I I I I I I p Il I 15 FAt * t c hitby says no!1 Whitby residents who answered the Bell Canada sur- vey on toll-free service betWeen Toronto and Whitby have vdted 56 per cent against it. Of the 15,277 Bell Canada subscribers in Whitby, west of Thickson Rd., 72 per cent respon- ded to the survey. 0f those who respoqded,_56 per cent were agaiiist olfree service to Toronto while 44 per cent-were infavor.. Whitby Mayor Bob-Attersley, noting during council session Monday night that a similar survy*11 b conducted in Osh- *awa this September, said the -Oshawa calling area icué homes and businesses east of Thickson Rd. He said if Oshawa was ta vote yeit could split up Whitby. Ifound >tq. r a n. rnqV guity t0i attempted mnurderè By Mike Johnston A21-year-old W hitby man was "cprepae okl"ater he broke into a home on Harrison Crt. last month, a Witby district court judged has uld. Judge'-.Richard Byers found James Tripp 21, f 924 Brock St. Mi, guilty.ofattempted murder in court Tuesday afternoon. Tripp. was arrested and char- ged with'* attempted murder, aggravated assault, break and enter and possession of a danger- ous weapon after police caught him outside a home at 39 Harri- son Crt. on the night of May 6. During a fight inside thé house, Roger Cowper received 15 stab wounds and his right wrist was slashed. Tripp pleaded guilt tQ) aggrava- ted assault, break and enter and possession of a weapon. But he SEE PAGE 32 HOT" Try an outdoor pool. Kristy (entering water), Jason Murphy (mid-afr) and Glen Wright (in water) prepr for a big splash in the pool at Kinsmen Park on Sunday. Vinoe Ohpreclo-Free Prem photo Townhousesare aprved Whitby council on Monaay approved the subdivision plan- ned by Stolp Homes on the north side of Rassland Rd. W.> West of Brock St. N. while two council- lors criticized area residents who had objected ta the development. The subdivisison includes 146 houses, including 53 street tawn- houses that were opposed by residents. «Comments (made by those residents) have stung and annoyed a number of people in this-tawn," said regional council- lor Tom Edwards. He said comments deriding tawnhouses have made somne people, who might one day move into a tawnhouse, feel "not wan- ted.' "I have neyer heard comments like -last Monday's before, jsaid --regijonal councillor Joe Drumm. Hè used the example of one résident who noted there had been a shooting in a townhouse dveelopment in Ottawa. "Ail the venim that night was directed towards townhouses but Stolp has the zoning,» said Drumm. The only member of council. opposed ta the subdivision was regional councillor Marcel Brunelle, who felt approval of 0See pages 15 - 17 the townhouses was riiining the «consistency» of the neighbar- hood. "In future plans we have ta take into account what is already there and develop in a mare consistent manner," said Brunelle, noting the area now is home to large single family houses. "By turning this down. Stalp would go tathe Ontario Munici- pal Baard and would win,» said yrBbAttersley. He felt the sudiiso was designed sa, that the tawnhouses wauld have the least impact on the> existing homes., Plans caîl for 17 single famîly .ÇPR PACE !4 *~*,> t j g ,. ~ .,. f(,1 *S ~ * ..~ .. jg .~., t. . 4 4. 1. .. 44 g j ,', *~, j *j g> t 44 4 4' 1 t 441 $ 4jlit est i t u Lt Update on recycing See page 13 Fairview See page 18 HEdLTH ilID FITIIESS Feature r Ir4le