PAGE 2, WIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1989 05o 4 Dset. 3511 ,Dlskettes .5 Diskefte DS 100L Diskî e9 DS 120L Diskî Bath 3.&1 and 5 11/4 versions avaliable Printers Star NX1000 9 pin printer 144 Cps SStar NX1 000 Rainbow colour Star NX2400 24 pin printer 170 CPS Panasonic KX-P1180 9 pin printer 192 CPS Panasonic KX-P1 124 24 pin printer 192 CPS Panasonic Laser Printer KX-P4450 Execufold Letter Foiding Machine * Bedford Accounting WordPerfect Ver .5.0 OTax Made Easy (personal income tax preparation) Joysticks starting at $1 9.95 Mice starting at $275.00 $375.00 $525.00 $329.95 $595.0 $2395.00 $249.95 $165.00 $369.95 $39.95 $74.95 2Ait IBM Games Software 20% off for the month Att Atari Games Software 15% off for the month Afl Items ln this sals are CASH end Carry onty Please. Sale end* April 1,* 1989 GARY HRcEREMA had a brief oppor- embarrassing'and colorful exposes tunity to defend himself after five and stories. ncOhri-rePespot roasters turned him on a spit ofVncOprl.FePrmpht Jaycees prof it from Herrema past Friendly, Personaf Service 24 Hours - 7 Days a weekI - - zmýý Gay Lea COOKED BUTTER HAM .44 per 100g Lb.Lb ASSORTED ROMAINE MUFFINS LETT UC E for ea. RIB STEAKS OR ROASTS LB Lb. By Debbie Luchuk Durham' regional chairman Gary Herrema was raked over the coals» by five celebrity «roas- ters" at a fundraising event last week staged by te Witby Jay- cees at Heydenshore Pavillon. Herrema was roasted by GO Transit chairman Ljou Parsons, Ontario riding MP Rene Soetens, chaimanof eel Region, Frank Bean, lawyer and former Osh- awa councillor Terry Kelly, and former Durhamn regional chief of police Jon Jenkins. Many humorous and colorful stories were related, many too colorful for publication, related Vo Herrema's fardf, hometown, fam- ily, regional council, officiaI trips, the Pickering airport, Metro gar- bag e issues and relationships ÃîIother councillors and resi- dents. Parsons said, «Gary's common touch has really made hini successful. He squeezes a nickel s0 hard that he has the beaver making love Vo the Queen.» Soetens would have relayed "special greeting froxu Pickering and Ajax Citizens Together (PACT,)an environmental group), but there is a mixed crowd here.» Proof 0f Agde: If you are 65 years or older, just show one of the following to receive your 15% discount. Bean said Herrema taught him «all he knows about sex and polities,» and related a story in- volvinig French ladies while Bean and lerrema were on a trip in Franoe. Bean also made fun of Her- rema's farmin g background. "Gary sneaks into Oshawa under a pseudonym. (At a bar there) a girl smiled at hixu, he smiled back and she said, "You may well be the best looking gay who has been here in a month. «Moving closer, she says, "You may be the best lookin guy even in the bar.» She offers %erseif for $100, and says she will do any- thing for hixu. ge said, «Paint my barn."" Bean suggested a solution to Herrema's twin nightmares of air«port and garbage issues. 'At Pickering, (there's going Vo be a) runway created, but no planes will land there. We're going todig lrg ditches on the runway andi bring Peel's garbage SEE PAGE 3 TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meeting of the Liq uor Licence Board of Ontario wiIl be held at the CITY HALL, 50 CENTRE STREET SOUTH. OSHAWA, ONTARIO on THURSOAY, APRIL 6th, 1989atthe hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the Board will hear applications in accordance with the Liquor Licence Act, and Regulations thereunder. The following establishments have ap- plied for a licence of the class indicated, and the applications will be entertained at the aforementioned location and time: Application For New Licence Soaps Goodtime Laundry 1916 Dundas Street East, Whitby Dining Rooin or Dining Lounge Licence Appication For Additional Licence Barbeque Heaven R.R. # 1. Brooklin (Whitby) Patio Licence AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who is resident in the municpa[- ty and who wshes to make representa- tion relative to the application. shal make their submïsston to the Board in wrîting prtor to the date of the hearing. or in person at the time and place of the hearïng. (Copies of written submitsions wîtl be iorwardied to the applicarot> Lîrquor Licence Board of Oritri 55 Lakeshore Boulevard a, TORONTO. Ontario. Mr>[ 1A4 MINISTRY OF CONSUMER ANF) COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACI 213 BYRON STREb:r S. WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 4P7 Telephone: (416) 666-3958 ~P ~ Toronto LUne: (416) 683-7785 Bulletin Board System: (416) 668-2078 MARCH SPECIALS S DSDD box of 10 360K $4.93 s by SONY box of 10 360K $13.95 ýS 2HD box of 10 1.2 meg $17.95 S 2DD box of 10 7201K $1 7.95 s by SONY box of 10 720K $24.95 r by SONY box of110 1.44 meg $64.95 S 2HD box of110 1.44 meg $49.95 e torage Case s with Lock aile file box Holds 100 dlsks $1 2.95 eile file box Holds 120 dlsks $14.95 ONLY AVA-"BLE.,ATý- ýRST LYNDE, PLAZA Hîghway #2 Jeffe",rySt.'