PAGE 3è, WMTÉfY FREE PRESS, WÉDNESDAZ ,JULY 19.,1989 j, Summer vohmnteer opportunitieslofered The Oshawa and District Asso- ciation for Community Living offers summer volunteer oppor- tunities. Volunteers support a child or aduit who is develop- mentaily handicapped. Other opportunities include: 1) Volunteer to assist support services division. This position requires the volunt,-tr to make telephone cails. T1yping would be an asset, but not mandatory. Call office for further informa- tion. 2) Volunteer needed to assist an individual in her work place- ment -at the -Holiday Inn. H ours: onie hour, per, day, five days a week. 3) Volunteer to help- a young boy deliver bis papers- and pro- vide assistance in collecting money. This young boy enjoys swimming. 4) Anyone who enjoys playing bingo can include a new frien d Tuesday evening and Wednesday or Thursday during the day. 5) Maie violunteer who speaks fluent Italian is needed. 6) Fundraising secretary is regired for cookbook fundraiser. TIUs person would be responsible for collecting recipes then assist with selling the cookbook. Time required: four hours per week until Deoember. 7) Handyman needed. For anyone h njoys paintig w allpapering, yardwork, etc. 8) Vlunteer to provide trans- The War Amputations of Canada...à Safety Is CHAMP No Accident ProgaYSm WETLANDS ARE NOT WASTELANDS Wetlands purify water, help control flooding, and provide valuable wildlife habitat. For xw moImuffnion on the imPortnc of welands, contact (,,%P.O. Box 28 Ontario K9J6Y5' ~~ 75)748-0324 p ortation three times per week in morning) to 17-year-old girl from Park/Adelaide area to East- view Boys and Girls Club during summer months. 9) Maie volunteer to assist a 24-year-old adult maie in playing the guitar. 10) Female volunteer to assist individuals to upgrade the read- ing and writing skills neededfo eher Wednesday or Thursdlay from 6 to 10 p.m. If interested, caîl Suzanne iDRD DURHAM THE REGUONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Regional Municipality of Durham is considering AN APPLICATION TO AMEND REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AND WHITBY OFFICIAL PLAN THE DURHAM THE TOWN 0E, The amenidment, as submitted by--the -applicant,> proposes a banquet hall and restaurant facilities within the site indicated on the map beîow. In order to assist in the evaluation of the amendment application, the public is invited to provide input by way of submissions to the Region's Planning Department. Information related te the amnendment application is available in the officesof the Planning Depariment, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, LiN 6A3 or by caîling Ms. Kay Dryden, Planning Depariment (416> 668-7731 (Whitby) / 686-1651 (Toronto). Submissions concerning the amenciment application must be forwarded to the Commissioner of Planning, at the above-noted address, and must be received no later t han Friday, August 8, 1989. Please include your address and telephone number in any submission made. FILE NO. 89-8VD/WW IMarie Hubbard Chairman, PlnigCommittee Dr. M. Michael, M.C.l.P. CommlssloneroôtPlannIng CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY .000R EQUIRES A LICENSED MECHANIC The Corporation of the Town of Whitby is currently seeking qualified candidates for the above position in our Public Works Department. QUALIFICATIONS Appicants shall have Grade 12 education and hold a Glass 'A' Motor Vehicle Mechanic's License, preferably with Diesel endorsement. Appicants must have a Glass 'DZ' Drivers License and supply hand tools Up to one inch. Applicants should have a minimum of four (4> years experience as a Glass'A' Mechanic, with knowledge of diesel engine maintenance and experience related to hydraulics and heavy equipment in a municipal environmeflt and be prepared to work shifts. Propane licenses 86A and S6B3 would be an asset. Must have the ability to work with a minimal amount of supervision. POSITION SUMMA1RY This position involves the repair, preventative maintenance and inspection of Town equipment and pumping stations. On-road repairs, fabrication and welding and on-caîl emergency repairs will also be performed. HOURS OF WORK Under review. (Shift work may be required and applicant should be prepared to work shift hours or straight shifts.) SAL&RI Salary subject to skill, ability and qualifications. The Corporation offers an excellent benefit package. Applications are to be forwardied no iater than August 29 1989 to: Personnel Departmfeflt The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East WHITBY, Ontario LUN 2M8 NOTE: #e-thank ail those persons who apply, but advise acknowledgement will only be forwardedto those applicants who are invited for-an-inteEviw-*. .