PAGE 22, WIfITY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28. 1989 Phone 668-6111 _________ jDay camp Large s ubdivis ion 0 denied Whitby council has denied the proposed Village Square Inc. subdivision that, as proposed, would have meant an estimated 2,500 more residents in Brooklin. Planning and development committee last week had given the company six months to study servicing for the area. However, council suddenly voted on the matter on Monday night. "It would be unfair to keep this applicant on the hook," said north ward councillor Ross Bat- ten who recommended denying the application. Council instead agreed to accept a report from the plan- ning department that the sub- division was premature for the Brooklin area. Batten, who is also a member of the planning and development commnittee, said he had talked to the planning department during the week and decided it was unfair to keep the developer "on the line" for six months. Almnost every department of the Town was opposed to the development. The fîre department noted Brooklin is serviced by a volun- teer fire department which is not big enough to handie a large fire should one occur if the devlop- ment had been realized. Public works department noted municipal services, were not- avallable while planning department considered the plan as premature. ST. LEO'S parish held a pancake bruneh and bake sale Sunday at the Brooklin community centre to raise money for church activities. Flipping pan- cakes are John VanSchyndel (left) and John Floris.Free Press photo starts Jtly 4 Day camp will be held. at Spen- cer comrnunity centre in the Brooklin area, starting July 4 and continuing until Aug. 25. There are one- or two-week sessions of haif or whole days for ages 4 to 11. Half day is 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., whole day is 9 a.m. to 4 Babysitting service is avail- able. Maureen Jackson organizer of the camp that is niaking a return after a three-year absence, says 30 children per week can b e accommodate d. Cost is $5 for half-day, $8 for. fulida. A SEED grant will cover some of the wages for staff, says Jack- son. To register, cail Jackson at 655-4469 or call the community centre at 655-3512. Jackson says the camp is dif- ferent ' than oThei-s bécause "We're out in the country." Acti- vities include swiniming, outings to zoos and farms, crafts and games. Spencer community centre is located three minutes from the Brooklin downtown area. Take Hwy 7 west to Country Lane, aird go north one block. Town permit s buildling of adinà tional homes By Debbie Luchuk Whitby planning committee last week approvedi an amend- ment allowing Karsten-Smith Corporation, currently building a subdivision in Ashburn, to build five more hom'es in 1989, beyond the previously permitted eight homes. Council previously approved only eight building permits per year for the subdivision after takiin g into consideratin public input and the Hamilet of Ashburn development plan's servicing and staging policies. A representative for the appli- cant,B.î Wright, conducted pol- ling of the area residents to determine public opinion, and said, "most would welcome the completion of the development. «Other residents had grave concerns that any change in the current ruling might crate a change in the development of the area. "There was also a repeated comment on protecting the water supply for existing residents. Councillor Iýoss Batten said he stili supported council's previous decision on staging, but encoura- ged the developer to take a polI of the residents in the area. "We created the staging over a period of time so the community could ajust. It made good sense, and I still support the policy for subdivisions. "Delays in building permits set and 1 suggested that Mr. Smith do some leg work and do a survey of the people." naiten made the motion tu allow 13 permits in 1989 (five more than the previously allowed eight), and four in 1990, making the comment that "this does not dictate stéging for further deve- loprents'» "PHARMA CY TI-OUGI-T 0F THE DAY go, Taking your prescription the way you have been told to. Even with the best of intentions it is easy to err. People forget, not just old people. They not only forget. to take their inedication, they forget whether they have taken it or not. That is why a "pili reminder" is a good idea. We have containers that hold a day's supply or your quota for a week. And then there is that air tight container that ho!ds a week's supply of nitroglycerin. * * * When you are in the store have a look at at the Lighthearted Cookbook.. the recipes are aimed at n2ilnnzing the content of things like fat and sait... al profits go to the Canadian Heart Foundatiion. BROOKLIN IDA Pl-ARMACY 65 Baldwin Street Brooklin 655-3301 NYU .NEIGHBOURHOOD..DRUGSTO0REO 141 H.H. GOODE & SON (1987) LTD. FARM SUPPLIES We cary a wde varîey of fann prc4ucts for ypur needs Dalry Feed Horse Feed Svvlne Feed Sheep & Goal Feed Pet Feed Vitamn & Minerai SLpWnents & Fefliïzar, Brand Nome Products from: *Shur Gain - Mast or Feods - -Purina - Gflagher EIeclric Ferioe- IDELIVERV A^V^ILBL-E GIVELUS A CALL OR DROP IN Brock Street, Uxbridge 852-3355 MON. - FRI. 8 a-m. - 5 pxm. SAT. 9a. m. - 1p.m.