PAGE 2, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1989 REnGION WORKS COMMISSIONER 'Ail precautions' taken in Lasco berm diseharge Noting that "much misinfor- mation" has resulted from the leachate pumped from the Lasco experimental berm into the Begion sanitary system, ReWon works commissioner Bill Tweive- trees says "«every precaution" was taken to ensure t he leachate was handled properly and res- pqnsibly. in a report made to Region works committee mëmbers yes- terday (Tuesday), Twelvetrees notes that pum ping of leachate began May 9 and continued, until JuIy il to e mpty the leachate pond. A total o f 694,000 gallons of leachate was released. Except- for biological oxygen demand BDpeols and * e, e * VILBE T chlorides (sait), Twelvetrees said "Ail otherý paramaters met* the requirements of the sewer-suse bylaw. In la y tenus, the leachate was primarilyý salty water." Me states in the re ort that samples of the pumped leachate were taken twice a week for analysis on which to base cost charges to LASCO for treatment of B QD and phenols. (BOD and phenols are rou- tinely treated at sewage treat- ment plants. For exceeding limita, t he sewer--use bylaw make provision by which the disehar- ger pays a premium for treat- ment). Twelvetrees states that Lasco may plan to connect to the sani- tary sewer system but that no application has yet been made to the Region.. Lasco is investigating methods of treating future leachate to meet conditions of the sewer-use bylaw. Whilby councillor Dennis Fox was to attend yesterday's works meeting to hear and get first- hand information about the Lasco berm and leachate. "The Lasco problems come in my ward, and even after' ques- tioning I have very hlittle'infor- mation,» says Fox.. "My.-initial inquiries were, in- June., I-need, somén- kind of assurance that this leachate'is. not dangerous to the. people,-anhd the drinkcing water. "I've always 'been' concerned about the environment. I can't believe how this issue has been handled. It bouls down to the method of doing things in the past is not goor 1989. "Why do elected officiais have to read answers in the press? If there is something there, the public shoud know about it. "I have made repeated requests and been assured there is nothing poisonous outsîde the standard guidelines," says Whitby councillor Marcel Brunele. "The chiorides and saits are 20 times less than what goes into storm systems in win- ter. "Is there anything LASCO is doing improperly that is causing danger to the people's water sup- ply?I _have been assured by our staff, that there isn't. I wantthe IministrF (of.,environment) to .say so, to6.,r "We have no intentions. of being at the meeting,»".says'Pton ,,Deeth%, Lasco berm manager. "'Findinge are as they always were.-Nothing bas changed.' "There are certain items in dispute. That's where the con- fusion is coming. Some of the people making commenta have not fully understood it. "We are very interested in getting the message out as fac- tuallv as oossible.» "lWe have no plans for another leachate,»says -Deeth."We have nothing to discharge. The last discharge was a cumulation of two years.» MIa c omm mimua mi mm measmemi m * RECYCLING CONSER VES NA TURAL i SRESOURCES, HELPS IMPROVE THE ;ENVIRONMENT AND SCREA TES NEW JOBS.i b du @amie mmamusesesome. m #mi.0 announces new law office address effective September 1, 1989 as (Garden Street and Roswland Road-next to Court House) Suite 206-701 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LiN 8Y9 (416) 666-5111 Fax: (416) 666-5141 Toronto Line: (416) 686-1330 (elevator service-and ample parking) I s J 4