T' White- CRAF.. RERY SALES LTO ~. s W~TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MABCH22, 1989, PAGE 23 s. 'a.. il, s> *mIM LIA :, j, h.,' iAttractive'Lanffcodeaignlf arbour wlf mok a alovefY addition ta your gardon. MalntenflOfOfîêO whif0 resin finish. 83'high w 38 w id e x 2 4 d e e p . noirReC.149-99 snCh. ON" pTu! $JPRIMO REINFORCED GARDEM RAKE Great for spring ciean-ups ..23» rake has 22 tempered steel teel h ~' and 2 flexible colt springs for ~extra support. Our Reg. 9.99ea. ~'kICorne and see our fabulous selection of Iprofessionally decorated flowering Easter plants ..Will make a perfect gift for some- one special or wlll brighten Up any room in your home! QuaIity, Selection & Valeyou LL~..Iwillonly find ai White Rose!1 HYDRANOBA 3 or 4spectacular clusters ofbright pink or blefowers make thîs greatgit 3 0R 4BLOOMIS lY SPAINO FLOWER l BUSHES ~,Wetcome ln Sprinq with l our beautîful Paly-Silk I ,'flower bushes. Choose from Tulipe. Daffodils and Iris bushes ..In esaored colours. Our FReg. 13.99ee. 88 I'THE AMAZINO' WHITE ROSE IRON PLUS You'Il agree. t pays to buy the besf Blended go oui specif icat ions wifh chelated iron for a fhick healthy fawn. dark green righf clown to the rotfs'1 LAWN FOOD 12-4-8 Covers 5380 sq.ft. Large 20kg. bug. Our Reg. 22.99 WEED & FEED 9-4-8 CSuers 5380 sq.ft. 20kg. bug. Our Reg. 1624 24.99. *~CRABGRASS 88CONTROL 12-4-8 Covers 3765 sq.tt. 15kg. bag. Ou Reg. 26 IE o CINERARIA Cheerful daisy-lîke ffowers in speclacufar blue, puiple. pink or bronze shades make Ihis a great tongfasting gîft plant, n a m L ~ I fh I handcrafted wicker basket.fi C L D U Large papery leaves, either in whitee wit D C R EDFOR GIVING 4 9 green veins or pink, make t hs a sel L greaf longfasfmng gîf t plant. MUNS 6" potAN IDEAL GIT TeeheruChyahemarsueT LPto brighten your home. Loaded with white,DA F DL yellow or mauve longlasting flowers. çZ' -Y wîlLIa rS breat Ff0yor L 6"pot FOILED FOR GIVING 9 qq Bight yellow Daffodîls & colourtul Tulips home.SECIAL SPRUNG GARDEN 6" pot SPRINGTIME FRESH ses A bright coltlection of longlasfîng floweiing for a one f a kind Sprng Garden.~ PEACE LL 7» pot FOILED FOR GIVING 123 An easy to grow house plant whîch wîll_____ g à loomsporadically aI I year long and s'criTHAsi pro fusely in the Sprîng. il' LIE MA T AWASHINGTON Hugel10 pot. Our Reg. 24,99ea . GERANIUM Loaded with lovely pînk or purple flowers A A E wth delightful pansy-lîke faces Enîoy the A A E i flowers now indoors & then planft mLY Delighllul Azalea loaded wîf h double pink SL oulside in the warm weat ber oL blooms in a handcrafted bridalIAL .9 basket. Decorated for gîft gîving. Q1 8 6» po FOILED FOR GIVING Our Reg. 1499ea. O-0UR ENTIRE SELECTUONI BASKET WARE~ Beaufîfut Ratan woven baskets in U a wîde array of styles and sizes. à Choose f rom a huge selection of mufticotoured patterns, pastels& more! Our Reg. 29-29.99e MUALE PRICED PROM FRAGRANT GARDENSA Huge plants loeded wth buds and fragrant white blooms.. A great gift -that keepa on giving. 6* pot. mý*b1y\i HEAVY DUTY BLACK LANDSCAPEt EDGINà , Alweather edging cean be connected et iany lengf h. 40 deep x 20ft. long. (wth connector plug) il.98 DORMANT OIL SPRAY KITS The first & most important spray for fruit trees.* Kilts overwintering insects and disease. Kit contains 1 L. Lime Suiphur & 500ml. Dormant Oit Spray. It is s0 easy with Dia-a-Spray hose end sprayer! Our Reg. i 4.g9kit oeC0881 Our Reg. i 9.99ea. LAAAAAAAA~***~~ 1/2 "I. r~~- SO GREEN FERTILIZERS Hîgh ntrogen for quick green-Up. slow release ferfilizer wîf h no iller Wîf I nof burn. EXcellenf ferflzers for beaulîf ut green lawns 1 PREMUUM PLUS 21-7-7 Covers 9688 sq.ft. Large 18kg. bug. Our Reg. 29-99 WEED & FEED 21-7-7 Covers 8611 sq.ft. 18kg. bag. 2 Our Reg. 2624 34.99 ..... PREMUUM CRABORASS CONTROL 21-7-7 Covers 4306 uqAt. 9kg. bag. Our Reg. 374 44.99 ...3 OROW RION DAlL-A-SPRAY Expertly composted, rich organic sai amend- HO S END ment that turns deed solt into living fertile S PRA YER gardens. Now on ai a Suitable for ail types of sprays super 50% OFF! tromh fruit trees to weed killers. No OOe/eOORGANIC pre-mixing - Just set the dial. 8 8 Our Reg. il .9each. IOur Reg. * 8 3.99ea. ~ HUS 30L. Mon. ta Fr1. 9:008-. ta 9:OOP m. BAG r Set., Sun. & Holideys 900e m. to 6:00 CATTLE MANURE 18kg bag Nature's own fertilizer Adds ntrogen. phospherous. potassium & bene- fîcoal micro-organîsms Oui Reg 4 49.. PINE BARK 3 cu If Accent your landscaping and keep down weeds aîound rees and f lower beds wth aftractive pîne bark Our Reg f0 99 ... PEAT MOSS 4 cu fi Baie Add Io sandy solf foi bptter wafei retent ion and improves the fexture of clay soils Our Reg 10 99 ....... PRO-MIX 3 Cu ff Soi-iess professonal pianfîng i mm guaianteed weed fiee dsease fîci' & nsect-free Ouf Reg 16 99 ......... sui w - - - - - SALE 3 44 SALE- 788 SALE 888 1488 Ys %19 ROSSLAND RD. - oà Iz < HWY. 401 ~ WHITBY 1243 Dundas St E. W. of Thickson Rd. OSHAWA 300 Taunton Rd. E Ritson & Taunton SALE ENDS MARCH 31,1989 v M 1 mq 4 9MLY