Whitby Free Press, 2 Aug 1989, p. 6

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SBy 677209 Ont ario Inc. Editor K~L~~ ~ ~ ~ t IDoug. Anderson AlexandraSio Publisher Production Manager coà M.D AVOICE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN 131 Brook Street North, owne an opeate byP.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. The on/y Whitby newspaper independently Lie ndoeatdb N 5S1 2nd Class Postai Regltratlon #05351 Whitby residents for Whitby residents. p Ethies and accountability "ISPI" A Summer Contest of Architectural Identification Take a stroîl and see what Heritage Whitby has to offer. Each week until September, the Whitby Free Press will publish a picture of an architectural detail of a building ini Whitby (including Brooklin, Ashburn arnd Myrtie). Each correct identification (only one per person per week) will be entered in a draw to win a book courtesy of LACAC*. The draw takes place the following Tuesday morning at 10:00 arn. The winners name and the correct identification will be published in the following week's issue of the Whitby Free Prss along with another mystery photograph. Sponsored by Whitby's *Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee to encourage an awareness of our local architectural heritage. Watch for the LA CA C display and activities on Heritage Day, September l6th, 1989; Old Water Works. - Water St. Port Whitby The old Water Works. (pump house) as a structure is still in good condition. Built in 1903, it is the best remaining example of turn-of-the-century public utiity architecture in the area. Although missing the roof ventilation shed and the main sm~oke stack, it is stili a picturesque, familiar landmark - a remincfrr of the character- that Port Whitby enjoyed in the early 4Oecades of this century. WEEK'S WINNER: Bud Heard If you can identify this picture, submit the entry below to the Whitby Free Press, 131 Brock St. N., Whitby, LIN 5S1. The winner wll be selected next Tuesday at 10:00 amn. Ail entries will be entered in the Grand Prize Draw. LOCATION Name Address Phone No. E Durham Region now has a code of ethics for its staff and, starting in 1991, Ontario's municipalities will have their own freedomn of information and protection of privacy legisiation. We would like to believe that codes and Acts are unnecessary to ensure proper staff behavior and local government accountability and open- ness. But, on occasion, such is flot the case. Rules laid out in black and white at Ieast aim to be a guide ta determine what is proper, what is public knowledge and what is niot. It rernains to be seen just how the Act' will function after it takes effeot Jan. 1, 1991, and how f ar it-wiIl go towfard ensuring openness of government. Murray Elston, the Ontario minister who introduced the Act in July, says it will "parallel the one already in place (in Ontario) but with some modifications appropriate to suit local needs." As municipal business is carried out at the council, commission or school board levels, we will watch to determine those modifications and how th ey are applied._ Decision was 'one of enightenment' To the editor. Hearty thanks to the residents of Whitby and the Regional Municipality of Durhamn for their magnificient gesture in endorsing the return of the RML cannons to the Halifax Citadel. The unanimous decision taken by your council was one of enlightennient and great generosity. It must have been very difficult to watch the departure of these two old friends, part of the Region of Durham" for 87 years. Rest assured that they were royally and warmnly welcomed, by the citizens of Halifax in an impressive ceremony on July 19 and that they look qite wonderful "back, home." Corne and see them! As former residents of Teresa, Drive in Whitby, we are very proud to be associated with two communities which realize the immense importance Of preserving our common heritage. Yours "Sicrely, Adrian and Margo Sly Halifx, Nova Seotia Prevent the tritium hazards To the editor. Tritium is a radioactive form of hydrogen, and one of the main contaminants created in Canada's CANDU reactors. Tritiu m poses a serlous hazard to nuclear industry workers, the public in commumities near CANDU reactors, and the environment. In December 1988, a report released by Nuclear Awareness Project concluded that there may be a direct link between tritium emissions from the Pickering nuclear generating station and an increased infant death rate i n the local community. This spring, the Atomic Energy Control Board, Canada's nuclear industry regulator, released a report showing increased leukemnia rates around nuclear facilities in Ontario. Ontaro Hydro decided many years ago te remnove tritiumi from the CANDU reactor systems by shipping the radioactive water te. a special tritium recovery facility at the Darlington nuclear nuclear generating station site. Ironically, Ontario Hydro and the provincial government are also promoting the use of tritium in consumer products such as phosphorescent lights. Tritium is worth $29,00 per gram. T1he conferees agreed that to prevent serious health hazards for workers and consumers, the production and use of tritium activated products must be halted. The Ontario government will be deciding later titis year, whether or not te permit the export of tritium for peaceful purposes. In fact, Canadian' tritium will almost certainly contribute to nuclear weapons production -- either directly through illegal diversidon, or indirectly through research, or by 'freeing up' scarce U.S. tritium supplies for use in, bombs. Peace and environment groups across Canada have 'been pressuring David Peterson, the Premier of Ontario, for several years to ban the transport, commercial use and export of tritium. Tritium should be stored, like other radioactive wastes, at the sites where it is produced. U.S. citizen?' groups will now be sending a clear mressage to, the Ontario government that Canadian tritiumn is not welcome in the United States for either civilian or military purposes. Iroue Kock. Executive Directoe Nuclear Awareness Proeject Box 2331, Oshawa 1

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