PAGE 26, WH-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1989 Coach impressed despite losses Hýenry Street High School's senior boys fiel d lacrosse team didn't win a regular season game, but coach Glen Lotton is nevertheless impressed by the performance of his first-year team. Although winless in league play against three Oshawa teamis, t he three top-rated high school tearns in Ontario, Henry won two exhibition games and one of three games of a rating tournament. On May 30, at Lakeview Park, Henry will also take part in the Ontario championship prelimin- ary round. The teami will plýay in either an 'A' or 'W' division, depending on rating. "If we were 'B,' we'd probably win," says Lotton, looking back on a season of good performances against the A teams in the league. Henry will be aiming for a berth in the Ontario champion- ALL INCLUSIVE <Ask for details) STAY FIT THIS SUMMER Pick a fitness Program or sport of your choice at the Club. Combine It with your normal fun summer actîvities and you wili be in tip top shape. É3 Refreshing sum mer Aerobics - designed ta help your trim and firmn up ail those areas that will make you LOOK great in your new bathing sut. 13 9 championship racquetball courts 13 Cardio workout centre, full fitness facilities include: nautilus, life cycle and lite rower J3 Outdoor swimming pool, sundeck, patio bar. [ffr.-11P j]2 PeausWity aqet" 1100 Champlain Court Highway 401 and Champlain 666-1422 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN QF WHITBY ANIMAL CONTROL. AWARENESS WEEK LOVE - LICENCE - LEASH Take notice that May 21 to 27, 1989, is hereby proclaimed as "Animal Cont roi Awareness Week" in and for the Town of Whitby. During Animal Control Awareness Week, citizens are invited to tour our Animal Control Centre facilities at 4680 Thickson Road, North, one mile north of Taunton Road, in Whitby. Individuals are welcome to drop into the Centre anytime between 820 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. during the week. Group tours can be arranged by calling the Centre at 427-8737. Citizens are also reminded of the importance of responsible pet care which includes: IDENTIFICATION - a dog licence identifies your famiîy pet and ensures a free ride home the first time your pet is found, provided you're at home and time permits; RABIES VACCINATION - rabid animaIs are a danger; and, NEUTERING AND SPAYING - don't be guity by adding to the problem of unwanted animaIs. Dated at Whitby, Ontario, this l7th day of May, 1989. R.A. Attersîey, Mayor Town of Whitby -Mh ship final to be held June 2. Henys exhibition wins came against Central Dufferin of Orangeville and McLaughlin of Oshawa. In the ratingstourna- ment, Henry defeated Kenner of Peterborough and Iost the other two games. Lotton says his team still plays too much of a box i acrosse stye, but as more games are played, "The teami is showing improve- ment." Warriors lose lst of season Whitby Warriors junior A lacrosse team split two games during the past week, defeating Mississauga and losing to St. Cath armnes. Warriors entered a May 17 game against Mississauga with a perfect 2-0 record. They extended their streak to three games, win- ning 22- 10. Greg VanSickle continues .to dominate the Warriors' scoring as he netted 10 on this night to bring his league leading total to 21. Other scorers for Warriors were Jason Richards with three goals, Bill Passfield with two, and singles by Jay Lee, Derek Jones and John Scanga. Warriors then lost 16-10 to St. Catharines on Friday, May 19. VanSickle had four goals, with Richards getting two. Singles went to Jones, Jeff McComb, Jeif Whittle and Rich Dyment. Warriors next see action tonight (Wednesday, May 24) against Peterborough. Game time at Iroquois Park is 8 p.m. IN A PITCHER'S duel between two or the best local high sehool basebail teams, Eastdale defeated Henry 1-O on Monday last week. Froe Pros. photo Eastd'ale prevailis With the only run coming on a wild.pitch, Eastdale edged Henry 1-0 in the battle of previously undefeated high school teams in LOSSA basebaîl last week. "The kids played well,» said Henry coach Ken Semanski about his team's fi-st loss after six wins. "«One littie mistake and that was the difference in the game." Jeff Hardy pitched four shu- tout innings for Henry, givingr * ~;~K ~ ~ way to Jeremy Harness who stili hdsore ai-after pitching for Whitby in a midget rep team tournament over the previous weekend. The two held Eastdale io three hits while Eastdale pitcher Mike Milovic gave up six hits, two each by Shayne Keddy and Mike Fulton. Whitby was to play three more games last week. à %'UraSoE CHEVROLET- *OLDSMOBILE - CADILLAC Dundas & Thickson in Whltby - 668-3304 IJUKE bNIDER'S YLAY hIALL IItPS1-#' THROWJNG THE HALL Making liard, accurate throws is essential to playing çjood basebali. It ail starts with the proper çîrip and a few basic steps. 1 Place the pads of your firsi and second fingers across any searn wiih your thumh directly under neath. Leave a slight gaa) heiween the hall and (fi( weh of y our ihumh. 2 Afier catchinçi thehal find the proper giril), Take a small starter step iiti vour pivot foot whichi should lie iurned ai a 9(j ,.~eangle' to your tarpel. 3 ,As you nrinpjvu throwinti arm forvvard, p)1lrlt vour plove side f<tou. our elhow points out,.the hlli close Io vour head. Fo)lov through with vour hîp and shoulder so that your Ilioý inq shoulder points toward Mfe faroel. For more information on Petro-Canada Play Bal, phone 1-800-268-2244. IL-Mi__À_M________ 1 Eux dm 1 irik . - Am