tweets and twitter from others. The parrots niay aise have a word ta say. The Pickering Recreation Complex is located on Valley Farm Rd., south of gIwy 2 and west .of 'Brock Rd. For further inforMation contact secretaiy Jacqude Blackburn at' 282-5997 (Toionto) or show manager Vince Moc*s at 723-1978 (Oshwa). It's thiè-ý TALK 0F THE! TOWN' Join us for our ENGLISH SUNDAY DINNER .(4 pm tollpm) Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pudding Roast Lamb Dinner Mixed Grill O NLY $,9.,95 (Other cholces avallable tram the menu at Inexpensive prices) Cati now for reservations - 428-9449 S Discovery I 1Bay Pza t; TALK orTHE! TOWN Located at: D)Iscovery Bay Plaza West Side (2 min. south of 401 on Wostnoy Rd. Ajax Ample Free Parking Diners Club Whitby Figure Skate Precision Tearns Try-outs for the three Whitby Precision Teams for the 1989-90 season will be held at- the Iroquois Arena, Rink #2 as follows: Pre Novice (Ice Pix) Up to il years of age in 1989 Novice (Ice Angels) From 12 to 14 years of age ini 1989 Senior (Ice Fyre) No Age Limidt Friday, September 8, 1989 Wed., September 13, 1989 Wed., September 20, 1989 Friday, September 8, 1989 Tues., September 12, 1989 Tues., September 19, 1989 Friday., September 8, 1989 Thurs., Septemnber 14, 1989 Thurs., September 21, 1989 6:15-7:15p.m. 6:15-7:15a.m. 6:15-7:15a.m. 7:15-8:15p.m. 6:15-7:15a.m. 6:15-7:15a.m. 8:15-9:.15p.m. 5:30-7:0Oa.m. 5:30-7:00a.m. To partially cever the cest cf ice time fer these try-outs, there will be a nominal charge cf $20.00 ie each skater. For amy further information please contact Mr. Bernie Boyce at 668-9691, 1989 Whitby Precision Chairman. -Sanctioned by the C. F. S. A. 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