PAGE 32, wIIITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. ATTGUST 23,1989 Pony club' lOth. birt .hday THIFE TOWN of Whitby helped the Durham Pony Club cele- brate its lOth anniversary with a floral arrangement at Rotary. Centennial Park. Posing with the flowers are club members (from left) Sarah van der Loo, Heather Mercer, Tonia Mayne, Austin Piehi, Tricia Mayne, Bobbi Lehman, Trina Jabusch and Kathleen Piehi Free Proe photo St iii in first Whitby Century Home Video blitzed Ajax 15-O on Aug. 15 to bold on to first place in tbe Durbam/Scarborougb under-9 repsoccer league. U~b Hanna scored tbree goals and assisted on several otber goals. Jason Scbleiffer and Michael Klukowksi eacb scored four goals. Georgeý Epaminondas scored twice with singles to Randy " AIL SEASON ROOMS " SOLARIUMS " STORýE FRONTS " REPLACEMENT WINDOWS & DOOIRS à L r -P Davidson and Matthew Whelan. Whitby bas 12 wins, one loss and one tie for the season, and bas a one-point lead over Agin- court in league standings with two games eaiig Whitby's onl loss was toPick- ering, by a 1-Oý score on'Aug. 1. Whitby defeatedl Oshawa Turul 2-1 on Aug. 8, as Paul Kinghan- was outstanding in bis first game back after an arm inýjury. 430-86-21 605 BROCK Z ST. Nm WHITBY42G1 VnlWindows F or Your eLifetixne e y y 'Yvl- - ' Life's beautiful year round in the'Sierra And the beauty lasts a lifetime. With hardly any work. And no extra cost. What could be more beautiful1 than that? I-Higli performance in any climate *Easy ta dlean *Will not rot, rust, or warp *Freedom from maintenance & painting * Etremely low heatis PICTURE WINDOW Ail windows are available with grds between the glass Numnuwn HEAT LOSS7 CASEMENT (BTUsper WINDOW *All welded sahes and frarneB har Easy cleamnmg front inside stoetDouble weather Stiripping e Colours available.white and iv( Vlnyt 15Mm qII~~ ryDOUBLE EHUNG TILT WINDOW " Tilt insmashes for easy cleaning " Full scxeen, allowing top or bottom ventilation " Colours available: white & ivory gr= %...OOF 40 ý%ûZE£gnc- »W ýým»jqDm SPECMUSTS