i Published every Wednesday Maurice Pifher By 677209 Ontario Imc. Editor Phone: 668-6111 Peter Irvine 668-6369 Advertising Manager wDoug Anderson Alexandra Simon Publisher Production Manager ' G NA ~< VOICE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN 131 Brock Street North, The on/y Whitby newspaper independently owned and operated by P..BxL0,iN S1 Ont. ls otiRgitaln#55 IWhitby residents for Whitby residents. U S n lsPsa oitaln#55 A majority of Whitby residents living west of Thickson Rd. may have been too unhappy with the increased monthly rates that would accompany direct dialing between Whitby and Toronto. Bell Canada found that 56 per cent of those responding to a survey were against direct dialling, and we would suggest that the costs may have been a factor. t's unfortunate that Bell, Canada's largest telephone company with revenue of $6.7-million last year and a profit of $793-million (and recently ordered to refund $253-million in overcharges and interest to customers) can't corne up with a system ]Rejected m for now that would accommodate only those who want direct dialing. If we have properly interpreted the survey, at least four out of 10 Whitby residents want direct dialing. That's west of Thickson Rd. A new survey will be held in Oshawa in the f ail and t hat survey will include Whitby residents living east 0f Thickson, due ta the dialing area system established years ago for Whitby and area. If Oshawa and east Whitby residents choose direct dialing, the remainder of Whitby will be an in-between "void" area of sorts. And those com- plaints heard earlier of a town split would ring true. There's no split yet, and the 'no' vote in west Whitby might encourage a similar vote in Oshawa andeast Whitby. lt's unusual that an attempt ta establish regular telephone communication between Whitby and Toronto has the potential to create division and confusion within the municipality that would be most aff ected. Stay tuned. 'Disgusted' over remarks about towinhouses To the editor. Re: Stolp development Afler reading in the June 21 Whitby Free Press the article "Townhouse approved despite protest," I feel disgusted, along with some of my neighbors, at the juvenile remarks made about the proposal townhouse development. Like moet longtime Whitby residents I have no problemn with residents protesting too many higb density areas. But two or three rows of townhouses does not consitute "high density." If the gentlemen (and I use the term loosely) would look around tbem, they will see that most of the prestigious upscale bouses they Request To the editor. Copy of the letter to Town representatives Dear Mayor Attersley and Councilors of the Town of Whitby: We, the members of SOS (Save Our Shore) Whitby, are concemned that our request ta speak to council bas been denied. In view of the strong popular support that our group bas received regarding the propased Coscan waterfront development, we believe that our concerns sbould have prompt and public acknowledgment. We should have the right Vo address council. Seventeen hundred local taxpayers signed aur petition which asked that the public walkway be reinstated and that the density of the buildings be lowered. This represents ninety per cent of the people approached which suggests many more taxpayers oppose this development in its present form. This proposed development contradicts the main recommen- dations of the 1987 Town of are taiking about are so close together that they are separated only by a narrow alleyway. How sad for Mr. Campbell that he had to spend three months in a townhouse. "prison" wbile awaiting the completion of hies own single dwelling rowhouse, al practicafly the same with garages jutting on to the front Iawn to deniLed Whitby Harbor Master Plan. That plan states on p. 3 ( that "a continuous open space System, incorporating a pedestrian walkway miust be esabihed along the waterfront through the harbor area; this system will provide linear continuity and ease of public access for the total community." Furthermore, the plan bas many recommendations regarding environmental issues and building height restrictions. We contend that severai of these recommendations are ignored by tbe proposed development. Wby spend taxpayers' money for a study which is virtually ignored once the harbor development begins? In summary, we wish Vo present tbese concerna Vo you, aur elected representatives. We have made this request before and bave been ignored. Given the infinite nature of the waterfront and the importance of its development, and given the many hundreds who bave supported us, we believe this issue deserves Vo be reopened. We deserve the audience. We look forward Vo hearing from you soon. Sneey Karin L Cole Steering Committee of SOS Whitby make them appear larger than they really are. And Mr. Williams comments: Its like putting Bargain Harolds in Rosedale." Maybe you are angry that you have ta travel so far across town Vo shop at Bargain Harolds." I live in a street house (non-condomidniuin) and 1, together with" many of my neigbbors, choose to live here after selling larger properties in Whitby. We have been through the "hiuge lawns and hedges to cut each summer.". As regards to townhouses creating crime areas and low cost housing, I would suggest, sirs, that you corne out of your very "prestigious bouses" and take the time Vo look at the rest of Whitby outaide Kerrington and Montrose Court, and you will find very real people living on streets like mine: some retired, some professional, andi aIl very hard-working, respectable folk. There are about six areas in Whitby where town and street bouses have been buit over the past 10 years. In that same time crime in Whitby bas increased by about 40 per cent. Surely people could not possibly believe that ail this extra crime came from these six areas of townhouses. The low-cost" housing, as you describe it, starts at $180,000! IV would be interesting to know if those who criticized townhouses rank among many wbo have only managed Vo buy a bighiy over-priced home in Whidtby a2fter selling a "modeat" Toronto home for an exhorbitant price and now feel they should be allowed Va oel the shots from the lofty heights nf their "mini-mansions." Eve Heaver Whitb.v LETTERS The Whitby Free Press welcomes letters to the Editor ou aiiy subject of concern to our readers. Letters shouid be brief and to the point - rarely more than 300 words. Ail letters must be accompanied by the name, address and phone number of the writer; however, on request, your name may be withheld from publication if we agree that there is a valîd reason. The paper reserves the right to reject or edit ahl letters. Send to: The Editor. Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario LiN 5S1 or drop through our mailsiot at 131 Brock St. N.