j AÂGE 10, WHTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH- 29, 1989 Muslms aintin ohamed wouldn't kilt Rushdie By Debbie Luchuk Along with 10 million Ahmadi Muslims in 120 countries, Toronto and area menïBers of the Ahmadliyya Movement in Islam assembled to celebrate the cen- tenary of their sect last Thurs- day night. Invoived in the celebrations were Ahmadiyyat fanijiies from Whitby and Oshawa. The celebrations were from the International Cer Mississauga, and featured day exhibition of the Holy and Islamic iterature, ag and a symposium. Much discussion waso subject of Salman Rus 'qat-.çnie Verses,' which ii NOTICE 0F PROPOSED NURSING HOME LICENCE RENEWAL AND REQUEST FOR SUDMISSIONS PROJEOT 063-89 Pursuant to the Nursing Homes Act, notice is hereby given of the inter the Director. Nursing Homes Branch, to renew the licence of the follový nursing homes:. Extenidicare/Oshawa Oshawa, Ontario Sunnycrest Nursing Home Whitby, Ontario Subniissions concerning.the proposed licence renewals may be si to The Director, Nursing Homes Branch, Ontario Ministry of Heal 15 Overlea Blvd., 5th Floor. Toronto, Ontario, M4H 1A9, (416) 963-1( by April 28,1989. Please mark the name of the nursing home and the project numi on submissions. The Director will consider ail submissions prior to approving the p . posea renewai. Ministry of Heath e Ontario ElinorCaplan. Minister DO YOU .REALLY KNOW ABOUT WHEURE YOU LTVE Can you answer these questions? i What does your municipal dierk do? 2do you need abuilding permit? 3How can you make your iews known lut your council? 4 How do zoning by-Iaws affect you? in local government 5 elections? vt 6 Who is your councilUor? Who is your school board member? E 8 What does a4 Con2mittee of Adjustment adjust? local govemment get its money?9 1O What happens if 10you don t pay your propeiy taxes? Find the correct answers, and much more about the conunity you live in, during LOCAL GOuVERNMENT WEEK APRIL10-15 It's the lime lo ind out how your community works for you. OMinistry of Municipal ( 5 Affairs Ontario John Eakins. Minister in support ut' your I.o<:aI Uovernment Week Celebrations. sidered blasphemous by the Bheld Ahmadi Muslîms'along with the ntre in rest of the sects within -Islam. a two- The Ahmadiyya Movement in Quran Islam was founded by Hazrat dinner Mirza Ghulani Ahmad on'-March rnte 23 189i adian, a small onhties ilagein'Ida."e claimed to be shles the Messiah in fulfilîment of the is -con- prophesies found in the Bible. The current spiritual leader is Hazrat Mirza TgljrAhmad. The movement does not con- done violence in retaliation to Rushdie's book although it sad- dens Ahmadi IVÃsims. >fl The official statement of the i. movement said the «real issue is S. the limits of freedom of expres- sion, not 'the' freedom of expres- sion. Freedom is defined in rela- tive terms, and. one's freedom ends where another's starts." "Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam is flot different from other Muslim groups in feeling the pain and damage done to Islamic values by Salman Rushdie." "However, we -differ in our reaction to the book with those who have reacted in violent ways. Apparently, some of the groups forgot the teachings of Islam in the realm of tolerance and patience and engulfed them- selves in the emotions of nt of revenge.» ving The president of the Ahma- diyya Movement in Islam, Canada, Naseem Mahdigranted The Free Press an exclusive interview at the International sent Centre last Thursday night, and lth, stated the position of the Move- ý038 ment on Rushdie's work and other issues. ber "This is the. issue of it - the book is really bad, disgusting pro- and filthy. I bought the book, but I couldn't read it," Mahdi said of 'Satanic Verses.' "We may write a book takingy these allegations (in the book and give our interpretation, to give the right perspective so that 1pole can see. "Te roblem we have. is.that Sh e doesn't say that hie is a historian, he doesn't acknowl- m edge that this (the book) was a slur against Islam. «TMe important thing is that Most peopIe won't start hating Islam bcause of this.» Mahdi said the Ahmadi Mus- lims do not condone the imore extreme Islamic groups' (such as the Islamic Jihad) death'sen- tence on Rushdie and those syrn- pathetic to or supporting the writer. He pointed out that the chief prophet of Islam, Muham-* mad, was persecuted, but that he did not murder those who opposed him; therefore, the body of Islam should not pass sen- tence on one who opposes the "w onot believe in murder in the name of religion," he concluded and said that a 'coun- ter-document will be ready in the next two months. What David Ahmad of Whitby said is "the potential solution to the world's problems,» currently has between 5,000 and 10,000 followers. The Ahmadiyyat Movement started in Canada 25 years ago, and Mahdi said that there are followers scattered across the country. «There are 20 branches (of the Movement) in Canada," Mahdi said, adding that there are mis- sion houses in Vancouver, Durham regional council will take a look at reducing chloro- fluorcarbons, or CFÇs, produced in the region. CFCs are highly synthetic che- micals that are destroying the ozone layer, according to a report from .the. Region's health and social services committee. The report, using data pro- vided by the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) statés the ozone layer in the northern hemisphere had decreased by 1.7 to three per cent annually, and 2.3 to 6.3 per cent during the winter mont hs. Figures show that a 3 per cent reduction in the ozone layer pro- duces approximatley 2,000 more cases oÃfskin cancer in Canada each year. The committee is looking at similar action taken by the City of Toronto in January. Accordin gto Durham's chief medical oficer, Dr. Jean Gray, there are three ways to reduce CFCs which are used -in refri- gerators and air conditioners and in the production of plastic. One is the 'substitution of CFCs with other chemicals. According to Gray, there is'no substitution yet available but she says companies are close to deve- Ioping one. Asecond way is to reduce the loss of CFCs into the atmosphere during production. She said that would require an aîrtight room and measurement of- escaping CFCs. The third way would be the Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon and Montreal. He said that the movement has bought land for mosques in majo cties across. Canada, and that )the mission houses are onlv a temporary expedient, until the mosque aeluût. The first Canadian mfflue is to bebuilt in NorthYork "oe fuil by January1990,"»Mzd saiwth rondreaking in the "nex couple of weeks,» provided local government approval, is Mos1 ýques te follow will be erec- ted in Vancouver, Saskatoon, Calgary and Edmonton. Race relations and relations with other faiths in Canada have been "very good," Mahdi said. "One thing that is done only by our community is organizing reli- gious founders days, a sypo- sium to which representatîves of other faiths are invited. «We talk on one topic. It's s0 beautiful. In a couple of hours we have learned more about other religions. «(This encourages) peace and harmony*instead of attacking each other. We speak about the beauties of our religions. "We are working with race relations, and human rights (government ministries) and they are very ha~yta w oti voluntarily. ýp htw oti recovery andi recycling of CFCs fromn fridges and air conditioners before they are tossed into a dump. Gray said hier department has not yet produced a list of com- panies in Durham Region that use CFCs but she estimated it would cost $60,000 a year to hire' the necessary personnel to enforce a reduction. She also noted that both in- dividuals and companies could take action to help reduce CFCs, including the use of coffee mugs, instead of plastic cups, in offices, and less use of plastic in packag- «Yd't need the huge plas- tic packing they" have now for some small items,» said Gray. She said she will make a further report, about staffing requirements and suggestions for reduction, before council within the next two months. Young Offenders Act under review Durham Region has endorsed a resolution from the City of Etobicoke calling for a major review of the Young OffendArs Act. The Etobicoke resolution notes the act now contains provisions which endanger the stability of urban neighborhoods. The revîew, according to Etobi- coke's resolution, should look at the leniency of fidentiality and young offenders munity. sentences, con- the release of into the com- Red Cross. Ready. Thanks to your donation througb United Way Ozone decrease causes marked cancer increase Act Now! Make Your Best Deal On New 1989 Models In Stock Maclntosh Chrysier Plymouth Limited 331 Park Rd, S., Oshawa 728-4638 10 TANNING SESSIONS a $45100 - Las h c>r E3rowv -Tint [Vl-an icLIrE*s - (Fiberglass Nails) VV-ax i ng Beautiful Nails By Darne, Gift Certificates Available Cail For An Appointment Today d4:3d4 -586 4 Whitby Malle Thickson Rd. & Hwy. 2 j