WH1TBY FREE PRESS.,.WEDPESDAY, JUNE 7,1989, PAGE 5 It starts'as a simple shopping trip: to buy a child-sized swimming pool for the backyard. Nothing large, mmid you; this bas te be portable enougb to move arcund lawn cuttinge. The first sign of problem arises in the parking lot shortly after they arrive at the store. Another shopper bas bought a similar pool, tied It securely to the roof of the car, and pulled away into a twenty-knot bead wind. Ille swimming pool does a sort of an imitation of a ite. The driver exercises bis vocabulary. The hero of this piece saunters by, watching the escapade with nonchalance. Mot a problem, buddy?" snarls the driver, looldng bis way. The wind continues to huif, and the pool continues to flap on the end of its tether. "Nio problem," replies the hero cf this piece, "Pm just going in te buy one of those and I want tosee how yeu solve this." H-ie research assistant' grasps bis hand firmly. "Daddy," she asks. 'Why is that man using the daznmit words?" Inside the store, other difficulties emlerge. First, find the smmng pools. If youve ever tried to find your way aroundgone cf these huge merchandising warehouses, you'll understand. The tbing is, bis research assistant doesn't understand. She stops at the doîl display and is da.zzled by the big balloons at the impulse counter. The pools, when be finds themn, comè in three sizes: too big, much too big, and big enough to fly your car home and wasb it in when you get there. They also come in tbree prices: over-budget, very expensive and the one desired by bis research assistant. "With lides up and slides down and steps around and around." 'ILfq s sop first," be says. Let us stop here and discuse philosopby. One would WITH OUR FEET UP by Bill Swan He sliops, she shops tbink that thie word "shop" or tbe verb "ta shop" would be a simple conjugation. I sbop, ycu sbop, he shops, she sbops, it sbops, we sbop, you sbop, tbey sbop. Ha. To shop means different tbings to different people. A little analysis: He shops. That means be looks here, he looks there, be compares, ha baggles, he tries another store.. You get the picture. She sbops. That means she buys here, she buys there, she tries anether store, she buys there, she buys here, she sees the mcst darling outfit. You get tMbe picture. It will be enough te say that on tbis day, on this trip, bis research assistant is cf the second persuasion. To shop is ta buy. I want that one." But on this day for this purchase, bis Scottish ancestry wins. He settles on a lasser model, stilI with a slide, whicb might, just might, fit insida a car. A big car, which bis isn't. He thumbs through layers cf pools until he finds a pnice tag and two extra pieces that look as though they niight belong ta something. 'Excuse me," he says to a clerk, who looks all cf nine years old. "Does tbis come witb these pools?" "Yah . Sure, I guess. I tbink so. Say, yah want that pool? Ilil get sonestrin~g yah kin tie it ta ver car rnnf." Nine enough young chap. All these places are run by young people these days. It's like that al ever. The last ccp who gave him a speeding ticket was fifteen. The cbeckout's ne different. The clerk snaps ber bubblegiim and asks if tbat's ail. His research assistant doesi monkey dlimbs on the railings and pleads, please, please, prett lease for a ballon, we are shopping you know, and the clerk snaps once more and asks how mucb is it. "What tbe tag says." I don see ne taqg." Snap. "ive dollars, eight nine cents." "Yeab. Hey, Harry, bow much is tbis pool." "Dunno. Cail price cbeck." You ever notice tbat these huge mercbandising halls tbese days aren't really set up for shopping? Buying, yeab, shopping, forget it. For tbe record, the pool does fit into a very, very small station wagon. At home, he filîs it witb cold water from tbe hose and bot water by the bucket frein tbe kitchen, while bis research assistant slips into her beach wear., Se.A Saturday shopping trij. A bappy.ending? It's too deep. It's toc cold. ts toc lao. It's toc net deep. It's toc dirty. The dirt comes fromn the grass clippings from tbe Saturday morning mowing. Hey, guess we kinda hafta buy a grass catcher. That sbould be a good sbopping trip,. accessories for an eight-year-old push type reel mower. For tbat be can be bis own research assistant. First helI try... Revised policy means busing of 930 more Whitby students By Debbie Luchùk The Durham Board cf Educa- tion's revised transportation EPolicy, implemented in the 1989 budget, will offer 930 more Whitby elementary and second- ary studants transportation to school in the falcf 1989. Carol Jobnston, route super- visor for the board said 36 stu- dents at Anderson dollegiate and 201 at Henry Street 111gb will receive bus passes (for public transit). And 244 Anderson and 24 Henry students n take advan- tage cf regular school bus trans- portation. In addition, 390 students cf the F.M. Heard oublic school French immersion program will 1,e bussed te school b y school bus. Thirty-five secon dary school students attending MeLaughlin OVI's French immersion program in Oshawa will be transported from Whitby under the new policy. SHISKO ' Country Produce Ltd. Open 7 days a week. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Cauliflower ................... 99e ea. Head Lettuce .............59ý ea. Red Grapefruit, 48s ........3/99e Fmy 2 Bv a Airicide, a unique component which physically alters odorous molecules, so that your nose doesn't register unpleasant fragrances. Aîrx products are specifically designed for commercial use, where fout continuous odours are a real problem - chronic care wards in hospitals, nursing home applications, the backs of garbage trucks, kennels, etc. Airx products are NOW AVAILABLE FOR HOME USE. For musty basements, garbage rooms or drains that smell, try Airx 60 Foui Odour Eliminator. To eliminate pet odours in carpeting, add Airx 60 to your solution when cleaning the carpet. For continuous odours from an incontinent shut-in, pets or cooking, try Airx 19 super strength microcell. Whatever your odour problem, we have the solution. Come on down to the Swish Clean-It Centre and let our trainied helpful staff help you with your odour control problem. MAINTENANCE LTD. 500 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY 666-1224 W Seniors save on uesdays TWM