PAGE 34, WI1TBY FRE PRES WEDNESDAY,, MARCH 1,.1989 BUILDINGS - Miscellaneous Build your business at home. The CLARION STONE INN. < Stock Clearance. We have a Hgh income-makîng strategies Niagara Falls, rated 4-star. Unique limited amount of steel Ieft over met hod. Write to TRANSMONDE Country Inn, since 1904. Bare from aur winter works program. 102 Despatie lie St. Jean Terre- bones winter package, $2llperscin, Save thousands while supply lasts bonne, Quebec, Canada J6W includes deluxe accommodatIon IV - PARAGON 1-800-263-8499, 24 5G8. and $10 food credit for use ln dining f. hours. B _____________- room or lounge- Reservations 1-800-263-8967. B FATOYPR-PRNGSle-GROW FOR ITI $$$ Rlaise -________ FACTRY RE-PRIN Sae -baltworms at home. Guaranteed Steel Buildings: Quonset 19x9)C26 market. Odorless. low Invesi- BONAIR R.V.'s& Trailers, Utilty, $2,099 wth endwaîls & sliding ment. We trainl Rpresentatives Hardtop, Tent, Travel & Park doors. Straîghtwall .40xl14x60 throughout Ontario. Earîy Bird models. Also awnings, Add-a- ý $8,899. Wood-steel - with end- Ecology (1975) 1 11 1# Smithviîle, rooms, Air-conditioners, Trailer- walls. Discounts on other models. ont. LOR 2A 0. (416)643-4251, Hitches & Accessories. New& Pioneer/Econospan. 1-800-668- (705)435-7463 Alliston A rea, (705 Used. Large selection, low prices. 5422 <24 hours). B 776-7084 North Bay Aren. E Royal Trailer& R.V. Centre Teviot- dale, Ont. (519)343-2123. B A-Z Pre-Eng. BUILDINGS. New types, steel & wood, quonset kRES bT R, gotel deli, ST. LAWRENCE RIVER CRUIS- cladding. For true value, action & bakey uchr.rcey u- ING. Join us this year for a won- answers (416)626-1794. Leave marine and pizza equipment for derful 3 or 5 night cruise aboard message or collect after 6 p.m. sale or lease. Arctic Re- Canada's elegant Canadian Em- weekends. Ask for Wally. Free frigeration Store Fixtures Est. press. Visit romantic cities, the brochures. B 1945. Hamilton (416)5288528, world-famous 1000 Islands, the ____________________ Toronto (416) 283-2600, Welland remarkabîe International Seaway CHLARLES ARNOLD, psychic and witch, will be (416)788-3433. B and locks, Upper Canada Village part of the psychic fair at the Oshawa Krnsmen ________________- and more. Dial-A-Brochure toll-free commnunity centre March 3, 4 and 5. SHOW SPECIAL. Steel build- 1-800-267-7868. B Tamara K. Downeo-Free Prose photo ings Ieft over from International___________ Machinery Show; diff erent sizes. START NOW! An exciting - C . First corne, first served. Hurry for career in fashion awaits you. Earn CANAL CRUISES on scenic C. a flautIS loretl oisL 1vIcn best selection. Cal 1-800- extra moneyl Meet new peoplel Trent-Severn Waterway and 668-8653. B Be independent. fs fun, easy and Rideau Canal aboard KA- d ___________________ profitable. Cali collect (416) WARTHA VOYAGEUR; private p y h c I .I 632-9090.- B staterooms; ail meals; free bro- aLt.Oshawa p y h ef n FACTORiY PRE-SPRING Sale- chure from Captain Marc, Box BTa r KDons ctntevyodhdtep1s- - Stee Buildngs:________540,_Pterborugh ____7H7._ Picture a goblet filled with the chic abilities that he seemed o. 19x9x26 $2,099 with endwalls W blood cf a Iamb, an altar, a Fie did not find any of it «out cf and sliding doors. Straightwall flive-pointed star and the strong the ordinary." 40X14x6O $8,899 wood-steel- FamIly Housekeepîng cottages scent of incense. Arnold's predictions for 1989 with endwalls. Discounts on other . on Boshkung Lake. Sandy beach, What cornes to mind? Maybe include bath geod and bad news: models. PIONEER ECONOSPAN boats, fishing, golf, tennis, shop- the setting of a witch ritual? 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). B . ping nearby. Hall price off season. Well, no. Such a description is - Ayatollali Khomaini will die, ___________________THE HOMESTEAD, Hwy 35, R.R. really the public's preconceived causing a civil war in Iran. lst& 2d's& 3d's#2, Minden, Ont. KOM 2K0 (705) idea of the practices cf 'Wicca' - George Bush will normalize -ls &2nds Sr's489250.B according to Charles Arnold relations between the U. S. and '~ atprie rte ___ Canada's most famous psychic Cuba. There will also be I >'<~~~~"-up to 90% financing- and witch, who will attend a atmt fassiain n f7/~~*Z TfOtIS-consolidation and problem SAETEWNE LE psychic fair at the Oshawa Kins- cuignuy >rasdah mortgages refinanced and rent our 22-foot motor home. men Centre the first weekend of - Canacta wi ll form a national Not only off-season rates but March. native police force. REGISTRATION: Whitby Tennis Cail: cash-back bonus as well. Phone An active witch, Arnold is a - Meech Lake will eventually Club - Monday, March 6, 1989, docka~tII. 666-3776. secretarial clerk at Humber Col- be amended and passed. 7:30 p.m., Whitney Hall, Iroquois IGlnè Thilie----- - - lege. - A Toronto policeman will die Park. No prier. registration, limited . ii-------- He says it's a lot of "tîme and in an ambush. Fîr of corn e lepsiios.'6 8-80 ener gy" working at the college - There will be a very quiet number ofehose egpstos. 668-6805_ COMMERCIAL and then between phone calîs to and private meve among several COnUIiU-n- ty PROPERT Y England, concerning the "religion major business leaders te deflate Pinaiola Ser'vices Corp. FOR SALE/RENT or philosphy" of Wicca, and er- the Toronto housing market. 965 Dundas St., W., Ste. 205, Whitby frrning readings, travelfing - Winnie Mandela will be world-wide te attend festivals arrested for murder. tTE- 700 SQUARE FEET of retail and gatberings. - A witch will win the right ta commercial space available im- Arnold estimates that he perform marriages in Ontario by ___________________ PRIVATE MORTGAGES - The seitl nt s peety pends $5,000 yearly, ("non- 1991. paetgoweyorbnsys roug hed in as hair salon, Please bles nhsproa Arnold aise performns tarot "no"l Anubis lnvestments (abovin cati Abe .Mrel.inWiî.owdîe car readins.-] Gardeners - Get the best'sel-ction that you thought werent u1 i- kept, Ai 5rnoul a ena Piaeyh sriigioe FEMALE working days wanted te and prices in Canada plus f ree worth advertising. high priest at the Tempnle of for the Turner's Syndrome share condominium. Must be clean shipping program. Buy from the Itm utçl o le atsbti re OSce and responsible. Send details in same source as local stores. Free * tmsmstslIfr ie Faths butalin oraer te o ey writing te: Mrs. A.M. Irvine, 552 catalogue. Western Water Farms, less than $50 resign. an.d sowson eeran raio Dundas St. East, #310, Whitby, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. - price must be Father cf a 16-year-old son by stations including the BBC in LiV 2J4. (R.N.'s and R.N.A. 's orn V6B3 3N9 (604)682-6636. B stated in ad bis first. marriage, Arnold i Britain and CFRB in Toronto. days welcome). - multiple item ads encouraging bis son ta become He bas aise gîven seminars at ______________________ nvolved with Wicca. the Pan-Pagan Festival, Goddess must total less Charles Arnold bas been a Gatbering and 'the Temple of NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old than $50 psycbic as far back be can EIder Faitbs. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL fashioned apples, pear, apricot, nut * Maximum 15 words remnember. His whole family was The psycbic show in Oshawa SERVICE? f se, advertise in our trees, shrubs, evergreens, somewhat involved with the will discuss the meaning cf Employ ment Wanted section af seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. * Prepaid development cf buman petential dreams, meditation, life after The Whitby Free Press. No job too Reasonable prices. Catalogue $1. * Cash or VISA on ly and intuition. death, etc. There will be free big or smalll CatI 668-6111 and Golden Bough Tree Farm. MarI-"Ihdbe praccîng frtolcue vr ora ela watch the business rail in. bank, Ont. KOK 2L0. No phone. B68 61i years before I knew anyone else palm readings and tarot card 668-111even knew about it," said Arnoeld. readings. Arnold wilI speak on ~.',~'.t',,',~ Fe was surprised to realize tbe bistcof Wicca. eté ùî . * f. I.'i' s .a*.44ê444444~