PAGE 4, WHMITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1989 Batten: 1989 budget provides more for recreation Whitby is changing its image, according to a Town councillor. "This town has been known as a public works town and we have fallen behind in recreation ser-' vices," said councillor Ross Bat- ten who chaired the Town's budget committee. The 1989 budget, however, is going to change that image, according to Batten. "We have a lot of (recreation) items on the board for tne nexi, few years," he said. The major item is the start of the new $14-million recreation complex adjacent to the municipal build- ing on Rossland Rd. E., first announced in 1987. The Town has set aside $9- million in the 1989 budget for construction of the complex's first phase which, according to parks and recreation director Larry Morrow, will include a pool, fitness centre, administ- ration area, concession area and meetin rooms. The first phase will be finan- ced with a $5.4-million deben- ture, with the remaining $3.6- million to come from reserve funds. Morrow Moriyama completed said the architects, and Teshima, have the schematic design of the complex. "We are now working on the' detailed design of phase 1,» said Morrow. He added the final design could be presented for council approval before summer break. If that event, construction could begin in the fall. The first p hase could then be open in the al of 1990 or winter ofl1991, said Morrow. The second phase estimated to cost $5-million, would include multi-purpose/ gym facilities, racquet courts and library. While significant, the new centre is not the only large ticket item the parks and recreation department will be administering this year. Council has included $1-mil- lion for improvements to, and the building of, new.parks in town. More than 30 parks through- out town will receive new equip- ment, trees and fencing. Fire station in Port Whitby FROM P SAVE $10 on CIL Golfgreen Fertilizer Prepare your lawn-for the growing season and save money, too. 18 kg bag covers 5000 sq. ft. Reg. Price s24. NOW A ONLY Save $10 on our 60 lb capacity lawn spreader, too - while quantities last. AGE 1 the department.has de~reloped a long-range plan so it can respond to any fire within three to five minutes. He suggested new stations will also have to be built in the north and west areas of town. North ward councillor Ross Batten, budget chairman, said the new stations will probably be financed 60 per cent through money in development reserve funds and 40 per cent through debentures. The Town has allocated $3.9- million for protection to persons and property. The department will be getting eight new firefighters, two new trucks costing $710,000 and two acid suits at a cost of $11,000. Crouch said firefighters would have used the acid suits at last year's PCB spill at Lasco Steel. The animal control shelter, communications centre, protec- tive inspections and bylaw enforcement are all under the umbrella of protection to pro- perty and persons. 20%OFF Hanging Baskets LAST WEEK for this terrific offer. Hundreds to choose from, all sorts of styles and sizes. including the popular Goldfish in Bloom. Brouwers fabulous House Plants A large selection of 6 to 10-inch floor plants, now at 25% off. Hundreds of smaller plants, too. 'I. * M __________________________ JOHN BROUWER GARDEN AND LANDSCAPING CENTRE 650 Lakeridge Road South, Ajax, Ontario L1S 4S7 TELEPHONE: 686-1545 or 686-1680 OPEN: Monday to Friday: 9am to 9pm IgIa Saturday: 9am to 6pm Sunday: 9am to 6 pm 1""" LL C4 giii L BaytyS<treEast 1 =cin i 7rel EASTER SPECIALS Large Assortment of Easter Novelties .70¢ and up • Rabbits with Hockey Sticks • Rabbits with Scooters • Sitting Hens • Baskets with Chocolate Eggs Enjoy Your Easter Dinner With Our Popular Black Forest Ham at .95¢ 100 gr. or Roast Beef at $1,59 100 gr. The Kidney Foundation of Canada -3 .ML - a un a- "I-ý