PÂGE1ô,W1ùfIM-E ZeW»DNESDAY AU0UOT Z,,1f9, Battie of Gettysb)urg tobe, rem-enacted Aug. 13 On Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 12 and 13, the usually tranquil setting of Pickering Museum Village will be transformed into a l9th century armned camp as Ainorican Civil .War re-enactors arriv'e to stage a re-enactment of the Battle of Gettysburg. Three Ontario units wiill b. participating as well as Ameican units from Illinois, Michigan, New York State, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. 1e-enactors corne from ail walks of lire te share a common love of history and the. outdoor life. From Monday to Friday they are accountants, bus drivers, computer programmners, salespeople, truck drivers and business people. But on weekends they don their Confederate gray or Union blue uniforms to, turn back the hands of âtir.t the eriod of 1861-1865 and relive the lifeof the common soldier of the Am erican Civil War. .This4 'ls the first time a fil-scale battie bas been staged in this area and it is bging done now, during the 125th anmiversary years of the war te commemorate the' more than 50,000 Canadians who saw action on both aides of this largest-ever military conflict to talc. place in North Amnerica. Canada (or as it was then known - British North Ainerica) plaYed a large roi. in the war. The official count of Canadians in the Union forées is 43,532. It is not known definitely how many sided with the South. However, there was an estimated total of 50,000 on both aides. Visitors to the Museum Village wiflb -ble te walk throulzh both- the Union and Confederate encarnpments and me. firt hand the living, conditions of a Civil War - soldier. -Regular demonstrations of foot drill inanual of ai-ms and bayonet drif «Mi b. staged.-, On Saturday afternnon a mach sldrmish will tahe place. A period Lea for ail costumed ladies, mosly wives and daughters 0f the goldiers, will b. served aiso on Baturday afternoon. Saturday evein the'soldiers and their Uaiswl dance the night away at a Blue and Gray Ball in the Greenwood conuunty centre. Lifely reels and waltzes will b. provided by the Héritage String Band from Port Huron, Michigan. The band will also play in the. museum's new bandshell gazebo on Sunday for visitors. Kenny Rtogers in concert Aug. 25 ICOUNTRY MUSIC legend Porter Wagoner visited CHOO Radio recently. Showyi with CI-10 announ- cer Cam Tilbury, Wagoner was in Canada as part of a promotional tour of Opryland, U.S.A. in Nashville. Té-ni. j 0H00 Radio will b. presenting Grammy award winner and Ainerican Music Award winner Kenny Rogers in concert at the Oshawa *Civic Auditorium on Friday, Aug. 25. "Kenny Rogers' lià erfor- mances have been gre.ted with seli-out crowds and rave reviews everywhere and we're proud' te b. ýpresenting Kenny Rogers in his ,Î)renfiiere performance in Oshawa," said 0H00 'programn director Joe Frechette. 'He's a world class artist and we know our Durham Region listeners and the residents of Oshawa are in for an exciting evening". Kenny Rogers'. nunxerous honore and accolades include two Grammys, countless Anierican Music Awards, several People's- Choice Awards and various coùntry' music awards. His caring nature has awarded bur recognition for bis efforts ini such organizations as "Hands Acrose Arnerica," "W. are The World"' and "Farm Aid." This multi-faceted entertainer includes such lepe as Dolly Parton, Ià onel Rtchilue, Michael Jackson, Bill Cosby and Dustin Hoffinan amongst bis closest friends. At 2 p.m. on Sunday the crackle of rni&sktfire will combine *with rebel yells and shoutodorders.as officers on both iddes5 whip their mon into a ine-of-battie to face the enemy. The battie will see-saw--*ba-c1 a-nd forth in the grassy meadow south of the' Museumn vilage, until eventually the Confederates gi t;he upper hand and drive te federal forces back into the village where house-to-house -and street-to-sitreet skirmishing, will haPen.' atre iný mvited to attend this event at Pïckering Museum Village and learn more about the untold story of Canadians in the American Civil War. Hours of operation are from il a.m. to 5 a.m. on Saturday and 9 a.m. to 5 P.m. Sunday, wih the battie re-enactment at 2 p.m. Sunday aftemnoon. Regular admission prices apply a ud a laisfre.Pickering MuseumVIlg is located three km east of Brck Rd., and Hwy 7 at Greenwood. .For additional information contact Lynn Winterstein, Museum manager,. at 683-8401, or Lieutenant Raymond Huif, lOth Louisiana Volunteer Infantry at 299-5115 (days) or 286-2261 evenings). Thoôusands of Canadians are waiting for the gift of a Iife-saving transpiaxt. The Kidiley Foundation of Canada urges you to sign an organ donor card. - __OWASCO,,,- [~J V.W., AUDI, - LTD. 1425 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-93 ______ý'jy Ajax - Pickering 683-3235 lotilFree 1-800-263-2676 Sales * Service - Leasing - Parts Bodyshop ( to ail makes> RENTAIS 0F Vans, Buses, Camnpers, Pickups, GMC or VW Station Wagons, Cars, Ail wh h or wlhot l ents & carMing gear. Vehicles also in EUROPE, CALGARY & VANCOUVER Our Mtto "Your Satisfaction is Our Concern" W VINDOUWS * UURS SKYLIGHTS. SOLARIUMS for Additions, Custom Homes, New Construction & Retrofit "Superior Quality Windows" 595 Wentworth St. E., Unit 50 Oshawa 436-9733 ig«« ExperienCe the i Ultimate ln ris Health &Fitness Corne in for a consition al ad free demonstration Welght Loss. Relaxation to Detoxtficatlon - Massage for STANNING i to 1271 SImcoe St. N., Oshawa 432-1810 ffice at we is Whitby's ONL Y TRUE DISCOUNT DRUG STORE 311 Brck*St N., Whltby 666-3784 Ample Paring Open Holldays& Sundays UObh urtu Wood 'eove FOUR SEASONS' ýRf--'E.NifOUSf-S , roù.11 1