Whitby Free Press, 26 Apr 1989, p. 6

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Se A ý8j U LqAyAp.T4XXW t V1i Li7 LRLTdV&M.d9w4?Pl y y% AU « VOICE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN The only Whitby newspaper independenti Whitby residents for Whitby residents. There may have been times when it seemed like a good idea for Durham ta foilow the lead of Metro Toronto counicil on certain matters. Notable exceptions ta any such pattern would involve waste management and recycling, areas in which Metro's record has been less than adequate. But Metro has just planned an investigation, or "exploration," of waste management systems that is certainly worthy of participation by Durham Region. Trouble is, Durham's waste management committee is going about it in an improper fashion. The Region's cammittee members, at least those of the il members who can attend, are planning a trip ta Europe at the end of May to look at examples of garbage rollection and processing there and ta attend a 'Waste Minimization and Clean Technology Conference' in Published every Wednesday Maurice Pifher By 6772 09 Ontario Imc. Editor Phone: 668-6111 Peter Irvine 668-6112 Advertisiflg Manager 668,6369 2W ~Doug Anderson Alxdr Simon Publisher Production Manager M31 Brock Street North, Jlm Wralght towned and operated by P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. Circulation Manager UyLN 5S1 2nd Class Postal Regist ration igo 53511 Fewer councillors Geneva, Switzerland. Durham Region was notiiied of the trip by Metra Council which plans ta send four council members, consultants, staff and local municipal representatives. Cost of the trip is estimated at $3,800 per participant, plus a share of the overhead expense, estimated at an additional $1,000. We agree that much could be learned in Europe about waste collection and processing, and that it is bestý ta considèir ail systems before Durham Region cames up with its own, hopefully, definitive, plan for waste management. But to send, severat committee members 15 unnecessary, especially so when the funds have not beeri included in budget discussions. Rather, we suggest, send regional chairmarn Gary Herrema and waste commnittee chairman John Aker, along with Region staff who are familiar with waste management or have studied the problem. And, as with Metro, consultants'hired by the Region might also, attend. These representatives could submit a detailed report about their trip, a report that could be considered by ail regional council rnembers who will ultimately decide on a waste management solution (whether or not Metro is included). Ail committee members need not- make this an unnecessarily expensive trip for taxpayers. Creativity can be more fun titan those ex~pensive toys Computer gaines, transtcrmers flnance muiu-oisuuss - .- -- *1 1.. il reactors, Star Wars projects and To the. editoir: Re: Doug Anderso's 1'The. Other Sida of the Fenoe' column 'And the Meek Scienâtists shali Inherit the. Sun' (Free Press, April 12) The purpose of this short letter is ta, express the pleasure I experienced from reading your article. Thank yau for expressing in print my thoughts that I have had in mind for many, many years (and by so daing helping ta, restare my sagging ego a littie). I was bain in England in December, 1916 and grew up as an oniy child with parents Who, aithough nat wealthy, were always able ta, provide a good home and an abundance of food an the table. Maney was nat available ta, lavish an a great niany tays, however. The result was that in the company of several school friends in junior achool my own creativity had te provide 'a great many of the pleasures for aur leisure tume. Together we drew up scale plans for fiyin model airpianes whicli we then proceeded ta, construct with painstaldng care frorn plywood, balsa wood and tissue paper with the aid of a hand fretsaw. Propulsion was provided by elastic-driven propellors and the results, not always perfect at first, usually respanded ta minar modifications and we were eventually rewarded with a sense af achievement when the models soared and achieved duration fiights of several minutes. The mysteries of the then so-called 'wireless' were explored and I managed ta construct my first 9 crystal set' and then proceeded ta, the" more sophisticated battery-operated one-valve' and two-valve sets which provided rnany hours of entertaininent for inyself and my family. This ability ta construct something useful from the inaterials at hand stood nme in good stead and made life very much more bearable for me during my seven years of service with the British Army in North Afica, Siciiy, Italy and Germany in World War 11. Now a permanent resident in this delightful littie tawn of Whiitby and a senior citizen, I arn a proud grandfather with three young grandsons and one lovely granddaughter living nearby. For Thanks for the coverage To the edito- On behaif of aur board of directars and the 1989 "Bowl for Millions" chairman, Don Arscott, thank you for ail your news coverage during aur reent campaign froni Feb. 4-11. As we are only partially funded by the United Way of Oshawa-Whitby-Newcastle (65 per cent), we must rely on aur annual "Bowl for Millions" camnpaign ta raise the remainder of aur budget ta be able ta continue operating aur agency. The assistance we receive tram the media coverage ta make the public aware of what we are doing is of great importance and we sincerely appreciate your help in this area. Total receipts ta date are $25,270*wth a few pledges stil 0ustndng Your assistance has helped us reach aur 1989 goal. Yours sinoerely, Phyllus F. May Executive Dürector Big Brothers Association of Osbawa-Whitby LETTERS The Whitby Free Press welcomes letters to the Editor an any subject of concern to aur readers. Letters shouid be brief and to the point - rareiy more than 300 words. Ail letters must be accampanied by the name, address and phone number of the writer; however, an request, your name may be withheld from publication if we agree that there is a valid reasan. The pae eerves the right ta reject or edit ail letters. Send to: The Editar, Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario ILiN 5S1 or drop through our mailsiat at 131 Brock St. N. some considerable time, however, I have been somewhat disturbed ta note a certain lack of initiative that appears ta be prevalent amangst the younger generation today. I arn pleased that many familles in these dlays are able to provide a wealth of the desirable tays that are se readily available but I regret ta see that in many cases they are not treated with the respect they deserve and are quite often reduced ta trash by these eager yaung consumers. and moulded plastic assernbly kits appear ta be sole source of entertaiminent known to these young children. Is nothing done in the educational field of today- to spark the imaginatio>n, ta utilize available materials as a means of constructinfi some new loy? Maybe it is for thie reason alone that we are currently burdened with enormous taxes and federal deficits irn order ta completely useless projects investigating the "greenhouse" effect when the causes are so blatantly abvious ta one and al! I hope that we may look forward ta ma.ny mare of your stirring articles, Doug, because as you see, this last one of yours has had the effeet of stirring me from my sloth! Thank you! Yours sinoerely, Harold T. Ill Whitby A big 'no' to expandled service To the editor: family and friends in Toronto raise rny telephane Výiil for yaur Recently I received the letter and surrounding area. Al aur canveflience. 1 have pa-ied my and reply card from Bell Canada telephone calis were long dis- dues. Now it's yaur turn ta pay explaing extended area service tance charges which we paid, your telephone bills. We have (EAS) and requesting an opinion and we did not ask for assistance already p aid aur dues. It is not an the proposed plan. ta pay aur telephone bils. That fair ta as k us ta pay thern again. I arn strongly opposed ta EAS camne with aur decision to mave Whitby is not Toronto. I arn and did reply prarnptly with a froni Toronto ta Whitby. sure y au knew this when you bi 'no' Sa I say ta, those people who moved ta, Whitby.AneCra IUealso maved froni Toronto favor EAS, p ay your ow'n tele AnCain 34 years aga, leaving behind phone buis and stop trying ta Whitby I I pAM,&w ffl S% iSDAY% ,.Vn«U Ayp > DNF 1 1 1

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