PAGE 24ý, WITY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 199 New Whitby location for C&Cr%./Motors is almost complete C onstruction is well underway on the new Whitby location for O&C Motor Sales Ltd. at 1705 Dundas St. W., "We want to be moved in b Sept. 1,» said sales manager Ric? Maeder,* walking around the exnpty building last week. The new 12,000-sq. ft. $1.5- million facility will allow (5&C to better serve its custoiners, said Maeder. With two separate locations now in Oshawa for service and sales, the new location will com- bine the two. But the service centre iii Oshi- awa will remain open while the sales office will be clsed. The new service area will have roomi for 12 cars and will include a dlean-up and wash bay. There will be an opening bet- ween the body shop and service area, allowing cars to move bet-. ween the two areas without being driven outside during the winter, said Maeder. The new location will seli Sub- aru's as well as used cars. C&C 'opened in Oshawa in 1972, and began selling Subarus in 1978. Competency test by mail RICK MAEDER:, sales manager of struction on Dundas St. W. The C&C Motor Sales, looks at the com- building is expected to'be ready for pany's new building now under con- occupancy in September. Fr-ee Pros. photo Ontario Transportation Minister Ed Fulton recently announced a more, convenient way for trucing operators to satisfy the ministxy's Certificate of Competency requirements.,' Effective August 16, 1989, the competency test will be available by mail for completion by the applicant or an employee. At present, applicants for an Ontario trucking licence must write the competency test at a *ministry office, an inconvenience for firmas located out of the province or in remote areas of, Ontario. The certificate of competency' must be obtained by anyone intending to truck goode for hire in Ontario. It signifies that the operator is fainiliar with Ontario's traffic and safety laws, and trucking regulation. New dri ver licence fees efective A ugusti The Mfinistry of Transportation recently released details of fee Changes for specific driver and vehicle transactions effective Aug. 1, 1989. These were originally announced in May, 1989 budget. Drive and vehicle renewal fees will increase for renewal perodsa commencing on or after Au. le 1989. This means that anyone whose driver's licence,- and/or vehicle plate validation sticker ex pires on or after July 31, 1989 wiIl be subject te the new fees. The cost of a driver's licence renewal for three years increases te $30 from $21. Passenger vehicle plate validation stickers in. Suthen Ontario increase te $66 from $54 and northern Ontario to $33 from $27. The cost of motorcycle plate validation stickers in southern Ontario goes te $36 from $30 and Northern Ontario te $18 from $15. For a moter-assisted bicycle validation sticker the fée goes to $12 from $9. The plate validation sticker fee for personal use commercial motor vehicles weighing 3,000 ilograms or less, will increase te $66- from - $54- in Southern Ontario. In Northern Ontario, the fees goes te $33 from $27. Ini addition te the fees announced in the budget, there will be other driver and vehicle related fee increases effective Aug. 1, 1989 te maintain consistency within the ministry's fee structure. The fee for an original driver's licence and for a replacement driver's licence goes to $10 from $7. The historic plate validation sticker fee will increase te $18 from $12. For a regular dealer plate validation sticker, the fee goes up te $132 from $96 and the dealer motorcycle and ntor assisted plate validation sticker te $72 from $48. To increase the permitted grogs weight of a vehicle by 7,000 ilograms, the fee for the conversion unit will increase te, $300 from $252. The minimum annual fee for bus plate validation stickers will increase te, $66 from $54 and for school bus plate validation stickers te$66 from $54., Also announced in the budget for the GreaM~r Toronte Area, but scheduled for implernentation on Dec. 1, 1989, is the,$90 sticker fe for passenger veWckles and personal use only commercial' motor vehicles (3,000 kg or less) and the $48 fee for motercycles. This area ýconsists of the regional municipalities , of Durhamn, Halton, Peel, York 'and Metrýooitan Toronto. In addition, the'"fee -schedules for ail commercial vehicles, buses, school buses and farm vehicles, scheduled for renewal on or after Dec. 1, 1989, will be ad.justed te ensure the minimumn registration fpAe fi tq. MoveOvrHna Subaru's'1990 -Legacy overpowers and out-feature Honda Accord, Toyota Camiy and Mazd 626. Ibu %want [o talk performance? Subarus all-neiv.l6-%aIve horizontaliS opposed englue cranks out 130 horsepowcer. Ttails the most powertùl standard engine lni its class. ln the bcs[-contrmlled car, hanks to an'innovatlve suspension system that otTers more stablllîyithan even a Mercedes 190. Plus qulck-stopplng power disc brakes ln front and rear (Where our compètItors srîillhavent Iound how io beat the drum.) Features? Feature ibis: Mlore headmoom and total passenger space tlu Tota or Honda. .N.nd more cargo space in [theI.egacy Wagon [han [he Camnmy (M uch more [han the Accord or 626: f NI-MW. b 16 2 l l 12 t INeEIlI. lIO ip' 115h>1 llhp 1120p LJI MJ<,fl Pma îv0SjjM. ~ 21 S J.11 - ;170 Mon WRBS ou12,fr, I td.,9 4 10. IIÇd they. don't bulld a agon.)A.\zd Il Il the option oi'Subaruls ears-iahead Full-Tinie 4-%W heel I)riw. sotti ai rýoad-gilpperinootier car iiils claiss , can catch, Test-drive theieue 1990 Legacy at %our Subaru dealertoda>: And sce oryourself ~hy [heres Itsnof0competitioti. t1990SUB3ARU LEGACY 160 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA 579-6224-