WHITlBY FREEPýS, WYMD1iESDAYýi AUGUT 30, 1989. PAGE 13 Region, staff rcomnmend ,approval of condo A ~ A~.vn ..Iavn~n~ ~-1~f~ rcom endd lnmet. iting potential Itraffic 'ap9lication on June 12. nrnnproblemsiniisch d-vo-1lovnnrcrtaffclingendd egxont ni nsatsa te approval of the application for 28 townhouse condo units on the 0.81-hectare (two-acreý property. The land is currently zoned institutional, but the'i Town has informed Rgion that,. the site is no longer a propriate ;for institu- tional uses. At a public meeting in Febru- ary over. tue application, local residents oppnsed the the deve- vandalisTI of the nearby 4i'urch, andthe ir>ppropriateness'of the development in the surrotknding low-density residential neià hbor- hbOod. To the west and east are single family homes, to the north (Nichol Ave.) is a large plaza and to the south is a church. Whitby, council denied the fficial plan encourages develop- mnent of the widest possible diversity and that the applica- tion meets ail criteria for locat- ing higher density development near arterial roads, public tran- sit and commercial plazas. Region staff state that access should only be permitted onto Nichol Ave., not onto Kendal- wood Dr. lopment at Nichol Ave, and Ken- dalwooid Rd., previously rejected by Whitby council, was recom- mended for approval byRegon planning, staff a t yesterdays (Tuesdà y's) planning committee session. A representative for t ie appli- cant,Walker, Wright, Young Associâtes,- was to discuss the application beofre committee. Régional staff, as did Whitby TRISHA GIFKINS was recently named stu- dent of the year for 1989 by the Rotary Club ofWhitby Sunr- ise. She will receive a bursary from the club as she attends the University of Toronto. Fre Preusphoto New truste selected. by Dttrham board By Trudie Zavadovics Pickering's Ruth Ami Sched- lich beat out 22 other candidates to become the Durham .Board of Education's newest trustee. *She replaces Lorna Murphy~ Pickering trustee, who moved west. In her first attempt to secure the position, against, admittedly, very stiff competition, Schedlich, Il a mother of two, says she "feels great. "The dropout rate and funding aÃe issues I arn interested in,"~ says Schedlich. Initially, there were 36 appli- cations for the position. Munici- f alities represented were Whitby ),Ajax (3), Pxc-kenn (21), Osh- awa (4), Ashburn, anningtn in acciwôd(1ent Ahesolen 1981 ontiaeFebitrds twasnaoe inthanbacdn-as dvaThry t1120pm.i itwsceported asoeni h ecarn rammecbo a poeet Centre St N.and iWalnutelW before polier repiv. i a Tecwsstol en from Gus& inetgtn accidentnoi fained thendaneraboutiteteft CPuRscour1120ses i ThW h itby bd asrranch ofJohn Ambulr ance ffers a oe tat site tioNand sta. t.W The mco usetoffes tanin i cafreolthe injured o . Cri ca-inetitn i te ienstandard firs thaideand CPRou te basic Caeîlm-906 or oe"ifr mtoortresrfrcourses T.e John Ambulance, SW.itbh Ablancoffers oursse cardo pncumonar rescusitation for Thiingorsrecoertainini Caîl 668-9006 for bok insor- ftrinformacetifon. aÂYWY\z wheri cicia frnt-k, bu>'nr\e W 1r3fjnd{%JIPOMôk?%3 2 umyn-ow vsa funi jeahJIl Mydld ou1 h*1e, circt dtdret hdve ciry .probIemvs. iüN)QK owsti M0rsk CHEVROLET. *OLOSMOBILE \~ .'%I CADILLAC e CHEVY TRUCKS KIS er 0 1 qu i)Lq- '41 z