PAGE 32, WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28,1989 To lunch by limo CHAUFFEURED by limousine to lunch at Mcflonalds in Whitby recently were Col. J.E. Farewell students David Brotherhood (front, left), Jili Hedderson (front, right), Scott Vaughan (back, left) and Blair Hedderson (back, right), who, while promoting local business through sale of a coupon book, raised money toward the purchase of a video camera and playground equilpment for the sehool.. Greeting students upon their arrival was Sue Nevin of Mcflonalds. Vince Ohpreclo-Free Preoss pbnto Found guilty of atternpted.,murder FROM PAGE 1 pleaded not guilty ta tbe charge of attempted murder. Judge Byers rejected Tripp's explanation that be did not want ta kili Cowper but rather just "hurt» him sa bie cauld get out of' the bouse. "Fie (Tripp) was prepared to kill" said Judge Byers in finding Tripp guilty of. attempted mur- der. Tbe charge of aggravated assault was stayed. A pre-sentence repart is set for Sept. 1 unless bath tbe defence and crown attorney can agree an an earlier date. The court heard that wben police arrived at*tbe home, Tripp was walking down the driveway. When bie spotted the two police officers lbegean yelling,'Sbat me, shoot me. Put a bullet in me!" Wben interviewed an hour later, Tripp told detective James Adams that bie bad no recollec- tion of tbe incident. Tripp told the court it took weeksbefore bie was able ta, piece together the day's events. After work that day, Trip p met bis father at Shorty's-pao lbMIlon Dundas St. W. at approximately 4 p.m. and he suggested tbey go ta the Royale for a drink. Tripp stayed at the Royale until 6:30 p.m. (bis father had left earlier) and bad six beers. He went home at 6:30 p.m., sbowered changed and went back ta tle Royale. While tbere lie was appraacbed by an indivi- dual who asked Tnipp if be wan- ted ta, bu y same cocaine. Tripp purchased balf-a-grami for $50. (On tbe stand, Tri pp admitted he had a drug problem sine be was 19 and had previausly been ta a drug counsellor.) Later tbat evening, Tripp met same friends at the Royale. Fie asked tbem if tbey wanted ta buy some cocaine and wben tbey said they did Ahe left tbe Royale, went ove toVÉeDen on Dundas St. W. and purcbased $200 wortb of the drug. Hie went ta a wasbroam of The Den, cansumed four-tentbs of a gram, then brougbt tbe rest back ta the Royale. There be had mare beer and also bad more cocaine witb bis friends. 33' il p.m., "I was pretty gane" Tripp told the court. Hie had another quarter gram of cocaine and then went for a walk wben be got a "big burst of energy." Tripp told the trial bie bad between 12 and 16 beer that day and 1.75 gramns of cocaine, and spent aproximately $400. Fie badbad $495 wben *tbe day started. When ho gat borne Tri P counted bis money and notedh ongLad $95. Hesaid this upset him, because be was xnoving ta, Pickering the next day ta, be dloser ta bhis job and- needed $200 for rent.e rent money was ta, be. picked up the next morning. Hie then went ta the Mac's Milk. n Brock St. N., bougbt' a 7-Up an bganwakin, even- tually ending up on Harrison Crt. Iripp, told the court it was raining that nigbt. He noticed 39 Harrison Crt. because it bad a porcb. While standing on the porcb, Tripp noticed an open kitchen windaow. "I needed Aome money," said Tripp as ta wby be. entered the bouse. He told the court be tbought the bouse was empty and once inside he took the phone of the book. He then thougbt be beard a noise upstairs. Hie took a knife from the ?kitcben and went up ta investigate. When be entered tbe bedroom he noticed two lumýps in tbe bed and be "froze." H e said tbat wben he turned ta leave tbe roomn he made a creaking noise wbicb woke up Rager Cowper. Cowper told tbe court he woke ta see someone standing in the raom. Fie thougbt it was bis wife but soon realized it wasn't. He gat out of tbe bed slowly and rusbed towards Tripp. They cir- cled eacb otber and tben lunged. During tbe scuffle, Tripp began using the knife on Cowper. 'I didn't want ta burt hlm. I ust wanted him ta leave me alone,'" Tripp told tbe court. Fie. said he felt tbat by «cutting" Cowper witb tbe knife, Cowper would let him go and be could get out of tbe bouse. Tbey fougbt along tbe landing of the bouse and downstairs until Tripp eventually pushed Cowper into a wall, wbere Cow- per feIl ta tbe floor. By this time Cowper bad been able ta get the knife out of Tripp's band. Trip said, be then pufled out a second knife he was carrying and could bave stabbed Cowper but didn't because be felt Cowper bad been burt enougb. Court then heard that during the figbt, a nerve in Cowper's right wrist was severed an be received 17 stab wounds ta his chest and back. Cowper's wrist required micro- surgery that nigbt at Osbawa General Hospital. During the fight, Cwe' wife Nancy on two occasions attemp- ted to hel-p her husband during tbe struggle by hitting Tripp over the head, once with ber flsts and a second time with- a bull figurine. l'ripp said he did not feel the hits but feit the bumps the next d aL Cowper and Tripp were fighting, Roger* yelled at Nancy to cali the police. She testified she attempted to dial from a phone in t he bedroom, but real- ized Durham Region did not have 911 gqtdputthe phone back down. She then attempted to phone tbe operator but got no dial tone. Meanwhile 2-year-old daughter Tanya was awake and was calling out tbat she needed ta go the the bathroom. Nancy went to Tanya and told ber she was helping ber daddy and Tanya would have to wait. Nancy then ran out of the bouse ta) a neigbbor and sked tbem to pbone t he ~l'ce. When she returned ta tbe ouse, Roger was sittirxg at tbe bottom of th stairs and blood was smeared over tbe walls and floor of tbe landin !:ougbt lbe (Roger) was going a ie. I didn't tbink be oudtake mucb more," said Nancy wbotben began talking ta, Trpp in an attempt ta calm bim down. She eventually asked Tripp if sbe could cali an ambu- lance for ber busband. Tripp said sbe could. "She was taîkin g ta, me softly. Like music ta, sootle tbe savage beast," testified Trpp. He then went ta leave tbe bouse but realized'bis finger- prints were on the knives be h ad used. He went back in the bouse ta get the two knives and left tbe bouse. Once outside, he told tbe court, he realized what bad happened and he went back ta apologize. «Then the police came and I wanted tbem ta sboot me... .because of wbat I bad done, » said Tripp. Crown attorney Tom Fitz- gerald repeatedly questioned TLripp about using tbe knife on Cowper. CcYou wanted ta hurt bim?" asked Fitzgerald. "I just wanted bini ta stop," rlidTripp. Meaied testified the cocaine influenced bis actions tbat nigbt. N With style JEFTF BL'YT accompanies Maria Chrysostomou as they model prom fashions during a recent fashion show at E.A. Fairman. Frees Prom photo RON ARMSTRONG, outgoig pre- sident of the Rotary Club of Whitby, reads the inscription on the gavel presented to the members of the club in appreciation for support of the Lifeline program operated from Whitby General Hospital. VlInoe Ohprelo-Fre Prem photo