'.r/e. ~i' '~ :' ~ PAGE A6, WHITBY FREE PRESS, Fishing, JULY 12,1989 Fihing 189'm TEE ROYAL Canadian Mounted Police and Durham are enforcing liquor Iaws while RCMIP check out Regional Police are jointly patrolling Lake Ontario boat safety. Fe rs ht this summer in the nýew RCMP craft. Regional police Fc rs ht Som e tips for bo atinLg safety ByCanada Safety Council A boating accident can happen to anyone at any tinie. Whether you are a seasoned deckhand or a newcomer to the boating world, sound knowledge and skills related to craft operation are essential. Make this boating season accident-free for you, your friends and family by refreshing your knowledge of the following boating safety information. 1. It is illegal to operate a boat when impaired by alcobol or drugs. 2. The Department Of Transport (DOT) requires that al boats under 18 feet in length be equipped with the following: * An approved Personal Flotation Device (PFD) or approved lifjacket for each person aboard. * A bailing bucket or a manual pump. * Two oars and oar-locks or two paddles (and a spare in a canoe). * An efficient sound signal (whistle). * A Class Bi fire extinguisher if the boat has an inboard motor, permanently-fixed or built-in fuel tanks or a cooking or heating appliance that burns liquid or gaseous fuel. * Navigation lights for operation after dark. * For boats over 18 feet in length refer to the "Small Vessel Regulations." 3. Check the marine weather forecast and stay alert to quick changes. If a wind cornes up or clouds darken the sky, it is safer to head for shore. If you must travel in storrny weather choose a route close to shore rather than across an open body of water. 4. If you boat capsizes, stay with it. If the water is cold, climb onto your craft or right it, if possible, and sit in it. 5. Dress appropriately for the activity and environnient. When winsurfing in cold weather wear a wetsuit including boots, hat and gloves - in warm weather wear a sun visor, sunscreen lotion and sunglasses. Hypothermia, a condition caused when the body temperature drops below normal, can occur when the body is submerged in water, when the weather is cold or if it's raining. 6. Always leave a trip plan with someone on shore with your planned destination. and approximate time of arrivaI. 7. When water skiing thç tow boat must have two people on board - an operator and an (THE HEAT OF SUMMERI SIS JUST AROUND THE CORNER i M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M COOL NOW PAY LATER DON'T PAY TILL LABOUR DAY SPay noth!ngu ntil Now is the time to order your C entral Air Conditioner or Heat Pump for immediate installation and receive a $100 rebate. Pickering/Ajax 683-5757 M 't i AMI Oshawa Bowm anvillie 723-0868 Labour uay *No interest No down payments No payments utlSept. 1, 1989__ OR PASH BA CK BRIDLEWOOD HEAD OFFICE WHIT 8V 668-8111 Hurry and order before JuIy l5th ta receive offers. Peterboroug h 749-3380 Lindsay/Cobourg Port Hope 1800263-2727 Br R1DLWDDD %REHEATING & AIR COND IlION ING M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M E M M w J observer. Learn and use the water ski signaIs and always stay away from other boats and swimming areas. The water skcier must have good swimming skills and must wear an approved PFD. 8. Carry a complete first ai d kit with you and it is a good idea to include emergency supplies in a waterproof container such as: a complete change of clothing, flashlight, compass., matches, rope, kfe, energy* rations and non-alcoholic liquida. For boats with ignitions, attach keys to an object that can float so they won~t be lost if accidentally dropped in' the water. 9. Practice fire sa.fety procedures when refuelling boats. Stop all engines, fans or devices likely to produce sparks. Extinguish aIl liquid or gaseous fuel burning appliances. Do not smoke, light matches or flip on switches while the tanks are being filled. 10. Keep seated in a boat. If changing places, keep body position low and weight evenly distributed over the centre of the boat. il. When fishing, treat fish and gear with respect. Fish can be powerful and have sharp teeth. Col Water produces nmi0ilion poun"ds per year' After three years of experi- menting, Cool'Water Farms Ltd. in Pickering i s now able to s up- ply the fo industry in Cana and the United States with a million pounds of trout a year. Located one kilometer west of the Pickering nuclear centre, Water Farms has been in ope- ration since 1986. One of the devlopers of the farm, John Neil, said the Picker- ing location was chosen because of the proximity of the nuclear station which provides cooling water, used in the statioti, to keep the temperature of the water between 12 and 15 degrees celsius - the optimum tempera- ture for rainbow trout. The farm uses 10 million gal- lons of water a day from the station. According to Neil that amount is enough to surpy the needs of 150,000 peop e on a daily basis. Ià *h Io "We experimented wit yelo perch, eef and chinook (salmon). Each bas their own optimum temperature for growth but we found rainbow trout was the best for us,'" said Neil. The farm is 6.5 acres in size although only about two acres are used for culturing trout. Neil estimates the farm now bas 900,000 trout. Fifty per cent of those are shipped to the UnitedStates while the remain- ing are sent to cities in Canada. The farm then buys young stock from suppliers in Ontario. It takes eight months to grow a trout to market size which Neil says can be anywhere from 10 ounces to two pounds. The operation is year.-round, thanks to the hydro station's water. "The fish dont Know if it's winter or summer because of the temperature we keep the water at," said Neil. YOU ARE JNVITED TO A PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE o)~f0> To Discuss The zu Central Lake Ontarjo Conservation Authority Outdoor Recreation Planning * J- <~ and Feasibility, Study The purpose of the study is to develop an overal development strategy for their outdoor recreation services and facilites in the Durham Region. Wednesday , July l9th, 3:00 to 9:OOp.m. Town of Whitby Municipal Buildings 575 Rossland Road East, Conimittee Room 2 ( Note: South side of Rossland Road, east of High way #12 - free parking at rear, enter the rear door, go up ramp then downstairs to Committee Room 2.)1 ~rhim&s ~ffc ,Nu Lt hc> ri=E>di G«-rritEr DEDýiIlp-r. Eoev*vk< PLANFINANCEBDY THE Scotiabaink S 1 MMMý M-mmý 1 -Il .