............................................................,~ I PAGE 24, WMITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,1989 0Witbyhonors 'The man called Intepd In a eolorful ceremony on Aug. 29 in the park named after hlm, a . plaque was unveiled ini memory of Sir William Stephen- son, founder of the secret agent training base Cam nWib during WorldWar. Taking part in the ceremony for 'The Man Called Intepid' at Intrepid Park were Whitby and Brook lin Legion inembers, Whitby Sea Cadets, the Whitby Brass Band, Town councillors and staff, and representatives from the Intelligence Branch of Canadian Forces Base Borden. An engineer, inventor and boxer, the Winnipar-bon Ste- Ph enson, was a Worl dWar I ace. Puring World War II, he was head of British Securityr Co- ordination (BSC), Britain's' spy network, under the codename Intrepid. He established the camp in Whitby, which came to be known as Camp X, as a BSC training base for espionage agents and site of a secret communications network. "It was his work in espiona e and counter-esp)ionaue that mag e Public Review Panel ôn Tanker Salety and Marine Spilis Response Capability Comité d'examen public des systèmes de sécurité des navires-citernes- et de la capacité d'intervention eni cas de déversements en milieu marin INVITATION TO MAKE SUBMISSIONS AND ATTEND HEARINGS The Public Review Panel on Tanker Safety and Marine Response Capability has been appointcd by the Federal Government to conduct a public revicw into al facets of the distressing problemn of spilîs from tankcrs and bargcs bearing oil or chemicals. The Panel wilI review the systems currcntly in place to support the safe movement of oil and chemnicals in bulk by tanker or barge through Canadian waters and fishing zones, and the capability of Canada te respond te tanker spilîs of these materials. Public hearings are being heid in communities on Canada's Atlantic Coast, the West Coast, the St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes System, and both Eastern and Western Arctic waters. AIl interested persons are invà ited to attend. The Panel is seeking input from special interest groups, including environ mental ists, native people and others; the three levels of government; and industry including shipping, oul, chemical, fishing and others, as well as the general public. Should vou wish te make a submission, please write or telephone for details as indicated below. PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDULE 1:00 p. n. 1<) 5:00 p. m. and 6:30) p. n. to 9:30 p. m. ecd day Sault Sie. Marie Monday, Sept ember 25, 1989 Crown Room, STEL Hotel Sarnia Wednesday, Septem ber 27,1989 1 Patio Room, Guildwood Inn Toronto Thursday, September 28, 1989 City Hall Room, Sheraton Centre For further information, please write or call: Public Revicw.Panel on Tanker Safety and Marine Spilîs Response Capability l4th Floor, Jules Léger 25 Eddy Street, Hull, Quebec, KIA 0H3 or telephone toIl-free: 1-800-567-6876 himi famous," sà id master of cere- monies Harry Inkpen of Whitby, a World War II veteran. 7%e park was dedicated in 1984, and four flagpoles, symbo- lizing the role of Canada, United Kindo, US.and Bermuda in BS C were erected to honor Ste- phenson. Bermuda, later to bcome Stephenson's home, was a key part of the BSC network in World War II. "He played a part in keepin~ the world free for democracy, said Mayor Bob A$fersley, who visited Stephenson' in Bermuda in 1984. Attersley g ave Stephen- son a paintin g of th e cairn that marks the C amp X site and showed hlm a videotape of the ceremony. "Historyý is being made at this. time," said Attersley at last week's ceremony, which, hie noted, was being held 50 years and three days after the start of World WarIL "This;yt us, is certainly unique, said Major Bob Parsons of the Intelligence Branch of Base Borden. He noted that Stephenson was colonel commandant of the intel- ligence branch which became a separate division of the Cana- dian armed forces in 1982. There are about 400 offlicers in the intelligence branch. Parsons presented a plaque ta the Town to recognize Stephen- son's service as post-war honor- ary colonel of the Canadian In- telligence Corps (CIC). The pla- que will be placed in the Whitfby municipal building. Intrepid Dr. and Sir William Stephenson Dr., two streets in new Whitby subdivisions, also recognize Stephenson. MEN. xROBEUT Mansfield Whitby Legion Branch 112 chaplain, performs the âdiction of the plaque in memory of Sir William Stephenson at an Aug. 29 ceremony at the Camp X site, now Intrepid Park, in south Whitby. Stephenson died on Jan. 31,F98.P poo CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY TOWN 0F WHITBY 1989 FINAL TAX NOTICE The fourth instalment of taxes for 1989 is due and payable September 15, 1989. If payment is flot received by the due date, penalty wiIl be aclded on the first day of defauht and the f irst day of each calendar month so long as non-payment continues, at the rate of 1-1/% per mont h or part thereof. If you have not received responsible for payment, Department at 668-5803 information. a tax bill and you are pleaýe contact the Tax to obtain the necessary Taxes may be paid at any Whitby bank without bank collection charges, or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Corinne, Wendt, A.M.C.T.(A), Tax Collector, TOWN 9F WHITBY Livinng Well begins next Thursda Living WeIl program work- shops will begin Thursday, Sept. 14, 10 a.m. to, noon, at 315 Coîborne St., Whitby, and on Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2 ta 4 p.m ,215fleedaire Ct., Whitby. The two-hour sessions, to be held once a week for five weeks, are presented by trained senior volunteers-and offer a selection of information for, Whitby resi- dents "55 and better." At a cost of $5, the course includes material and discussion on nutrition, personal health care, fitness and stress manage- ment. Pre-registration is required. Caîl the Living Well office, at the Centennial Building, 416 Centre St. S., Whitby, at 430-7729. Pharrnacist 'ç role discussed Jeif Bailey of Bailey's Big V Pharmacy, Whitby, wil discuss TYour Pharmacist s Role' at the September Living Well lecture on Thursday, Sept. 21, 1:30 p.m., at the Whitby Public Library. Cost is $1. Pre-registration is requested. Caîl the Living Well office at 430 -7729.