PAGE 12, WMIIBY EREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9,1989 Bill Swan Real Canadi ans PROM PAGE 5 saine morning." He shook ie head and chuckled to himseof "Sheik Zabayr," ho tittered. tî At the door he turned. "By the way," ho said. Ci me about that writer's block problein somnetixne. I may have some ideas for you." Fat chance. If I need some good ideas toe write about, MI watc'h Geraldo. , OSHAWA WHITBY NEWCASTLE Unit;d Way e Because you cared..... Matthew is eight years old and lives with his mother. The mother is unemployed and receives Mothor's Allowance. Matthew's father physical ly abused the mother and Matthew now feels that wamen should be hit and pushed. The father has no contact with the famnily and Matthew has no role model. Matthew is an average student, but is overly aggressive, Matthew is active in sports. Ho needs a big brother ta provide the proper attitudes towards women and sommoe who wilI direct and devetop is interest in sports. Wlthout your Unted Way donation, Matthew wili flot have theopportunlty to have a positive rois model, somen who wiII change hie 11e for the botter through Big Brothers <a United Way Agency). this space provided as a public service by the Whitby Free Press Lcwco berm Draft asse-dcssment sub mitted By Mike Johnston Lake Ontario Steel Cor- poration (Lasco) bas sent a draft assessinent of its berm proposai, ta the Ministry of Environinent. The document, which contains net effects of the borin, alterna- tive means of handling auto- mobile shredder waste and a planning process for the borin, wilI be circulated throughout the ministry for commente and will thon be sont ta opponents of the borin,- such as Corridor Area Rate payers Association (CARA) and Thickson Point residents, for Corrections A hcadline in last week's edi- tion should have identifiod epi- lepsy as a disorder, not as a disease. Also in the article, Jin Dimi- trof was incorrectly identified as Whitby Optimnist Club president. In fact, Kevin O'Halloran is president of the club. The Free Press wishes ta apo- logize for the orrors. their commonts. After comments have been obtained, Lasco will thon prepare a final report ta bo sent to the ministry. At that point, opponients of the berm must submit ta the minis- try their reasons ta support an environmetstal assossment hear- ing on the borin, said Ralph Blank, GARA vice-prosident. Blank also represents CARA on Lasco's liaison committee that bas been meeting monthly ta discuss the beri. Blank said opponents have 30 days to mnake commente ta the ,ministry. "It will then depend on the strength of aur technical argu- ments whether there is an environmental assessinent hear- ing, said Blank, who bas read te draft assessinont proposai and bas saine concerns. CARA.s main concorn, accord- ing ta Blank, is that Lasco wants ta dump leachate into Durham Region's sewor systein overy day. 'Tiat's 50,000 gallons of lea- chate, going into the sewers un- treated every da.y," said Blank. Ho said 'CARA will ask to appear as' a deputation before Durham's works comm-itteon Tuesday, Aug. 29 ta discuss the dumping of leachate. Lasco dumped 76,250 gallons of leachate into a treatment plant between May 9 and May 15, with the permission of Dur- ham Rogion. Many of the chemicals the leachate contained, such as chiorides and benezene, were higher than the Durham Region sewer bylaw allows, Blank noted. Thoso chemicals are listed by the Ministry of Environinent. as hazardous. 'We want to know what is the bottom lino for the sewer bylaw. We have to know the playing field for the environmental asess- ment hearing," said Blank. Ho added that documents ho viewçd show that Lasco actually dumped 694,000 gallons of lea- chate into the sewer system over a two-month period, May 5 to July 15, even after criticism of the dumping by Whîtby council- SEE PAGE 31 $6- million hote imotel planned FROM PAGE 1 10 acres of land, in the area caused delays. But when Rowntreo Canada bbught the former Cadbury plant and the 10 acres. off GO Transit last year, that allowed the hôtel plan to proceod, said Attersle{. The hotel/motel will ho built on the east side of, the Cadbury factory. "It is going ta look nice," said Attersley. The Tlown issued $31.9-M'illion in building pormits during July, according ta the monthly build- ingreport. The largest was ia permit for construction of an $11-million, 134-unit, eight-s3tory con- dominium building at the south- oast corner of Rossland and Gar- *den St. The Town also issued pormits for a $19-million residential developmont, 108 single family dwellings north of Rossland Rd. The Town also issued $42 1,000 worth of industrial permits, $250,000 in agricultural permits and $306,000 in institutional permits. To date, the Town bas isuod a total of $151-million in permits. It collectod $224,376 in permit fees during July tao bring the yearly total ta date to $1.1- million. Attersleyý said next month's permits will include $9-million or the new Father Lea J. Austin Catholic secondary school in the Coscan subdivision. PERSONAL LOANS Youcan add a room to your present home or build a new one. Motor down the road in a brand new car or plan your next fishing trip with a beaut,,Iful* new boat. Our personal boans make it easy to improve the state of your lifewith low interest rates and convenient terms. And for those tUrnes when lite may.,catch, you unprepared, Auto Workers Credit Union provîdes a Linem-of- Credit up to $2,000.00O to deal with the unexpected- -and only 1%. above our personal boan rate. An inexpensive cost for convenience. 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