- WBffBYYFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1989, PAGE, 17 Buyer bewaref: Pet refunds rare FROM PAGE 16 In seuch cases, it me - be advisable ta ask that a veterirnary examination be done,. particularly for expeneive pe. Ini these arrangem ents,, the buyer ueually paye the Ivet's fee provided the animal"'je judgqed healthy. If 'icknes-jefound, the seller paye for the inspection. According to Mazonxl, t4h1,average vet bill for tsservic rangesfo $30 to "If yo u arebviga vet inspection done,, put'it'in the purchase je conditional onsae gemet ta ah By Debbie Luchuk Durbam Region Acura drivers and prospective- buyers may not be serve by Durham Acura any longer, but Pacifie Acura, recently opened at the same loca- tion, will offer the same sales .and services. New owner, or dealer princi- pal, illiam Lau, «re-opened" the daership under the name Paci- fic Acura at tbe end of February. "The previous owner of Dur- ham Acura ceased ta, be in busi- ness at the end of February. I decided. to take the dealership up, under the new franchise of Pacific Acura,» Lau said. Lau was. an advertising account director for Acura in this region, assisting to launch tbe -car company's sales in the area. He bas 12 years of qdvertising marketing experienice. FROM PAGE 15 deserve succese," Curling said. I'-Among thie year'e winnere are Eleanor Haines and Christine Lareon, of Toronto who put together murder mystery packages for hotele and resorte, and Rob McAleer of Barrie wbo designed and eucoessfully marketed EZ Mat, a slo-pitch softball strike mat. The recipients were eelected fromn among 3,400 participants in the ministry's* 1988 Start-Up program. The program guarantees interest-free loans for satisfactory medical report and etipulate who je to pay the bill," Gureveky eaye. "If the store or kennel je giving y ou ite own uarntee that. the animal je ealth, get it in writing along with ail termes and conditions or it may be worthless." The consumer ministry also gete complainte fromn pet buyere in wranIgles about pedigrees. Sometimes registration papers are neyer produced or those that a re. provided don't correspond to dlaims miade by the seller, says Gurevsky.- .Mason also urges buyers ta have their animais sterilized. 1I behieve in the produet and this ie a strong growth area. This product should be situated in a high growth area. We should do very well," Lau said. Acura currently selîs two models of vebicle, the Legend and the Integra. Lau said the dealership wiIl soon selI a imi- ted number of a "very expensive" two - seater sports car pniced at $70,000 and up. "Thâe reputation of the product is well known in the business. Legend compotes witb European (luxury) cars," he said. Lau said business bas been "better than expected in light of the fact that the marf<et bas not been too bot lately." Pacific Mcura je located at 365 Bayly St. W., Ajax. In addition to sales, tbe dealership offers ser- vicing to Acura and Honda vehi- dles. young people ta establish their own businesses through Youth Venture Capital and Student Venture Capital. Youth Venture Capital guarantees loans of up to $7,500 for young people between the ages of 18 and 29 and not attending school fuli-time. The boan je interest-free for the firet year of the five-year boan term. Student Venture Capital offers interest-free bans of up ta, $3,000 ta, students wbo want to start a summer business. Applicants muet be 15 years of age or over and planning ta return ta school in the fail. Cas vary from about $50 ta more than $100 depending on the vet and the size, sex and type of animal. "From a health point of view, for the animale it je ar better to be epayed or neutered," ehe eaye. "It decreasee their chances of developing.. certain medical probleme." Hunian societies everywhere also promote epaying or neutering housebold pets ta, decrease the number of unwanted animais born every year. Mason estiaxntee that about 250,000 cats and doge are destroyed annually in Ontario alone. For general consumer information, contact the Consumer Information Centre at 555 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 2H6 -- (416) 963-1111 or toll free at 1-800-268-1142. ý Ontario residents with an 807 area code may cali the 416 nuniber collect. The TTYTDD lime for the hearinglspeech impaired is (416) 963-0808. Reaction to budget FROM PAGE'15 migbt slow thinge ow. Durahm MP Rose Stevenson called the budget "toughi.» ,"Mr. Wilson je saying this budget is building for the future rather than borrowing from it," WHITBY TAX SERVICE LTD. eBookkeein Icorne Tai 4 iaca Staternents 965 DUNDAS Sr. W-, SUITE 202 WES' LYNDE PLAZA (DUNDAS & JEFFRY STS) 430-1166 said Stevenson, who notes the budget could slow clown the economy in Southern Ontario. "'A modest slowdown in Ontario would be good for the overall economy of Canada," he 1916 Dundas Street, East, Whitby e 432-SOAP NEW IN NTA JOd eto nrod you to Mobile Lube. We corne to4 Have Someone Corne To You you at home or whilé youre working and give you a To ou *complete oil change for the low cost of $29.50 plus 4 ToChange YuOiu provincial sales tax. If you have five or more cars at one location there is a $5.00 discount per car, bringing our prioe 4 0OC ~ down to $24.50 plus provincial sales tax. We guarantee our4 0 OILE FSER IC services and will maintain your vehicles on a regular basis. M ~ UBESER ICE We also offer air filters, fan boîts, windshield wipers and 4 $29 .50 + PST Cel Ii.ja.r F'ho rieD blades (extra). If you can get our service anywhere else for a SIncudes: 011 Change 1-416-434-0710 lower price we will match it. 4 .00,.- . -- .- - 1 - --.-%. . "now what it's like to have ypur car spoiled" '0 P Lube Ch~ssisFLEET SPECIAL saVe $5.00'4 ~7~L LI~ *5 more vehicles at one location4 SCHECK & FILL Ony25oPTeVhCe' '-4 P T ransmisSlc>n ~ ~ ~ ~ I m olwcvE>r StE>ering *Windshield Wiperse 4 we BtrEe * eBeits *Air Filterse -4 me WindishuelD CFluid F r iLcpw ONt>,'t -TrY US O Ut On Saturday May 6th a t the ->L CO0 Stato $24.504 ,Wot-GlonblIIl,,Whftby' From $aanmto5pm-. Aad 1756 Seafood & steak. Bouse Roast Prime Beef (Canada Grade'A).. 9.99 New York Steak &Shimfps ...........99 Fresh Orange Roughy ...............9.99 Fresh SeafoodPlt.........9.99 Banquet Facilities Available «:> da I- "a3rfflà 3L W«eqkc 1180 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Tel: 436-9333 or 436-9065 New owner of dealership Yloung entrepreneurs