Whitby Free Press, 8 Feb 1989, p. 23

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WHMTY FPUE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1989, PAGE 23 Boy, tjxere's notbing like having y aur granddaughter turn five ta make you feel réel old. That's what bappened ta me this weekend. Jes bard enough ta accept that my cildren-are ne longer five, let alone accepting the fact that Jennifer is five. TMme sure do fiy when you!re waiting for Mie ta get interestingi Watcbing my daughter cope with her daughter from the lofty heights of wisdom, accumuleted over the vast spen of my years, I realize that, in spite of trying, I really don t know much mare than f did when my daughter was sfinail. Funny bow you imagine that, when the living from cisis cf your own children is pat, you will have semehow geined some secret- knewledge tbat you cen impert ta the younger generation. Funnier, still, is the fond thought that they will accept and aet on'this information. Every generation cf oldsters bas tried to pass on poarls of wisdom ta the younger one. Every generation of young ones has told them, in saine inenner or'other, ta stuff iti They, in turn bave tried ta pass on the "stuif-it" information on ta their progeny, only ta, be told ta Stuff it" themselves. Such is lité. That's wby, wben Jennifer spent 10 minutes applying bier niakeup from hier "Special makeup for pre-teens" kit, then wired herself for saund te a "My first Walkmnan" and boogied araund the bouse singing elong with "Winnie the Pooh," wearing that blank stare that ail children ado pt. who suddenly feel grown-up, I could eccept it with a knowingsmile; whereas, my daughte's lip began ta quiver, the tears began ta roîl and the sudden knowledgeý that bier daughter was growing up and notbing could stop it, sadly registered on bier niind and reflectôd in bier face. It was one cf the hardest lessons, parents leern - that children are for the now in our lives - that she learned yesterday. Watching ber learn it was harder than when JASI 1SE E by Lamna Miller IT A learning experience.qu 1 bad te ieern the same thing ail those years ago. But, 1 was given a lesson in humility too, when my daughter turned to me, clasped me in ber arms and said through ber tears, "Oh, Mom, rm 50o sorry for everything I put yeu tbrough when I was growing up. Please forgive me. I love you." Thank you, darling, it was worth every moment, good and bad. 000 The Brooklin Women's Institute will be meeting on Feb. 15 at the Brooklin Community Centre at 8:30 p.m., not on Feb. 1 as appeared in last week's issue. 00. The Bi hostng ýrooklin and District Kfinsmen Club will be many coming events in the Brooldin Ashburn wells may be surveyed PednWhitby council appro- val next - onday, the developer of a proposed 3§-lIoy subdivision in Ashburn will pay for a well water sampling survey in the hamiet. Council will express to the Ministry of Environment an interest in an application for funding assistance, under the direct grant program, for the upgrading of private wells in Ashbmafter previous indica- tiensof apparent contamination of the shall aquifer water supply. Should the Town receive word from the ministry that it is elig- ible for grants, the developer,' ýA.H. Bertrand Holdings Ltd, will, be reimbursed for the well water survey. If funding assis- tance is not available, the develo- per will bear. the cost of the survey.. Ministry assistance is avail- able only to municipalities, not individuals. Ashburn residents will also be informed, by letter, about the direct grant program under which a grant is available for 60 Myrtie news The UCW meeting bas been changed ta Tuesday, Feb. 14 at 8 p.m. at Myrtle United Church. At this meeting they will maldng plans for a craft shw ta be held this fali. They are asIng ail local people who bave a hobby that creates saleable artifacts to get in touch and rent tables for the show. CalI 655-4044 or Sorýja Graham at 655-4079 for information. Scrymgreou r FROM PAGE 22 cushion, and build the entire bouse around it. In the older homes creating atmosphere is the order of the day." There is ne lack cf ideas. lier store reflects ber exquisite tast ini the treasure-troive cf lovely things she bas gathered te put in it: hand-painted woodcrafts by Carole Kubien, from trunka te wail plaques; framed originals and prints by artist Carcle Black; dried flowers in bouquets or wreathes by Diane Rooney; Kennebuch woven afghans and beautifully refinished antiques by Doug Humpbr; stained glass reproductions byDoUly and George Ruddick fUxrdge. per cent cf an engineering study and costs cf upgrading a private well. Well owners would-pay the remainder. However, a planningstf report indicates thatte minis- try is considering a return to a grant level of 85 per cent cf the cost. "Planning staff view the possi- biiity cf a larger grant to be a critical factor in the ultimate success cf the program in the Ashburn situation,' states a planning report. "Clearly, the lerger the grant portion, the greater the incentive te, area residents with sballow wells te take advantage of the grant." The survey te be undertaken by the developer will sample at leqLst 75 per cent cf Ashburn's wells at Ieast once. If 25 per cent of the sempled wells are adversely affected, there is a chance te be included in the ministry prograîn. The survey is expected te take three week s and enalysis another four weeks. The direct grant program, if initiated, has a time limit cf two years in which 60 per cent grants are given to homeowners te drill deeper wells. However, participa- tion by property owners is volun- tary Te proposed subdivision was previously opposed by the minis- try because cf evidence cf well contamination. "I agree wholeheartedly with the report," said north ward councillor Ross Batten at Mon- day's planning committee during which th ipanning committee recommendations were approved. DECOR~' Personalized decor from entire homes to just room accents. Cail us for house design consultation $20.00 per hour.' 49 Bal1dwin St., Brooklin, Ont. We are your complète taste in home decor. NOW ON VIDÉO Let you control what you drink. For Cie ar, Fine drink ing water From only: $10.99 up Cail: 7675 Baldwin St., Brooklin, Ont. 655-4936 BROOKLIN Il 76 Baldwln St. Ftwy. 12 655-3306 MgWHITBY VIDEO Tl Marlgold Movies 185 Thlckson Rd. N. 434-6081 community.. This worthwhile non-profit organization prvdes many services ta the community such as: the Patcipark behind the BroIlin Library,, which was bufit and is maintained by the Kinsmen; the backstop at the grooklin arena basebail diamond; the bai diamond at the old sehool; the annual Christmas -Tea for seniors; sponsor local miner sports, and annual donors ta the Canadien Cystic FIbrosis Foundation. Their annual Monte Carlo dance. and elimination draw on Saturday, Feb. il is well worth attending. The dance starts at 8 p.m. with the first cf înany draws ta begin at 4 p.m. The final ticket will be drawn at midnight. Tickets are $5 per persan and are available at the Brooklin Legion, Brooklin Esso or b y calling 668-1579. ickets willi be available at the door, but those will not be eligible for the elimination draw. Se buy your tickets early and get in on the prizes! Feb. il is alsa the fourth annual Snow Bal Tournanient. This enticing event will be held at the Luther Vipond Memorial Arena basebali diaxnond. For teamn entries call: 668-1579. The Seniors' Valentine's Tea will be held on Sunday, Feb. 12, at 12:30 p.m. at the Brooklin Community Centre. Monday, Feb. 13, from 1 ta 4 p.m., they will hold the Kinsmen Annuel Skate-a-Thon at. Luther Vipond Memorial Arena. There wiil be great prizes for the kids! Children will be divided iîýo different age groups with a prize for the tap boy and girl in each group. Everyone gets a chance at a small portable TV te, be drawn et random from pledges received. Thanks to Charlie Mason, first vice-president, Brooklin and District Kinsmen, for this news. Boy, you guys sure are busy. Have a great time everybody!

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