WIITY FPUE PRESS WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1989, PAGE?7 PAGE SEVEN fo iet lia anything reaily happen last week or was it ail a bad Vt would, haeen ftherbosiiontot he hilt.be ek We ew at he ory ouity c noul arrythWedday nth bud t n iteoppo itiowa l ked utaor a month.CY ofTurnerarlgianet ay taiinsi hta iitr sjf reposbl orte cios ohe deopl e o kn bis departinfen.t (N otdidea r te ltIwshafeorreto te i obs sos er oy.) m h ays bef orure aryt as n theibudetenam e ppsintoeio ne das outf por kbrraLekeoudetDoum n mot ky jobs we oltical apitmnsoherjb despendeo the suceiossof theornent o the day. Bu therb oda , ithabuucay.nth at's 200,000srong ucc a's_____________________________________ a Enltr onepb.iously isrne l i employe wned to tebra irs boss;ndgin hacess tone ays oumnt al 7wB dgtDoum n moThe events wof tha t calno n me ndTer atohes Budget in Brief, and voilà , we have the biggest budget leak in------ state of journalism at Global News. Journalists are there to report nes; but, they also have an obligation to uphold the public good. Sometines theyre not the sanie thing. I the case of the budget leakc, the information received was exactly the uane information that was going to be released 24 hours later. Its release served no purpose wbatsoever and it was potentià lly harmful to the economy. Einbarassing the government over something they've done is one tbing, but trying to embarass them over the vindictiveness of a disgruntled employee does not serve the public interest. The only defense one can make of Global is that if they had not released it, someone else would have - which says a lot about the state of television journalism. On the other hand the caller chose Global - did he have reason to believe they were lower than the rest? The real irony was that the budget contained notbing that had flot been endlessly speculated about for weelçs. The net resuit is that in the future, finance ministers will bela more wary and nothing wiil be printed in advance. Journalists will just have to listen to the budget speech along FNRLO A E ARNE S UN A 912 witheveyboy ele isted ofhavng apsuate, pinte Ths senelooking north to the four corners of Ashburn shows the cars hined up for the copies to refer to. funeral of James Lawrence, 89, a harnessmaker who had resided in the community since Scoops, the bigger the botter, are the emotional highs of 1856. Notice the horse-drawn hearse at centre, wbich took him te Asbburn Cemetery. journalism. Every journalist hopes te, break a scandai like Wltb Archive photo Waterate r Ira-Conr Theyyarn frthe tip that leads weil be acquitted, but from coxnments I flave ftearci, the*afr35ersitthTonoWiby oksDptnet public has already sentenced him to life. J oh Witbhap ters fte 5 er ilOrderToDaug ht ofthe Epeare crctin. A couple of years ago, the St. Catherines polioe released OhVltYcatrofteIpilOdrDugesofheE ieae ruatna an extensive list of men charged folowing investigations of* petition te, retain the Red Ensign as Canada's flag. hSnoexul ativtiesin shppig mll wshrom.TheEstErnest Stafford bas been named Grand Superintendent of Ontario District No. 10, Royal was published.and one of those men, who otherwise led a Ac aos normal life, comritted suicide. Public censure is sometimes far harsher than the courts. 7 ER G I the case of the Whitby man, one can argue that the 7 ER G puble «hd arigh; t kno, tat; hei pubic ntersfrom the Thursday, April 30, 1914 edition of the public athe aurlictio n o, hi at nthepubic inoftetWHITBY GAZETT'E AND CHR0NICLE chea ne ce f t hepublicationofisnman, endtas o he * iThe Provincial Health Department is showing health care moving pictures et an exhibit is possible and yet a mnan is dead. The Toronto Sunday World bas published an article about transportation east of Toronto, Such are the subtieties of the journa]istic trade. rThe press featuring Whitby. is always the favorite wbipping boy of the politiciens for al * Hours et the new Whitby PublieIà brary will be 2 p.m. te 4 p.m. and 7 p.Tn. te 9 pm. the aleged biases that creep inte, the news. But the reslity is every day except Sundays and holidays. a tightrop)e between the public's need te know and the riglit* The Wbitby Brass Band, under Bandmaster Cecil Greenfield, will attend the Nî~ara te privacyq. The budget leak didn't fit inte, that balance at ail, camp with the 34th Regiment this surnmer. it was siznply news for the sake of sensationaiism._______________ --------------------------------------------------------- -.---_____ ________