PAGES8, WHTIY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1989 Fred Martin competes in 'Cry-emOff proincial 1~OIT' of the Ontario Id ofCriera in Markham on'June 17 and 18, in conjunction with the Markham Village Festival. Aspec'al festival commnittee, -headedby John Webster, Markham'a town crier, and AI Rainor was assigned to hoet the criera from Friday night through Sunday. Fourteen town criera from acros Ontario- attended the event, which involved three cries: a greeting cry from the crier's home community; a cry related te village festivals, and a prepared The first two are written by the individual criera, while the third is provided by the host comnttee and is not seen by any of the contestants until just before the cry is delivered. Judges for the event included members of Markham council, festival officiais and distinguished volunteers from the community such as Anna Russell, a retired entertainer. Town criera are judged on six main aras: their use of an attention-getting-device (usually the bell); their deportruent when entering and leaving the ciy area* and during the delivery of the cry; volume (sustained rather than the loudest); cry content; clarity; and general impression. In a contest that saw strong performances from ail criera, Bruce BidelI, accompanied by his assistant, Denise Bideil, both of Sault Ste. Marie, emerged victorious. Chris Whynxan of Kingston was second, and Frank Knight of Scarborough was third. While disappointed that he did flot place this year, bis third atternpt at- the prvncials, Martin noted thatv the competition is intense among criers. "Some of the criers have been involved for over five years, and a nuinher of them have competed at the North American championships and at world's. Three of those at Markham had just returned from Belgiuxn, where they finished as high as fourth at the recent world championshipa, which involved about 90 town criers," said Martin. "Therefore, I don't feel too badly when I compete at that level." Martin said mayor 'Tony Roman and Markham council had been excellent hasts for the event. "They accommodated the criers and their familles at the Ohimo Hotel for the weekend, and provided all meals from Friday evening through Sunday at noon, including an excellent dinner and dance on Saturday evening at the new Markham Arms Hotel, to. which the mayors of ail of the criers' home communities were also invited. Unfortunately, Mayor- Attersley couldn't attend due to comitments to our 'Twinning Weekend,' but I did bring back a gift for him, a beautiful book- of historie photographs of Markham," Martin related. Martin had high praise for bis hosts, saying that, 'The festival committee, the Town of Markhani and the hast crier, John Webster, were most friendly and eager to please. Their efforts and tie sponsorship of the community MAYOR BOB Attersley (left) helped to welcome County Town Realty to the County Town recently, as he joined with (from right) sales repre- future events." to match at Durham Region's Wood Speclalist for over 50 years Selection of hardwoods & softwoods. Pne, Oak, Birch, Maple Decking & Fenicing Hardwood Plywoods OAK, BIRCH, MAHCGANY AIR CONDITIONUNG AND HEATING SALES 'SERVICE .INSTALLATIONS Authonizod ACansumers Gas Dealer a ,m HEAM à ARAMCONDMT1OMO * a à *l l Larje election: Oak, pine A mahogany Made on the promises 328 RITSON RD. N. OSHAWA 725-4744 TRADE BOOKS *D & D (-1'l? Now Open Sundays I 8-153 434-3871tAja . 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Oshawa iv * 576-2239 QUALITY NURSERY STOCK COMPETITIVE PRICES Corne in and compare. Calil about our do ft yourseff Iandscaping package ta save $$$. AR YOU EXPERENCING *Lower Back Pain *Lower Limb Pain *Foot Problemns Consuit our prof essionals for FREE video gait analysis. 'tTHE GAIT WORKS 375 Finley Ave., Suite 103, Ajax 686-1969 ANNUAL INTEREST G.IC. 1 VEAR Cail oLW rate hotlines for up to the minuite Best GC raies on ail terms. Special rates on RRSP aid RRIF. 428-8791 or 428-8613 L a A bChf 55 CHURCH ST. SOUJTH, AJAX Raies sikea to cha1e wkt ot icùe. TREETNORrHWHITSy U sentative Don Jacyshyn, broker Bob Kennedy and sales rep Gerald Hor- nov for opening ceremonies of the office. Free Press photo whitIby business