35 Spring won 't lie capped a council saîd there have been too tion ox a new 5K~ resori piarnieu for the area. WANTED! Distributors for ex- citing, uniq ue affordable new, product - a must for every home. Video presentation verbally seils the exclusive technology for you. No franchise fee, everything needed to be financialiy successful provided. Cal416)564-2300 for information package. You'lI find we're no ordinary company and you'll ike that. Because you're no ordinary rep. If's a job worth doing 1 B ---------------------- RESTAURANT, hotel, deli, bak- ery, butcher, grocery, submarine & pizza equipment for sale or lease. ARCTIC REFRIGERATION Store Fixtures, Est. 1945. Hamilton (416> 528-8528, Toronto - (416)283- 2600, Welland (416)788-3433. B GROW FOR IT! Raise Baitworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odourless. Low investment. We train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) R.R. #1, Smithville, Ont. LOR 2A0. (416)643-4251, (705)435-7463 AI- liston Area, (705)776-7084 North Bay Area. B ------------------ - Are you looking for an EXCITING NEW BUSINESS and want to make $100,000/YR? Major dis- tributors needed throughout Ca- nada for "J UHLI" Fashions. (604) 737-2827. -B -------------------- WHITBY - furnished room for rent - $85.00 weekly. Share bathroom, kitchen & laundry. Student or worker preferred. Walk to ail amenities. Caîl 666-3776 after six p.m. ------------------- A SPACIQUS one-bedroom basement apartment in North Oshawa. Close to shopping, bus, hospital, 15 minute drive to ail GM locations. Quiet, non-smoker pre- ferred. No pets. $475.00 per month plus utilities. Available June Ist. Caîl 434-7252, leave message. HAVE YOU CHECKED out the auctions today? That vintage car Cyou've been looking for just may bthere. ,BYLEHOPSI USED BIKES Huge selection of NEWand - USED bikes. Repairs to most makes. Blanchi -Raleigh velosport Fuji Renegade -Norco !;e iÎ0-i$L- _ - * ' ~DÂY qDPORTS le14t 980 Brock Rd. S. Pickering Mon. - Fr1. 9-9, Sat. 9 6 839-5610 Rather than capping it, Chalk Lake Spring is going to geta whjole new look this year. Last Wednesday, Durham Region council approved moving the springto the West side of Durham .egonal Rd. 23 from the east side, and constructing a $140,000 parking lot for 12 vehi- dles. Recent discussion took place on cappinq it after. Uxbridge many accidents in the area. But on Wednesday, works chairman John Aker said relocat- ing the spring and building the parking lot would prevent cap- ping it. Council also plans to builci four outlets for the spring. which now bas one. Work on the spring will pro- ceeci along with 'improvements to Rýeg;iial Rd. 2ô, part of construLc- Lakeridge Farms Ltd. bas donated the land to the Region for the parking facility and bas deposited a $130,000 letter of credit for work on the road ýwhich will involve constructing two additional lanes to allow turns into the ski resort. Work is expected to start this year. Busy spot - SAT., MAY 27th - 9:00' a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Furniture, ladies' bike, drapes, etc. 123 Pringle Drive. SATURDAY & SUNDAY, MAY 27th and 28th, 9 a.m. on Highway #7, midway between Brooklin & Brougham. Dresser, household articles, antiques re- duced.Rainor shine.,--, ; GARAGE SALE - lnfant/toddler dlot h ing and accessori es, kitchen items, lamps, books, and hundreds of more items. 8 Bluebeil Crescent, Whitby. Saturday, May 27 - 9:00 a.m. --- - - - - - - - - &4COMING EVENTS Christie Classic ANTIQUE SHOW. 250 dealers at Canada's best outdoor antique show (for- merly the Carlisle Classic). Sat., May 27 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. at beautiful Christie Conservation Area. Near Dundas - on Hwy. 5 between Hwy. 6 and Hwy. 8. Watch for road signs. Park opens at 8 a.m. - antique show opens at 9 a.m. Admission $3, f ree parking. A REDESIGN of Chalk Lake Spring on Regional Rd. 23 is expected to stop calis from Uxbridge council to cap the popular spring. Work will involve con- struction of a parking lot and reloca- tion of the spring to the west side of the road. Vince Ohprecio-Free Press photos THIS SPRIRNG I1 AN Upr-ÙTECTEO'WATER SOURCE. UNLIKE TREAIThL.' WATEIR FROM IMUNICIPAL WATER $ YSTEMS, THIS WATE R 1 CONTAINS NO PURIFYING AEtTO OE$TROY DISEASE CAU$ING BACTERIA. NOR 1$ THIS, WATER SUBJECT, TO EXTENSIVE TESTING 1PROCEDURES DESIGNED FOR MUNICIPAL WATER. PERSONS ORINI&ING THIS WATER 00 O 50AITHEIR OWN RISK. DURHAM REGION MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH BLANKET To Reach a Wider Market7 Advertise throughout the regional membership of th Ontario 'and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations. Example: Central Ontario AIl Ontario- AIl Canada 49 newspapers 185 newspapers 555 newspapers $135 for 25 words $275 for 25 words $843 for 25 words1 Vikings win Krausse tournarnent FROM PAGE 27 Eliott kicked the penalty. u In he inasVikingscaeu against their arch rivais, Brock,, last year's champions. Oshawa scored a brilliant try early in the 1 game, when a movernent by the Lea'! Ibacks led to a try by speecister .....'~jCam Brown. Elliott kicked the convert and that was ail the the potent Brock attack the'rest for their six-point victory. Teen mjured at go-kat track A 17-year-oid Whitby teenager XK-artways. was taken to Wbitby General hospital andi treated for minor Troy Hurtibese is an employe<' injuries after be was bit by a at the track. The incident occur- go-kart on the track at Family red on Monday. 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